Chapter 60 | Dear Brutus

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This time, Lorenzo did reach for him, running gentle fingers through Alessandro's hair until he finally looked up again. "That was horrible," he whispered.

"You shouldn't have had to see this. All that death –"

"You see that every day. You work every day to make it better. You – you're pretty amazing, you know that?"

Lorenzo nudged Alessandro's legs apart so he could stand between them, taking his face in both of his hands. "I didn't mean that, though."

For a moment, his eyes turned haunted again. Alessandro couldn't imagine what strength it had taken him to help Laelia with the boy through all that horror and fear. "When he... he just shot you. And we were all so far away and you weren't moving and –" He choked up. "God, Alessandro, you could've died."

Alessandro didn't reply, just allowed himself to close his eyes for a moment and focus on Lorenzo's fingers mapping out his face. He was so tired.

"You did keep the beard," Lorenzo grinned, but his voice was still thick with emotion. "Is that an invitation then?"

"No time for shaving."

Lorenzo clicked his tongue. "Try again."

"I was working."

"On your excuse?" There was a stubborn little grin tugging at Lorenzo's lips Alessandro wished to kiss so badly.

Lorenzo's smile widened as if he had read Alessandro's thoughts – he was uncomfortably good at that – and slowly pushed Alessandro back until he hit the low back pillows of the settee, half laying, half sitting.

Leaning over him with an amused twinkle in his eyes, Lorenzo steadied himself with one hand against the backrest, brushing the other up Alessandro's neck, fingers grazing his jaw. His smile widened when he could feel Alessandro's breath jump at the featherlight caress. "Are we a bit shy?"

"I have no idea what you're implying." Alessandro's voice betrayed him, far too rough and deep for his indifferent expression.

Lorenzo just laughed and kissed him.

Alessandro let himself get lost in the slow brush of lips, the world fading away around them, Alessandro suddenly overwhelmed by all the little things -- Lorenzo's thumb ghosting back and forth over his cheek, his hair falling down and tickling Alessandro's temple, the low sound against his lips when Alessandro settled his hands on Lorenzo's waist.

When Lorenzo nipped at his lower lip and pulled away, Alessandro's eyes fluttered open, only to fall shut again when the other traced his jaw with kisses, tipping Alessandro's head back until he could reach his neck.

Alessandro didn't want to open his eyes ever again, just float in this golden dream until everything was over. Lorenzo felt like a warm sunrise, soft clouds brushed with pale gold, the warmth of the first sunrays seeping into cold skin, a blushing sky filling with light.

Lorenzo hummed against his skin, careful to not leave any bruises – even when the graze of teeth against Alessandro's neck had his heart hammering faster, chuckling when Alessandro's fingers tightened on his back in response to him nibbling on his stammering pulse.

The soft curls tickling Alessandro's nose smelled like raspberry, the playful, feminine scent harshly contrasting the strong hand holding Alessandro in place, the firm muscles shifting under his fingers. Alessandro loved it.

His head fell back further when Lorenzo focused on that spot, tongue teasing until Alessandro failed to suppress the airy sounds falling from his lips any longer. The smile against his neck was far too smug.

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