Chapter 16: Kiana's POV

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     After I had been alerted that Leah was at the event I ran to the red carpet to assess the situation. I honestly did not expect to walk out and see Autumn's headless body. I frantically tried to make sense of what had just happened as I ran to Autumns side. I held her body gently as I screamed for help while blood continues to pour from what used to be her head. I couldn't make sense of what had happened, it was as if everything began to move in slow motion. I began to sob uncontrollably for someone to help me despite knowing that there was nothing I could do to fix the situation. I knew that Autumn was gone, I couldn't believe that my baby girl had been taken from me in such a horrible way. I sobbed over her chest until the coroner came to remove her body. As I watched them cover and zip up her body, I realized that I had nothing left in this world to call my own.
       The guest continued to stand around in horror as pictures and videos began to roll out on social media platforms of what had just transpired. The picture that received the most attention was of me hovering and crying over a lifeless and headless Autumn captioned: An affair gone wrong. They had even included Madeline's name in the articles saying that the situation occurred at her 10-year anniversary celebration which in turn tarnished her brand. I came to realize that my name, brand, and life as I once knew it was over. Nobody would want to use my services when people were dying at the events that I ran. How would they trust me when my own girlfriend got killed on my watch. I also realized that nobody would want to fuck with me after seeing Autumn's headless body. Life had gone from great to the horrible in the blink of an eye.
When the ambulance arrived at the scene they transported Leah to the hospital. Apparently she had been shot at the scene and was in critical condition. The police began to question me and I ran them down on everything that had occurred lately including Leah's mental health issues. Apparently she would be put on life support and it was my decision on whether to pull the plug on her as I was still listed as an emergency contact. It was all too much for me to deal with at once. I questioned myself over and over on why Leah killed Autumn? I couldn't believe that my favorite person in the world had been ripped from me, while Leah had a chance of surviving in ICU. I couldn't believe the bunk ass story that Leah has given either. I knew it was her because the story contained details that only she knew. She was really out to take everything from me and she had succeeded.
     What Leah didn't know was that it was now time for me to take from her. The doctors hadn't realized that she had left the wrong bitch in charge of her health. I pretended to be sad to see her in her condition and demanded that they remove her from life support. I told them she would never want to live a life like this. They advised that I should take some time to think it over as it was a big decision to make. I declined and told them I knew what was best and that me and Leah had talked about this before. The nurse advised me that I would need to sign some paperwork allowing them to remove her from life support. I obliged and she was quickly removed.
     As they left the room, I walked up to Leah's bed and I could her struggling to continue breathing. I got closer to her ear and whispered, "You raggedy bitch, I hope that every single breath that you take hurts you to the core. You killed Autumn thinking you would have me not knowing that this would happen to you in return. I told you that Karma was a bitch and I can't wait to watch you take your last breath." I stood back and watched as she opened her mouth and whispered, "I thought you loved me ....? " right before she took her last breath. I began to cry hysterically how was this bitch even alive. I couldn't believe Autumn was gone as well as Leah. Yes, I hated Leah, and yes I wanted her to die but I didn't want to be the cause of her death nor have anything to do with it. At that moment I went numb as I realized that I truly had no one, not even her stupid ass. It was such a bittersweet moment but I couldn't live with her and I knew it would be best to live without her. The nurses came into the room to cover Autumn's body advising me that the coroner would be there to pick her up soon. I thanked them between my sobs and headed to my car. I needed to get myself the fuck away from dead people.
     On my way out the door, I saw Madeline's doctor friend, Ken. He was a guest at the party that she introduced me to advising me that he had seen a lot of the families that were apart of Madelines organization. I didn't get to spend much time talking to him due to the commotion at the party. He had apparently been labeled as the shooter of Leah and was also questioned. I was confused about why he showed up to an event with a loaded handgun so I went to discuss things with him.
     As I approached him I could see the concern on his face as he was responding to my teary eyes. He asked was I okay and if I needed him to call anyone for me. I thanked him for asking but broke down crying advising him that both Autumn and Leah were all I ever had in this world and that now that they were both gone I had nowhere to turn and no one to call. I advised him that I truly had no one and how fucked up everything was in my life due to both of their deaths. He consoled me and asked me to get a bite to eat to get my mind off things. I accepted. I mean couldn't go back home where I would spend the night having flashbacks between Autumn and Leah and I had no one else to get my mind off things. We headed off to the diner across the street from the hotel. As we ate, Ken gave me his version of events. I asked him why did he have a gun on him and asked how he was able to get it through security, he told me that he always open carried and that I looked like I needed some rest. I still couldn't believe that he had killed Leah and as we left he offered to take me home. I was so tired and vulnerable I didn't even put up a fight.
    When we arrived to my house he helped me get my things ready for a shower, I even let him stay and watch me fall asleep as I couldn't deal with the thoughts of being alone in this house after everything that had happened. When I awoke to bad dreams that night he was there to console me. He was hard to resist. I mean he was good looking, gentle, and paid. I needed to feel something so I reached in to kiss him. To my surprise he kissed me back. I then reached for his dick, he had yet to me decline again. I hadn't been with a man in 7 years and I needed to feel something different in my life at this moment before I lost my mind. I spread myself open and allowed him to enter me. He gasped as he made his way in, I could see in his eyes that he was in love with the feeling that my pussy gave him. He kissed me slowly and tenderly as tears poured from my eyes while stroking me slowly. It felt so fucking good that I completely forgot about everything that happened. He rocked my body until I quivered as the sun came up. His powerful body on top of mine was what I needed in that moment to keep my composure and I thanked him for that. It was all in the way he showed my body compassion. I even let him finish inside me and when I finished he held me gently but possessively as if he didn't want anything to happen to me until I fell asleep.
      When I opened my eyes the next morning. I realized that I had lost my girlfriend, ex-best friend, and fell for someone else on the same day. Only I could experience some sick shit like this and live to tell you how it all went down. Ken was someone who I thought was perfect for me, but he turned out to be my worst nightmare.

Thank you guys for reading Book 1: I Thought You Loved Me.

Be sure to stay tuned for Book 2: What Is Love? Which will detail Kiana's poor history with love and how Ken turned out to be her worst nightmare.

RIP to Autumn & Leah

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