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You know its been a long time when you barely remember your plot haha-

Well, I have no excuse other than writer's block and just general laziness. I'm sorry for the long wait?? I know I say this every time but I'll t r y to write more. However, laziness is an incurable disease so.... :)

I should read back and like refamiliarize myself with the plot but all my past chapters are disgusting and make me want to projectile vomit. I really want to rewrite everything, but again, laziness.

Uh warning(?) theres some cursing in this chapter


Jiwon had thought that the last time he'd be chained up was when he was mistaken for a serial killer. Long story short, the police drawing of the serial killer was "strangely similar" to his face and he had "no alibi" at the time of the recent murder.

Fortunately for him, another murder was reported whilst Jiwon was getting arrested so he was released and simply monitored. At least then he had had a small, pity stroke of luck. There was no way Jiwon could get out of this one, his bad luck terminated or not.

The cart jolted as it rolled over the unsteady road. It was being pulled by a pair of large wolves that panted with every step they took but never slowed down. Inside the cart was a cage. And inside that cage was a small dryad clinging to the bars for dear life.

'This is a bit overkill,' Adriel complained to his system. 'I was born like... a day ago. Does he really think I can run away or fight back? Even if dryads are born mostly mature that doesn't mean I've learned how to defend myself! Hell, I spent my first hours crying! Crying! Crying and laughing and dancing and basically being coddled by the entirety of the dryad species. And not only that but he is a monster. An absolute beast. A dryad would not be able and has not been able to defeat him. The cage is so unnecessary. And he didn't stop at the cage, no! He even chained me up and then attached the chain to the cage with his superpowers or whatever. Why is he so paranoid?! I am a fetus. A small baby child. What the f-'

[Host... please calm down... (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)]

'Don't tell me to calm down- we have been travelling for days. Weeks maybe. I have been shoved into a tiny cage and bound so excessively that I couldn't even scratch my nose if I wanted to. I thought I was supposed to be special goods. Important, rare commodities. Other big words. I thought I'd be treated like a princess! But that man throws me onto a rickety cart so unsteady just watching it could give you motion sickness and treats me like trash! Like I'm his property! I mean, sure, I didn't really expect to get the princess treatment but I expected some level of comfort! How does he expect to get some gains out of me if I die on the travel to who the fuck knows where! Worst of all, they don't feed me!' If Adriel was being entirely honest, his real complaints weren't as heavy as he had made them to be. He was just bored and wanted to whine.

[Er... hyung... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ dryads don't need food to survive...]

'Sure, but just surviving is not enough! I have to more than survive Earless!!'

The cart bumped along as the outwardly silent Adriel bickered with his system. Thankfully, they soon arrived and Adriel was freed and untied from his confines.

"Thank wood... I was going stir-crazy in there!" Adriel grumbled to himself and he stretched.

[Thank... wood? δ('д`; )]

'I was trying to come up with a dryad related version of 'Thank God' but it didn't work out too well.'

[I see... 「(゚ペ)]

"Come with me." The bane of Adriel's sore spine spoke up, grabbing the chain that was left around his neck. He yanked it forward and gestured to the dryad to keep moving. And of course Adriel complied.

"Where are we going exactly?" Adriel asked after a long silence hung heavy in the air for a while. They had been walking in complete silence for some time.

"A library." The man replied simply.

"Hah?!" Did he live in a library?!

Im tired as h e c k but i wanted to finish this so sorry if the ending is wonky or rushed!! I wanted to get something updated at least. Maybe ill post again soon?? Hopefully???

Thank you for waiting for so long.

- tater tot owo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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