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Hello this dumb nugget got sick again ahahaha- I think I'm ok now though, but I spent all of lunar new year dying T_T and my gluttonous self only ate porridge, curry, and bread!!! Im suffering-

Btw, Happy belated Lunar New Year guys! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!! Year of the pig oink oink-

P.s. that song up there is so nice to listen to >_> ㅠㅡㅠ I recommend the 8D version too-


Ah fuck.

Adriel has forgotten about the ML! Earless had said that the ML killed the original Adriel while out hunting, so it must've been the celebration that drew him out!

Originally, there must have still been a celebration, as it was still a male dryad that had fallen! The loud festivities must have drawn the attention of the ML, making him come out to hunt, ultimately killing the former host.

'Earless, why didn't you mention this before?!' Adriel screamed in his head, quickly standing up as the footsteps drew closer.

[ㅠ~ㅠ it's not Earless' fault, hyung! I was going to tell you if the party actually happened, but when it did you were so sad and then so happy so I didn't want to ruin it...]

'...' Adriel thought for a moment, trying to come up with a rebuttal to the system's innocent statement. '...so are you saying it's my fault?'

[óAò That's not what I meant host! ㅠㅡㅠ]

'Whatever, tell me what to do!! I'm not going to die at the hands of a ML again!' The magic-able dryads were already prepared for attack, whorls of defensive and offensive magic obediently waiting beside them.

[>_<;; This system can only suggest trying to convince the male lead not to kill you. This system is incompetent! OTL (இ﹏இ'。) (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)]

Ignoring the spam of crying emoticons in his head, Adriel quickly tried to come up with reasons and excuses. He was in the middle of fleshing out his best excuse so far, when the hunt began.

[Here I got distracted by music sorry y'all oof]

Wolves darted out from the dark, tackling the nearest dryad to the ground and proceeding to tear them to shreds. Instead of red blood, from the dryads' wounds poured a greenish liquid. Screams and cries filled the air, as well as the sound of wood snapping; some dryads tried to turn into their tree forms to escape. The younger ones weren't so lucky, and could only either let themselves be killed or cower behind an adult.

What was strange was that instead of leaving the dead dryads, the wolves proceeded to cover their bodies in as much of the green liquid as possible, and consumed the dryads in large swallows. In addition, not one wolf stepped close to Adriel, leaving him to tremble in fear on his bed of flowers.

Finally, Adriel felt the presence of someone behind him. He quickly turned around to see the glint of a blade, and the tall figure of a man.

[Meet the ML, hyung.]

Well, there was no time for Adriel to introduce himself as the man quickly swiped his sword in an arc motion, aiming to kill him, or at least severely injure.

"W-wait wait!" Adriel yelped, and scurried out of the way. The blade just missed him, and only left a scratch down the side of his arm. The scratch was bearable, more bearable than death at least, so Adriel dismissed the pain and dodged another swing. Another scratch joined the first, this time on his thigh.

"Wait! Don't kill me, please," Adriel pleaded. "I'm useful!" He just blurted out the first excuse that came to mind.

To his surprise, the man paused. He still looked ready to decapitate him, but remained motionless for now. "How so?" There was a spark of interest in his gaze.

Adriel blanked for a moment, not believing that the ML actually stopped.

Not hearing a response, the man snorted, and the interest faded and was replaced once more with coldness. He moved to strike again.

"Ack-" This time, the strike hit Adriel in the chest, cutting open his robe-thing and staining it with green. "Waitwaitwait- I'm serious, please listen! I'm very useful!"

"Yes, you are."

Adriel perked up.

"Which is precisely why I am going to kill you, and harvest the spoils."

"...." Blacklining, Adriel dodged another slice, albeit slightly slower due to his injuries. He earned himself another wound. "That's not what I meant! I'm useful, but not now!" He spoke quickly to not lose the attention of the man.

"If you kill me now, you'll only gain the same spoils as every other dryad. If you could not tell, I'm a male dryad! We're very rare, and if raised to maturity, we can give a lot more precious and rare spoils in addition to the normal ones!" Adriel tried to speak like a car salesman. "It's a very good deal, I assure you!"

[//smacks roof of Adriel in Korean]

This seemed to convince the man somewhat, and he paused to consider it. Waiting anxiously, Adriel pressed on his wounds and tried to stop the bleeding all while trying to seem like a good deal.

"Fine. You'll come with me for now, and I'll see if your information is accurate. If it's not, you'll be joining the rest of your forest in death." The man said harshly, and sheathed his sword.

Adriel started praying that the information Earless gave him was accurate for once.

[Σ(T□T) Host you're too mean!]


Uwuwuuwu heres the second chapter like I promised! Now back to irregularly scheduled programming!

But I will try to update on a more frequent schedule, and give you guys more to chew on each chapter.

But, for now, this is goodbye!! ♡♡

P.s. pls help me with names I suck at giving characters names :') ML is still stuck as "the man", "the male lead", and "the ML". Oof.

새해 복 많이 받으세요 여러분!!! ♡♡

- 졸려은 감자  눈ㅡ눈

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