Chapter 1: Kiana's POV

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Autumn and I were laying in bed naked, snuggled into each other with our crusty eyes and morning breath when I received a phone call on my business line. I glanced at my Apple Watch and realized that it was 8 am and wondered who it could be. The phone call shocked the hell out of us as I had just gotten my business line up and running the day before and financially things had been tight between the two of us. We were in need of a serious financial miracle if we were going to survive as a couple and if I was going to make payroll for my employees. I could see the excitement and eagerness on Autumn's face for me to take my first business call as she wanted so badly to see me succeed. I quickly answered and was advised that I speaking with Madeline Jones, the founder of one of my favorite organizations: Bringing Black Families Back Together. My jaw dropped as I have not only admired her for what she does/did for the community but because I have also attended her events yearly since first being introduced to them. I honestly did not care what she asked of me my answer was going to be yes because I knew that she could put my business on the map.
To my surprise, Madeline asked me if my company was available to assist with the security at her organizations 10th year anniversary. I myself was already excited to attend the anniversary event so I was elated to accept her as my first client. With the most sincere words she said, "Black women need to support other black women in business". She obviously didn't know that that I was sort of a superfan of hers. I held my composure throughout the call, remained professional, and provided her with my contact information and advised her that my team would be in touch soon. We ended the call and I looked at Autumn and screamed, "Babyyyyy we about to get BIG fuckingggg money. Madeline Jones, thee Madeline Jones, just called me and wants me to provide security for 1,000 people at her 10th-year anniversary event". Autumn jumped on top of me with that look in her eyes and began to kiss me, money made her little ass horny and I knew that she wanted a taste of this cookie.
            She was such a scary-ass girl when I met her. We were both 21 and My Oh My had she turned into the freak of the week 5 years later. She does things with her mouth that I have never experienced before, and it turns me the fuck on that she loves to feel me pour into her as I reached my peak. We were bonded by trust, love, and amazing sex and she enjoyed giving just as much as she enjoyed receiving. Whenever I got her a gift or did something that she approved of, she rewarded me in ecstasy. My body was hers and she knew it.
After our shower I prepared to get my head ready for the day. She rolled a blunt while I did my morning yoga in the living room. I was lowkey hoping that she walked in to see me in Downward-Facing Dog and want another taste of this cookie. Today was one of those days where I just felt like fucking. But to my surprise she missed most of the yoga show I intended to put on for her. She brought me the blunt and I headed into my office to work on getting Madeline and her show secured. I could not believe that she had just called me on my business line to book me of all people. I wondered how she got my number or what she thought of me as a black woman as she mentioned that was her reason for supporting me. Regardless I was appreciative of her thinking and choosing me and I was gonna execute this flawlessly.
I made a call to my assistant/best friend Leah, who was on the verge of getting her ass fired for her stank ass attitude. To be fair she was also sick of worrying about me making payroll. But to counter that bullshit, I have never missed a pay period or cut checks short so the bitch had no reason to be mad. Now that I had an opportunity to make some shit shake for me and everyone around me I had to check her fucking temperature. She answered irritated, "Hell-O". I said kindly, "Good Morning Leah, I'm not in the mood for your stank ass attitude, get it together, or find another job *click*". I called Autumn into the room to talk to her about Leah and her behavior unsure if I was wanting to continue on with her as my assistant. I didn't necessarily want to fire her but the bitch couldn't be my assistant acting unprofessional.
Autumn came in, "What's up babe? What's wrong, you seem upset ?" As soon as I mentioned Leah's name, Autumn rolled her eyes. She knows how Leah is being that Leah has been around me since the beginning of our relationship. I could see she was holding back from what she really wanted to say so I told her to spit it out. She said that she has always thought that Leah had a crush on me and that Leah gave me attitude too much for that not to be the case. Autumn was far from a jealous woman she knew her place in my life, where she stood, and how much she mattered to me so for her to say this, it caught me off guard. Plus, she liked to do that trick with her tongue that I could never get away from.
Autumn jumped into my face with her sexy ass smirk and asked did I want her to beat Leah's ass. I laughed pulling her in for a kiss and told her I didn't want to see her pretty face fighting and that I would handle it. She gave me that same sexy I want to feel you up ass smirk from this morning, but I quickly brushed her off demanding that she wait until I was finished with work. She left out of my office pissy, ass bouncing, eye-rolling, and talking under her breath slamming the bedroom door once she made it there. I know her and she was only being dramatic so I would come in and give in to her freaky sexual needs but I refused, I had to stay focused on securing this bag. I was tired of being on her knuckles and more money meant that I would get more sex from her so I ignored her little tantrum. There would be more where that came from.

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