Chapter 4: Project Remove Autumn From The Fucking Picture

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      I know this bitch didn't just email me and tell me that I was suspended for a week. I just know I didn't read this pussy ass email from her. A real bitch would never, she could've called me to say that shit and because she didn't I'm on my way to her house to check her ass. How the fuck you gone call yourself my best friend and then suspend me bitch? I was so enraged at the thought of not seeing her for a week I grabbed the keys to my Jeep and headed out to check a bitch.
           As I drove to her house, I noticed my tank was on E. So I stopped to get gas. As I walked in to pay and buy me a pickle to calm my nerves, I saw the finest mothafucka I had ever seen in my life buying a pack of blunts.
          I needed him to notice without me first approaching him, so of course I dropped my pickle on purpose to see if that would get his attention. I pretended as if I was going to get it and lo and behold he grabbed it placing it back into my hand with a smile.
           His pearly white teeth caught me in a daze, & he had clearly just gotten a haircut,  shout the fuck out to his barber who had him looking every bit of fuckable with that crispy ass drop fade. I thought to myself fuck the bullshit, where his bitch at, and can she fight? I closed my hand to take the pickle and smiled, "Thank you handsome, I guess chivalry isn't dead. Yo girl know you in here picking up pickles for random bitches?" I chuckled and so did he before he replied, "You funny, and nah my baby I ain't got no girl. I just moved here from Miami. What about you? Your man know you in here dropping pickles waiting for niggas like me to swoop in and save the day?" It was my time to pay so I played it cool. I didn't want to seem like a thirsty bitch. I replied, "I don't have a man, it's fuck niggas, get money season! Lemme get $60 on pump 12". Before I could hand over the cash. Mr. Pickle man had already paid for my shit. "So what you think I'm gone fuck you cause you paid for my gas?" He laughed even harder this time "Nah my baby that shit don't mean shit, what's $60 to a nigga like me". He walked out and left the store.
            Now this Nigga know he had me enticed! I couldn't believe he had just walked away from me before I could tell my name. I came off too aggressive, and that usually scares these niggas away. I played it cool and headed to my Jeep to pump my gas. I could tell that he was looking to see what vehicle I was heading to, men are so fucking nosey! Yeah nigga this my Lil Rubicon. As he saw me approach my Jeep he began to pull out of the gas station. But in order to leave he had to pass me. He stopped in front of my truck and said, "You never told me your name?" "Aleah" I responded. "My baby Aleah, being that we both single, lemme get your number?" "I don't even know your name Sir, how many kids you got? How many baby mamas? do you live with your mama?" He laughed and replied, "David, and no my baby I don't have any kids, I ain't found a bitch worthy enough to carry my seed and no I don't stay with my fucking mama. I see you used to these lame-ass sell you a dream ass niggas". I liked his energy so I gave him my number. He smiled told me he would hit me later and he sped off bumping Sada Baby's - AKD 5V5 Ted. I love me a nigga who fuck with Sada.
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           I didn't forget about me making my way to Kiana house, she still had another thing coming if she thought she was gone play me. But I will admit David fine ass was on my mind. Usually niggas don't get me going but it was something about his smile and responses to me chastising him that made me want more. I was lowkey upset that he didn't text me right away to lock my number in, you know how them thirsty niggas do. The ones who get your number and call you nonstop like they ain't never had a lick of pussy. He was far from the type and I knew he probably wasn't gonna text my ass until tonight and I became okay with that, I shifted my focus in on Kiana.
          I pulled up to her house hoping Autumn was home, I needed her to see this show I was about to put on. It was time to cut the fuck up! Right before I got out I grabbed my taser from the compartment. I knocked on the door and to my astonishment Autumn answered in a white crop top trimmed in red with her nipples piercing through, of course, the bitch had on the matching G string. I hated this bitch for shit like this. I thought to myself, why the fuck don't you have any clothes on? She knew what she was doing, she wanted me to see that she looked better than me and that she had just got done being fucked. This bitch knew I had a flat ass and little titties, so this was how she chose to flex! I'll admit it her body was amazing but her face had nothing on mine! I realized in that moment that Kiana had never looked at me in the way in which she looks at Autumn and she never would. Nobody wants a flat booty bitch. I peeped this bitch from head to toe and decided at that moment it was time to kick her mothafuckin ass. P
       Before she could get a word out I slapped the fuck outta her for fucking MY girl this morning and answering the door like she knew she was the shit. I could smell the sex in the air. I was enraged. I charged her and bit her on her cheek. We'll see if Kiana wanna look at your face with my teeth marks engrained bitch!! She screamed for Kiana as I choked her to the ground. "Why you keep playing with me bitch? *SLAP* Why the fuck do you keep playing with me? *SLAP* Kiana ran in the room and tackled me. "What the fuck is wrong with you Leah, are you fucking kidding me?? Get the fuck out bitch you threw!". I wanted her to hit me so I could beat her ass too. I was so enraged that she took this bitch side over mines, I spit Autumn's blood in Kiana's face. "Fuck that bitch & you can get the fuck off me, ima kill her ass cause she keep fucking playing with me".
           Autumn still had her dumb naked ass on the ground recovering from the bitch slaps that I had just given her. Blood poured from her face as she attempted to charge me. I kicked her karate style in the stomach causing her to fall down again. I kept screaming, "Ima kill you bitch!". Before I could charge Autumn again, Kiana punched me dead in my jaw nearly causing me blackout. Oh this bitch was mad mad that poor little Autumn was getting her ass handed to her. I stumbled and removed the taser from my back pocket. Kiana could hit me all she wanted it was already clear that she has chosen this bitch over me and I was gonna have the last laugh. I charged Autumn again with the taser place it right on top of her fresh leaky wound and tased the fuck outta her dumb ass. She screamed for Kiana to help and get me off her.
          By this time security had been called to their property, and were knocking on the door. Kiana yelled for me to stop but I didn't I was too far past gone to stop anything. She knew once I was there, there was no stopping me. I slammed Autumn's head against the wall causing the bitch to pass out. I celebrated with a smile and a chuckle,  although I didn't kill her ass I know she felt close to death after my ass whooping. I bent down with the taser in hand to laugh in her face, the last thing I remember was Kiana kicking me in in my jaw, this time she succeeded and put my ass straight to sleep. I woke up a few moments later with my jaw feeling all sorts of fucked up. I think this bitch shattered my jaw. Security had made it into the home as I stumbled up looking for my taser.
           I blacked out and screamed at security as I zapped the taser, " I dare you, bitches, to touch me, I ain't finished with her ass". I charged Autumn one final time, as I tased her again in the face Kiana grabbed me by my hair from the back, slammed me to the ground, and stepped on my throat with her motherfucking foot. As she attempted to hold me down I laughed, "You don't mean this Kiana. You remembered what happened that one night...". Before I could continue she crushed my larynx causing my airway to close. I gasped as I could feel that my breathing was being constricted. That was the last thing I remember before I woke up in a hospital bed realizing that I had just had a tracheotomy.
           I could hear the nurses talking over the monitors, "She's been out for 2 days, can you believe her best friend beat her ass like this?" BEAT MY ASS?? Did these bitch ass nurses not know that I did the ass whooping? She only got me because she stepped on my throat. As soon as I get out of here I'm slapping both of them bitches for talking shit about me like I can't hear. "I think she's up now" whispered the fat nurse bitch to the other". "Hi Sweetie, can you squeeze my hand? As she began to check my vitals. I looked at both them bitches and gave them two middle fingers, them hoes was lucky I couldn't talk because I would've ate they ass up today.
           I guess the nurse bitches were offended maybe even startled. They probably thought I would be all sappy and shit about my current situation. But I wasn't. I was gonna get Kiana to forgive me and love me again and I was still going to kill Autumn if it was the last thing I did. I thought about how good I would pop these nurses once I could get out of bed. I couldn't wait to push the fat bitch down and slap the other one.
         The doctor walked in and told me that they would have to perform surgery to repair my larynx and once it was completed I could have the trachea removed. He also advised that my jaw had been shattered and they performed that surgery during day 1. They were waiting for my jaw to heal before they attempted to repair my larynx. I grabbed my phone to type a message to the doctor as I couldn't speak, I asked did I have any visitors, he said, no. He could tell I was getting upset and advised they would give me something to calm me down as he patted my legs. I looked at him with the most ugly face I could muster because don't touch me, bitch. You hoes up in here judging me but don't even know the half. He advised me that the larynx repair surgery was scheduled in two hours. I nodded to advise I understood.
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I awoke from surgery still unable to do shit. I couldn't believe that Kiana hadn't come to visit me after she put me in this predicament. I wasn't mad. I was hurt and my heartfelt sore. I needed her to just be there. I didn't care that she hurt me I still wanted her around. I thought me and her were forever. I thought it was bro's over hoes. I guess I was wrong, all I could think to myself was how the fuck did I fall so hard for my best friend? She literally kicked me to the curb without a response, she didn't even check on me!
           I decided to try to login to my work systems as it was the only connection I knew I would have to her. As I attempted to login I realized that my access had been revoked. I couldn't believe it. She can't be that mad over Autumn. When I got out I was going straight to the office. I paid for all that shit that she has, and It's not over until I say it's the fuck over. I decided to check my email since Kiana was feeling so pussy she couldn't address me face to face. Do you know this bitch emailed me
Dear Leah,
        As the CEO of Elite Security I have made the executive decision to pursue other options in regard to your employment status. You will not be returning to my office. You are no longer an employee nor are you affiliated with Elite Security. Elite Security has obtained a restraining order effective immediately. If you are seen on campus the authorities will be alerted. Please find the attached restraining order for further instructions.
                   Kiana, CEO of Elite Security

I was enraged. The bitch has sent the email the same day we had fought. She was such a pussy she could never face me, but My dumb ass still wanted her. I know I could get crazy but I would never act that way towards her. The only reason it got brought out was because she has been rejecting me and pretending like she doesn't know how I feel about her. She nearly killed me stepping on my larynx all because she didn't want her bitch Autumn to find out that we fucked. Yeah I said it. She licked me I licked her more than once, shit more than twice. I shouldn't have ever given her a taste of me she didn't deserve it, she been treating me like I was a bunk pussy bitch ever since. She can't pretend like it didn't happen and like she wasn't tryna get with me before Autumn. I laid there pissed, I hated how quick she could take me out my element.
Meanwhile, David had sent me 4 text messages in 2 days. "Was good my baby?"
"Can I take you out tonight to dinner?"
"Damn you just not gone respond my baby? I thought we hit it off?"
I wanted to get my mind off Kiana so badly that I responded with the quickness. "Sorry for the delays Big Daddy, I have been under the weather. I admire your persistence tho" sending the purple devil emoji. "I'd love to get together, give me a few days to get my shit together & I'm all yours *wink*". I put the phone down, closed my eyes, and fell asleep. Since the bitch fired me I would now have to use this nigga to hold me over until I get my shit back on track. Smmfh!

I Thought You Loved MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora