Chapter 26 (PART TWO)

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Chapter 26 ( Part Two )


Death is a distant rumor to the young.  ~Andrew A. Rooney

That should have been me. That should have been me. I thought to myself. The tears began to roll down my face again as it did constantly for the pass six hours.

Why couldn't it have been me? I deserved this not her. I was the horrible, person not her. 

My head was placed in the palm of my hand as my elbow rested on my knee as I just stared at the plain white hospital walls for hours. I was in my own little world, It seemed like I was the only person in the room.

When i entered the hospital's waiting room six hours ago at exactly 12:09 am- Everything to me was moving in slow motion. Everywhere I looked I saw people either crying or just sitting around - doctors and nurses running around in a hectic manner.

As My family and I approached Erin's Mom I wanted to break down right then and there. She looked at the ground while pacing around even though there was three empty chairs in the front off her. She looked hopeless and broken. 

When We got closer, She looked up and realized it was us. I looked into her eye and saw that they were red and puffy. The tears were still streaming down here face as I looked at her and she looked at me. I Walked over to her and hugged her so tight.

We both knew that we were both feeling the same pain, but hers was alot worst. Tears drained down my face as I cried silently. I could feel her shaking because of how scared she probably was. "        She's gonna be fine " I whispered to her. She replied with a little nod. I didn't pull away for what felt like more than half an hour.

I took one of the vacant seats across from willow, whose head was in her lap. I could tell she was crying by the sniffs I heard. My parents continued to stand, they kept their distance from us because they knew what we were going through.

I looked over to Juanita again and saw her mumbling to herself, she was probably praying for the best - something we all should be doing right now. So I began to pray. I prayed to God to help me out of this situation, because only through him i'll get through this.

Six hours later am still here in my sitting position staring at a wall and constantly praying in my head.   The hospital was getting even more crazy when I started to see flashes, I turned to see where they were coming from. 

The paparazzi .

These people have no lives, my family is hurting right now and they want to take pictures? fucking pictures? I tried to remain calm. The security pushed them out of the building,  thank God.

I went back to staring at the plain white wall, then I stared  at the white and blue tiles on the floor. This hospital felt cold. I saw children from my school including Jacob and justice enter the hospital they probably just heard what happened.

An hour later the doctor finally came out. He was going to tell us of the surgery that Erin was rushed in was a success or a she - . I cringed at the thought. The doctor stood in the front of Juanita. Every ones gaze was put on him. I turned in my seat hoping everything was alright. 

I couldnt hear their conversation but I read his lips, I only caught the last part. ' didn't make it ' . I knew it was true because juanita fainted. That was the moment everyone knew.

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