Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I Couldn't Even Sleep last night. I Saw that Stella girl kiss jaden. Why is there always someone or something blocking me from getting Jaden? She isn't going to stop me, I didn't travel all this way to get stopped! I'll Think of a plan to get her out of the movie and away from jaden you just watch and see. This will all work out in my favor because I took a picture of Stella kissing him, i'll send it to justice and tell him to use it at just the right time. This is amazing. I thought as I laughed.


1 Week Later.

"Omg, Stop " I Laughed Uncontrollably.

" No, Nope, Hell No " Willow Giggled.

" Am G- Going To, Hi-t You HA-Rd " I notified her.

Why was she doing this to me? the worst thing anyone could do to a person. No-one would want this to happen to them. This was my weakness since I was little. The Tickle Monster.

Willow was on top of me siting on my stomach tickling my side and neck. I don't know why she's doing this I only threw Ice, Trail mix, Cookies, & cereal at her When she came out of the bathroom. Some of the Trail mix was still in her hair.

" PUH-Lease, g-get off-f Me-e " I shouted.

" Okay, But I hate you " She laughed coming off my stomach.

" Thank You " I said still laughing. " and you have alttle of trail mix there " I said motioning to her whole head.

She just gave me the stank eye, while trying to get it out her hair.

" I love you " I smiled showing my teeth.

She laughed. " Whatever "

" So.. me and jaden are suppose to be skyping  tonight " I smiled.

" Not such a good idea, since justice is coming over.. "

" Why? "

" I Don't Know, To Hang I Guess" She Laughed.

So Yeah, We're Friends Now. He still tries to play with me but it's nothing serious I think. he makes me and willow laugh so he cool.

"OK " I said getting my laptop out, Then Signing Into Skype.

Jaden was probably waiting on me since he was already online. I clicked on his name pressing the video call button. The Video started to buffer. Then the screen was filled with a smiling jaden. He had a close up you could of saw his beauty mark. Once again he was shirtless, just how I liked it.

" Babe " He finally said.

" Babe " I replied smiling.

" You Look Cute " He said staring intensely into the web cam.

" You too "

" I really Miss you and your kisses. " He told me.

" Oh, Really? " I asked cocking my eyebrows

" Yes Really " He said laughing. " I can't wait till I get back, cause When I Do your body is gonna be all mine. " he continued

" You Always say that, but I have to agree to it " I laughed.

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