Chapter 42 | Trust and Treason

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They were on their way out when Giacinto practically fell through the front gate. He laughed about himself, drenching the air with the heavy, half rotten smell of wine as he staggered and swayed to an inaudible rhythm. His arm was wrapped loosely around a wide hipped woman. For no apparent reason, she was giggling like a five year old.

Alessandro's lips twitched down in annoyed disapproval.

How did he get himself wasted this fast? The man could barely stand, more hanging onto his companion than anything else. Given Giacinto's usual gracefulness and balance -- he had easily walked up and down on the balcony's rail while ranting about bankers -- that was alarming.

Giacinto waved a hand in front of Alessandro's face. Alessandro blinked, quickly biting back a speech about just how foolish wandering the streets in this state was. He had been almost killed just a day ago. Did he not learn anything --

"Cloud-head!" Giacinto snapped his fingers at Alessandro. "I asked where you're going."

"For a walk," Alessandro said. "Maybe we should take Laelia." He cast a dark glance at the woman.

Giacinto's eyes sharpened dangerously for a second. The sneer on his lips was a sad, dull red, tainted with wine and confusion. "I wouldn't miss her."

Even drunk, Giacinto was almost impossible to read. But Alessandro didn't need to see anything to know that was a lie.

"You won't have time to," the woman purred, a greedy hand splayed over Giacinto's chest.

Did she have no shame? In broad daylight? In front of two strangers? Alessandro shook his head. Not his business.

The woman misread Alessandro's dark frown. "You can join, handsome, " she simpered, batting her eyelashes far too quickly.

"Do you have something in your eye?" Alessandro asked.

Lorenzo snorted. "Our cue to leave." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Churches to visit, witches to save."

Damned. Alessandro had lied on purpose. He wanted to trust Giacinto. But he couldn't risk it. Not now. Not this. He sighed. He should've told Lorenzo. Whatever. That woman would keep the Greek busy anyways.

"Do I hear wedding bells?" Giacinto grinned, almost tripping over his own feet as he shifted.

Lorenzo managed to choke on nothing.

"If you do, I recommend consulting a medic about these hallucinations," Alessandro said flatly.

"You'll hear so much more than bells--" The woman started, plastering herself onto Giacinto. "I'll--"

Alessandro grabbed Lorenzo's arm and dragged him off before he'd throw up. Good Lord. Mercy.

"His taste is getting worse," Lorenzo tried not to laugh as they stepped outside, bright sunlight catching in his eyes as he grinned at Alessandro.

"It was good once?" If she tied her breasts up even further they'd squeeze her chin. If he noticed anyone's bosom, it had to be painfully overdone.

Lorenzo cackled, jogging to catch up with him. "Bad mood, hm?" Then his smile fell. "It's not because of earlier, is it?"

"Not at all. I'm... relieved. In a way... I suppose I needed it," Alessandro said. He was surprised to realize he was actually glad. "I'm just not looking forward to seeing this witch."

"If you'd feel better if I accompanied you... I can still cancel--"

Alessandro shook his head firmly. "You've done more than enough."

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