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R o a r guess who's back, back again? Tell your friends. Sorry for the late upload lmao- if you couldn't tell by now, I'm a bad author lol

But p.s. two friends of mine and I (me and two friends??) are planning on writing a rebirthstory together??? :000 stay tuned for news I guess

P.s. I am kinda tired and dying whole writing this soo expect p bad writing... but I felt bad for such a long wait and I felt motivated so yeet


Sniff. Sniff.

Adriel finally finished crying, his eyes red and swollen. His nose was bright red and his cheeks were shiny with tears. In short, he wasn't lookin' so good.

"Are you okay now?" A dryad asked timidly, scared to set him off again. He nodded, and wiped his face with a handful of tissues.

The younger dryad let go of him and patted his head, ruffling his hair a bit. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Adriel shook his head. If he did, he would have had to explain his whole reincarnation mumbo jumbo, and he wasn't sure if that was allowed, or if they would even understand. In any case, Adriel didn't like talking about his "feelings" anyway.

Emmie nodded understandingly and patted his head as well. "Little one, if you wish, we could have a small party... every time a new dryad joins us, we like to celebrate. And this occasion, if nothing else, especially deserves a celebration." All the other dryads perked up and nodded furiously at this.

Adriel shrugged. "Okay."

In an instant, a couple of dryads lifted him up and placed him onto their shoulders, running towards a small clearing in the woods. A cheer rose up as the others followed them, and more and more dryads seemed to appear, joining in in the festivities.

Quite shocked, (s h o o k) Adriel could only grasp onto the two dryads that were carrying him. They soon reached the grove, where another handful of dryads were waiting. On the ground, many blankets and mats had already been laid out, and the two dryads gently set Adriel down on the most colorful one.

Dryads filled every corner of the grove, all laughing and jubilant. Music and laughter filled the air, as well as the smell of food. Somehow, even with the overwhelming amount of people in one area, it didn't feel cramped. Instead, Adriel felt cozy, like he was snuggled with friends on a couch.

Soon, many acts were taking place; turns out dryads could get powers too. Dragons made out of both fire and water weaved through the air, playfully roaring at what seemed to be dryad children. They squealed delightedly at the dragons and reached out to try and grab them or pet them. But no matter how enticing the other acts were, Adriel was the main attraction.

Many stopped by Adriel to gift him food, trinkets, flower crowns, and to introduce themselves. In a surprisingly short time, he was surrounded by many gifts of flowers and pretty leaves, and covered from head to toe in some sort of flower accessory. On his wrists and fingers were bracelets and rings made of miscellaneous nature related items. The food he had already eaten, and was feeling quite full.

The system who had been watching the festivities in wonder finally spoke up. [Hyung!! This is so pretty and lively! ●◇●]

Adriel smiled and chuckled a bit. 'Yeah. They're quite friendly.' In fact, this was the greatest amount of people that had ever liked him. (Did that make sense at all???)

[Uwah, Hyung is covered in so many flowers! It looks like you're wearing them as clothes! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)]

He laughed again. 'That would be kind of risque, don't you think?' Adriel continued to chat with his system, a comfortable smile brightening his face.

Seeing the male so happy, the other dryads were ecstatic, and the celebration only heightened. Emmie felt relieved, and motioned for the magic-able dryads to start up the display again; Adriel seemed to enjoy them the most.

Sure enough, the male dryad's face brightened up once more, watching the show with rapt attention. He looked especially beautiful with the immense amounts of flowers covering him, and this sight only brought everyone into higher spirits.

The forest was alight with merriment and joy for a long time, commemorating the addition of a new dryad, and the gift of a male dryad.

However, all this exhilaration reached far and wide across the world, sparking the interest of many. Why were the dryads so pleased today? What had happened? Unfortunately for the dryads, this attention wasn't exactly the good kind.

It was the attention of the Rosciu clan.

Aka the clan of the male lead.


Owo whats this? A cliffhanger???? Don't worry, I actually feel motivated so the next chapter should be out soon. I put emphasis on "should" and "soon."

P.s. y'all dont know, but whenever I write chapters for anything, I like never edit??? As soon as I'm dome writing a chapter I upload it. Sometimes I do a minor skim but thats it lol-

The reason I'm telling you this is that if you see any mistakes, please tell me!! I probably won't fix them soon, but I will eventually, and that will be a major help. Thanks!!


- 감자

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