Chapter 12: Autumn's POV

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Kianna and I had been having the time of our lives over the past few days. I couldn't believe that she brought out all our old games and tricks, she even cooked me breakfast. After we finished of course we fucked and got dressed. Today is the day that I get my stitches out and tomorrow is the big event. I am so excited because I was able to get my stitches out. I didn't want to show up to her first event with a line of stitches down my cheek. The good thing is that I can move my cheek around a little better. It's still tight but it does have a little more give to it. Kianna yelled from the shower, "You almost ready baby? " I smiled, "I'm ready, you the one in the shower." She turned the water off and exited the tub. As she dried herself off I stared at her beautiful naked body, how did I get so lucky? I thought to myself. I wanted her to buss that pussy that across my face one more time. But we had to hurry up so we could get to the doctor's office, we were already running late.

I can't lie, I was super nervous to get the stitches out because I thought I would feel a lot of pain or discomfort but to my surprise it sort of felt like a slight tug for a few seconds and they were out. Kiana held my hand the entire, she was is fucking perfect, she knows I'm a big baby especially when it comes to shit like this. When the stitches were removed I smiled hard as hell and Baby took me to get some ice cream to celebrate. We played arcade games at the ice cream parlor and shared a banana split. We talked about how our battle wounds were healing up well and how the only reminder we had of the bullshit were the stitches in my face and now that they were gone it was time to get it on and poppin' on. Kiana took pictures of me all day and told me how beautiful I was and how happy she was to see that I was happy again. She even bought me a ring pop out of the gas station to be cute when we stopped to get gas, talking about "Bae you gone marry me today or nah?" I laughed she knew I couldn't wait for the day. It was the little things like this that made me smile. I loved being around her. There was nothing more in this world that made me happier than being with Kiana. Nobody could ever give me the feeling that she gave me, as she always tells me, "This is what it's about." I finally understood what she meant in saying that to me because it was exactly how I felt right today.

When we pulled up to the house I told her that we needed to get out things together for the big day tomorrow. She walked out of the closet with a lilac off the shoulder sundress with matching stilettos to wear to the 10-year anniversary celebration. I screamed, "Baby Oh My God! I fucking love it, I'm about to try it on hold on. I threw my clothes off and pulled the dress over my head. She started walking around me smiling and said, "Yo ass look, fat Baby, I love this dress on you *Kisses Autumn*. I was so happy because she knew exactly what to get me, her gifts were always right on time. I was gonna run to the store later to find something but my baby always saves the day. I honestly couldn't wait to be on her arm tomorrow showing her support at her first event. I had really been hoping that there would be a photographer there, I had a friend who told me that if I could get a good picture of Kiana and Madeline she would post an article on her business page that she used to engage others in supporting black businesses. If I could do that for my baby imagine the level of freak I could tap into. After trying on the dress and flaunting around the house in the mirrors I took off the dress to steam and hang it up. I was beginning to feel like my old self again.

We cooked dinner together and listened to our favorite CD: Shea Butter Baby and when we were finished, I decided that I wanted to give Kiana her gift. Before all the madness had begun I ordered her a customized picture that contained the first business proposal that she had ever written. It was big enough for her to put it in her office on the wall. I had been hiding it in the basement waiting for the perfect moment and this was it. I only hid it down there I knew she would never go down so when I asked her to go to the basement with me and she looked at me suspiciously, "Baby are you tryna get me to help you clean ?" I responded, "No baby, I got something for you just come on." I pulled her down the steps little a little kid waiting to show their parent their first creation. When we got to the bottom. I turned on the lights and told her to turn around as I dragged the picture out from the guest room. I screamed surprise baby and she turned around and laughed, "What is it baby? A picture ?" As she walked closer and closer to the picture and began to recognize the words, she knew that they were her own. She jumped up and kissed me and hugged me and told me it was the best gift that she had ever received before. She took her phone out and handed it to me, "Take my picture man, this shit crazy, Baby I love it so fucking much" as she smiled. "Give me a kiss man". I flicked my tongue on her lips and grabbed her up and told her I was ready to be rewarded.

We went from the counter to the table, to the edge of the couch, to the floor. I wanted it all, I wanted to feel her love. She kissed me passionately between sucking on my breast and then I heard a loud bang and glass shatter coming from our bedroom. It scared the fucked out of us. We both ran to the closet to get our guns, we weren't playing these games anymore, not with bitches like Leah on the prowl. I swore to myself if the bitch ever tried to run into my house again like she owned this bitch, it would be the last of her. I let the bitch slide the first time with an ass whooping, but this time she wasn't leaving my house without a bullet in her brain. The alarm system began to blare, if we didn't enter the code within the next 45 seconds the police would be alerted and en route. We walked towards our bedrooms in unison and there stood Leah, ugly as can be. I drew my gun closer to my face ready to blow her brains off when Kiana yelled, "What the fuck are you doing in here you crazy ass bitch?"

I couldn't believe this raggedy, buss down ass bitch was in my here violating me and mines again, and do you know this bitch had the nerve to start crying and pleading asking us to help her. I died fucking laughing, she was about to meet her maker today. I removed my safety and pulled the trigger...

What just happened ? .....
Is Leah dead?

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