Hot Back Has A Name

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*Hey guys! The first chapter isn't rly good but the story gets better!*


I WALKED BEHIND ELENA AND BONNIE listening music on my iPod, for some reason they stopped walking and I walked right into Bon Bon. "oh c'mon" I said rubbing my head

Then they started talking about a dudes back, so I got bored and went to Jeremy and his stoner friends. "heyy Rory, wassup?" Jer asked.

"not much, do you have something for me, I don't think imma survive this day" I sighed. He grabbed my wrist and took me to the men's room. He was about to take some drugs out of a pocket but Elena walked in. Furious.

"what are you guys doing" she yelled at us. She grabbed Jeremy's head and looked him in his eyes. "dude, calm down" he said, she then looked at my eyes. "I cannot believe this" she yelled with tears in her eyes.

She ran out of the bathroom and threw the door close with a loud bang. I looked at Jer and we couldn't resist but laugh hysterically for about 10 minutes.

Jer quickly gave me something and I got out of the men's room. I'll take this during lunch...

I decided to do what I should've done the moment I got here, I went to look for my best friend Lissa.

I send her a text and she said she was at the lockers, so that's where I went. A big smile grew on my face when I saw Lissa. Lissa was a little girl with dirty blonde hair, she was a tiny little bit overweight wich can make her insecure sometimes, she's honestly a beautyfull person, even if she doesn't see that all the time.

"hii" I hugged her. "so, wassup any gossips?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "something about a new guy, Elena and Bonnie call him hot back, I haven't seen his face tho".

"was it a hot back?" she asked, for some reason, she kept looking behind me.

"I dunno," I said, "my iPod was more interesting, I just know he had a leather jacket and sunglasses".

Someone tapped my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "hot back has a name you know".

My face turned bright red when I turned around. Hot Back was way taller than me, didn't wear glasses, and had a friendly smile.

"hi," he said.

"hi," he said

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"hi..." I said Low-key checking him out. "I'm Stefan, Salvatore," he said. I opened my mouth to answer but for some reason, I didn't say anything.

Lissa was suddenly gone, "and you are?...". Then I realized I didn't answer him.

"omg, I'm so sorry I'm... Uh... Aurora but please call me Rory... Umm... Gilbert". I laughed nervously.

Normally I wasn't nervous...

"so you are the hot back?" I asked, "turn around" I commanded, he did and I looked at his back.

He turned back around and I put my hand on my chin pretending to think.

"hmmm... I've better" I joked. "impossible" he frowned. We both laughed.

"anyways gotta go, math" I sighed. Just thinking about math gives me a headache.

"wait, Rory, how old are you?" he asked. "15, but I gotta go, see you around hot back".


After a few months making sure Elena wasn't Katherine, I decided that I wanted to meet her.

After talking to Rory I was a bit relieved, I hoped that Elena was as nice as Rory.

I didn't know Rory but I felt the need to protect her she was like a little sister that I've only known for 10 minutes...



FOR SOME REASON, I was at the grill right now with Elena's friends, without Elena...

Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, Caroline, and I were eating chips and playing some pool.

Matt is Elena's ex, and it was clear he didn't move on because he looked sad when he saw Elena and Stefan walk in together.

They came to us and Stefan introduced himself to everyone. He gave me a warm smile and then focused on Elena again, they were acting all lovey-dovey, disgusting.

After a long and boring talk about his parents and stuff, Caroline brought up the party.

"so Stefan, if you're new here, you don't know about the party tomorrow," Caroline said all flirty like.

"Are you coming ?" he asked Elena, how cute. "of course" Elena grinned.

"Heyy little one are you going?" Matt asked. I cringed at the name he gave me and then answered, "do not ever call me that again, and yeah duh, I never miss a party" I laugh, and Matt chuckles.

"really?" Elena asked annoyed at me for some reason. "this morning getting stoned in the men's room with Jer and now you go to a party full of drunks, come on!" she yelled.

"you need to chill yourself, I was not even stoned," I said, everyone was looking at me, of course, they believed Elena and not me.

"I need to chill my self? Is that stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool" Elena said, her voice was annoying as fuck at this point, my ears were bleeding.

"thanks" I smiled, trying to hide the fact that she just humiliated me, she walked away, I wasn't sure if she was crying or not. Stefan wasn't sure if he had to go after her but he stayed with us at the pool table.

"c'mon Rory, you know it's hard for her that her parents died," Caroline said, she looked so disappointed in me for no fucking reason, this has to be a joke, That was too much for me.

"no shit Caroline, I'm her fucking sister" no one knew what to say so I just walked away, I wanted to go home, the worse thing was that I liked Caroline, more than most of Elena's friends.

To my surprise, Stefan followed me outside. I ignored him and kept walking.

He turned me around so that I'd face him. "are you OK?" he asked. "go ask Elena like everyone does" I answered harshly, he honestly didn't deserve me being harsh to him.

"But I'm asking you, Rory are you OK?" I looked him in the eyes and wrapped my arms around myself.

"no, not at all" I answered, I did something I didn't do all summer. I cried.

Stefan wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest. It felt comforting. He rubbed my back and after some crying, I decided it was enough. "I gotta go" I quickly said.

A/n: hehe first chapter.

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