"Hey. Hey." He called loudly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just looking at the fruits your selling."

"Are you planning to steal from me?" The robust man asked angrily.

"Why would I do that?" Jimin questioned, trying to thin out his patience.

"You look like someone who would do such thing."

Jimin smirked, unimpressed. He was wearing presentable clothes and he swear, he looks like everybody else. That is why they despised humans, they tend to assume quickly without knowing the reasons and aren't considerable enough.

"I've lost interest." He plainly answered and walked away.

Jimin wasn't planning to steal the fruits for himself, he can survive without eating. Perhaps, he was planning to please the seller if he could give him fruits for free. One or two will do. He would give them to the homeless man he had seen a while ago at the streets.

He shouldn't have let his hopes high.

After some time, Jimin decided to walk away from the city to just wander around and look for a place to sleep since the sun began to set.

He had no money and he tried looking for jobs but all they could think of him is a weirdo. He knows nothing about Earth.

He was walking down the sidewalk when images started to appear. It's happening again. Jimin shut his eyes closed, trying to contain the unbearable pain in his head. It was fast and it circles around—like a flashback... a vision. He tried to keep his balance but all he could feel is the spiraling motion around him.

It's okay. It's okay. He whispered.

He was crouching down on his knees when it stopped. He was sweating profusely and his breathing was ragged, almost he can't catch up with it. This was the third time it happened and it was longer than before.

It was the same image—a woman.

Now, it's clearer.

Her long brown hair. Clear skin. Petite face. And her smile.

Sometimes, he believed he saw her somewhere else. He must be mistaken.

Jimin have no idea what these images are for. But he feels solely connected to her, whoever she is. He can feel her presence everywhere he goes. He had dreamt of her even though he hadn't seen her in person. As if, someone is telling him something he can't fully understand. That is why he began to search for her, even if it's impossible.

Jimin bored his head down and started walking, still bothered to this day. He let the cold night wind caress his face.

Only few weeks left, he will come back home. A little more.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Someone in a hurry apologized, trying to keep her track straight.

Jimin couldn't care less, he stayed unmoved.

There's a heavy thumped in his heart.

He walked further, unbothered.

Another thump.


Louder. Heavier.

Jimin swiftly gazed back to the woman who just strayed paths with him a while ago. He run to her, keeping a safe distance between them. Something doesn't feel right. He followed her quietly, only to see her up close. Something pushed him. His heart was beating so fast right now, but he must be mistaken.

The woman turned to the right, he followed.

Another turn.

Jimin come after her.

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