When your sad

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Me and Midoriya went to confront All Might. When I found out he was going to die soon I broke down in tears.

Y/n: W-What you can't leave me!

All Might: I-I know sweetie but that's what Sir Nighteye saw.

I went to hug him and still cried I looked at him and saw some tears fall down from his face.

Y/n: please don't go I don't want to be alone!

I cried even more and I think those words hit him because he hugged me tighter and more tears fell from his face.

All Might: I'm sorry


We went back to the dormitory and I locked myself in my room. Everyone saw and some came to knock on my door to check up on me but I didn't answer to know one. I started to get some messages to, it's was from Mirio. He was getting worried about me cause I haven't answered him.

I say like a hour passed when another knock was heard from my door.

Uraraka: (Y/n) you have a visitor

I didn't answer, I heard her sigh I then heard a familiar voice.

Mirio: Babe it's me Can I come in?

I still didn't answer, I heard him sigh and he open the door. He peeked his head In and saw me laying down in my bed with tears in my eyes. He dropped a bag and rushed towards me.

Mirio: (Y/n) whats wrong?!?

I ended up crying again and he hugged me tight calming me down. After a while I explained to him why I was like this. He placed me on his lap and started to hug my tighter. He started cheering me up a bit with some words.

Mirio: Just knows that Alright, please don't cry Princess it hurts me to see you like this.

He wiped my tears away and started to cuddle me. He went to grab the bag he brought and it was filled with candy and some soda.

Mirio: I knew something was up so I got you some things.

I kissed him and laid down on top of him. We ended up falling asleep in my room.

Y/n: I love you

Mirio: I love you too

Mirio Togata x Reader Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now