Chapter 25 (PART ONE)

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Please dont hate me for this chapter.

Chapter 25 ( PART ONE )


" are you coming tonight? " I talked into the phone. 

" I am so sorry hunny, but I couldnt get out of New York " The mans voice filled the phone. He didnt really sound like he was sorry, he actually sounded alittle upset. I didnt feel like asking him what was up. 

Other girls would cry hard if there father did that to them, but am not like other girls, am already use to being disappointed. My dad probably showed up to less than 5 of my Plays and musical recitals that i did over the many years and trust me their was alot. 

Atleast he was still here with me. I could of had two dead parents instead of one. I was grateful that I had my dad even though he wasnt there all the time he still cared. 

My mom died 5 months after I was born. my mom was a survivor of cancer 2 years before I was born, the cancer came back 2 months after I was born. I remember nothing about her. All I have is pictures of her and the stories my dad told me when I was younger.

My mom was a beautiful woman with huge brown eyes and a huge smile, Which I inherited. my dad told me her heart was bigger than all too, I guess I missed out on that. 

I am a manipulating bitch, people dont have to tell me that. I know. It's not all my fault, My dad always told me to " Never stop pursuing what I want because If I work hard enough I'll achieve it ". Chasing this boy was probably not what he intended this statement to be used for but he did say " What I WANT "

and I want Jaden.

I applied my red lips stick then rolled bought of my lips together. I examined the makeup that was done by the makeup artist. I looked amazing, my makeup was soft. My hair sat on the top of my hair in a bun. You could really see the shape of my face now. 

I fatted out my dress and felt the silk texture under my fingers. My dress was a halter top silk red dress that stopped just above my knees in the front and was touching the ground in the back. My dad's assistant really did a good job of picking this dress. I wanted to look good tonight seeing as its gonna be the night I get Jaden. Officially. Forever.





" Yes, after much persuading he agreed to come " I grinned.

" thank God, because all this needs to stop " Justice spoke.

" He didn't fully believe me, but he did when he remember stuff that happened weeks months back." I continued. " He's gonna show up at the party. "

" I have a quick question, how are we gonna get into the party? " Justice said putting emphasis on ' we ' . " We are almost there and were not apart of the movie or staff soo..." He trailed off.

" I know someone whose working in the kitchen, we'll just enter through the back door. " I spoke. 

" well you just have everything down. dont chu' ? " Justice laughed. 

I joined in the laughter. " We have too " .

" So whats gonna happen between you and Zendaya after this? " Justice asked.

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