Chapter 14: Kiana's POV

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I can't say I was shocked, I was more so irritated that this raggedy-ass bitch had broken another window. I mean I knew she would be back again but I just didn't think it would be this soon. All I wanted to do was enjoy my night with Autumn and here we go again, another round of bullshit with Leah! When I finally looked her stupid ass over I noticed that she had a black eye and that her face and neck were severely bruised. I laughed inside, somebody had finally been kicking her ass. The bitch deserved that and more, and Karma was a bitch. I had to admit that she looked even worse than she did after we beat her ass, I could tell that she was going through it but I didn't give a fuck. I hoped she felt stupid as fuck for even thinking she could come to us for any fucking thing. This bitch was a nut. How you go from running into our shit wanting to fight to breaking into our bedroom crying and apologizing. She made me fucking sick.
     Autumn began to laugh at Leah's cries for help. She drew her gun closer to her face, and before I could say anything she pulled the trigger, but... she fucking missed! She shot right through the broken window just intending to scare Leah. How pussy! Why the fuck would she not jus shoot the Bitch? Who the fuck shoots to scare someone who broke in their house? I mean I know that's what you are supposed to do but c'mon Autumn, seriously? I was pissed because I really wanted her to kill Leah's ass, I wanted the bitch gone and I couldn't have Leah's blood on my hands. What really caught me off guard was the fact that Leah continued to cry and plead that we help her apology after apology as she dropped to her knees and crawled near us. This bitch was putting on such a show. I was unsure of what new bullshit she would try to pull, so I cocked my gun back and told her to back the fuck up as her crying turned to sobs. She continued with her shit and it dawned on me, the bitch was a liar and a snake. As she reached out towards me, I became enraged. I had enough of her bullshit to last me a lifetime. I yelled, "Jump or Die!" as I smacked the gun to the side of her head and if you guessed it, you were right, this stupid bitch jumped out the window and took off running without a word. All we heard was her hit the trash can and her ass taking off.
Autumn stood there speechless and in shock. I didn't know what she was standing there looking fucking shocked for. She should've just killed her ass. She had her chance and she blew it. So here we were again, dealing with more bullshit involving Leah's raggedy ass. Except this time it made my nerves even worse because it was the night before my big event. I couldn't keep it together anymore. I broke down crying and fell to the ground. Autumn looked at me in confusion. "What's wrong baby?" I sobbed, "I'm just so tired of the bullshit that's been going on and I'm tired of living every day looking over my shoulder. Tomorrow is my biggest event and I can't even keep the shit around my house in order. What the fuck man I'm just tired of her shit"
      Autumn grabbed my face and responded, "That bitch don't stop shit, she lucky, the only reason I didn't kill her dumb ass, is because I didn't want any bad publicity before your event!" as she kissed me. I knew she wanted me to believe that but Leah was an animal and only I knew what she was capable of and although I wanted her to be, Autumn was not about that life.
    We decided against calling another emergency repair company for our bedroom window. Instead I called security who advised me that they would patrol the area until someone arrived in the morning to repair it. He said that it would be a while as they were putting out a fire that had just occurred at the opposite end of the community. What a fucking night, at least my house wasn't on fire I thought. We quickly patched up the window to keep out the breeze until we were able to get it repaired, grabbed our things, and headed to get a hotel room. I just needed to get some rest before my big day.
       We checked in to a hotel close to the venue so we didn't risk any additional drama before the event. Autumn had been silent since we left the house. I could tell that she was disturbed by seeing Leah. But I didn't want to press her to talk to me so I gave her some time to clear her mind. When I got out of the shower and walked into the room Autumn had fallen asleep, and I couldn't wait to join her, but unfortunately I knew that wouldn't be anytime soon. I paced the room and checked the blinds at least 46 times. I just couldn't help but think that Leah was somewhere near. I still couldn't believe the bitch had jumped through my bedroom window and I was happy that Autumn and I were safe. I finally calmed myself down after 2 hours. It was nearly 1 am before I was able to close my eyes. I just needed to make it through the next 24 hours drama free.

The Big Day

I could believe that the day was finally here. We got up and decided to order breakfast instead of going out as we didn't want to risk any extra bullshit. Leah was suspended and fired before I could tell her about the event so I wasn't worried about her showing up. I was worried about her finding the hotel, or seeing us together on our way to the event looking good as fuck and try to intercept with her hating ass. Thank goodness we were across the street from the venue. You just never knew with her and I had my guard up. I couldn't believe this was all because I tried to be a good friend to her. Even though deep down inside I wanted to kill her, I don't think that I could ever do it no matter how crazy she got.

   I went to get a flower from the gift shop at the hotel. I had to get autumn cheered up fast and this would be right on time. When I came in she was still in bed. I walked over to her with orange juice and the flower and tapped her gently. She opened her eyes and smiled, "Good Morning Baby, you always seem to amaze me. What did I do to deserve breakfast in bed and flowers?" I told her I wanted to cheer her up after everything that had happened last night and that I want us to start her day off by letting her know that I loved her. She smiled and asked did we have time for sex? I looked at the clock and it was 7:52 am I had to be at the venue at 8:30 am. I frowned and shook my head no, I told her I would make it up to her later and ran to get cleaned up and dressed as she ate. I sat her clothes out once I was finished and looked at myself in the mirror. I added a little edge control and tied my scarf for the next 15 minutes while I watched Autumn eat her breakfast. She was so sexy and she had begun to tease me. As time went on she removed more and more of her clothes until I was forced to lick her pussy for 5 minutes longer than I had to spare. I wanted her to have all of me but I had to get to the money. I rushed to the bathroom to clean up my face. When I finished I came out to kiss her goodbye. I told her I'd meet her at the gates when she arrived reminding her that the event started at 12 so she wouldn't be late. She told me that she loved me and that she was so proud of me. She said she couldn't wait to show me how proud of me that she truly was, with her sexy ass smirk. The best part about all of it was that I couldn't wait for her to tell everyone that she was my girlfriend because I was glad to represent her. I hurried to the venue to get my staff debriefed on our plan and to begin our walkthrough.
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Would Kiana and Autumn get to enjoy the special day?

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