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H e l l o- its been like ten thousand years I know- but like after the audition happened, I got s m a c k e d with a whole week of tests, a midterm, an essay, and then a project on friday. Then the following week was the continuation of the project, more tests, etc etc. Then the past week was personal stuff, some tests, and the marking period ending... to sum it all up, I suddenly got very busy.

Oh, and, I was kind of sick for the past two or three days rip- It was like the universe said "no, you can't update you arsewipe" But I am back!!! So thats good and fun and fresh- this chapter is going to be slightly short because I want to get it out fast to let y'all know that I'm alive. But I'm working on a second chapter right after so don't y'all worry!! Two chapters plus a gift as an apology for being gone for so long.

Read 'til the end for the gift!! Now onto the actual chapter!

P.s. please read/watch/listen to Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/ Mo Dao Zhu Shi!!!! That up there is a song that shows the story a bit, so if you watch and are interested, please read/watch/listen!!! The songs produced by MDZ are so good :') (also listen to Drunken Dreams of a Past Life, Inquiry, and Unspeakable Yearn if you can!! They're all amazing.)


A man sat in a slightly dim room, his eyes staring out of the window in front of him. He seemed to be deep in thought.

The view out of the window was of the forest, shimmering with light and celebration. Music could be faintly heard through the closed window, and the man's fingers twitched as if wanting to shut the window tighter.

Creaking followed the sound of muffled footsteps as the door opened, and an informant entered the room.

The man didn't look back. "Speak.

Not daring to hesitate, the informant replied, "Young master, it appears that the dryads are celebrating a new addition."

"Although dryads are dying out, that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to be this excited." The man tapped a finger on the glass.

"Well... the new addition appears to be a male dryad sir." This made the man pause, and he finally looked back.

"A male dryad, you say?"

"Yes, young master."

The man got up, and drew the curtains closed. "Call the Idhers. Tell them that we're going hunting."

"Yes, sir."


Dusk was approaching, but the festivities of the forest didn't seem close to finished. The youngest dryads were still running around, shrieking with laughter and having the time of their lives. They didn't seem the slightest bit tired.

Adriel, on the other hand, was nodding off. He was tired; he was so happy to the point of exhaustion. Flowers made a nice cushion and blanket (double use!) so it was even easier for him to sleep. Just as Adriel was about to fall asleep, he recieved an alert:

[Hyung, the ML is approaching!]

That woke up Adriel in an instant. And, as if on cue, the growling of wolves and the sound of footsteps came from all around them, seemingly louder than all of the music.

Like a phone dying in the middle of a video, all of the music, laughter, and voices came to an abrupt stop. No one ever came to the forest, except for to hunt and kill, and the tension rose rapidly.

The footsteps of both wolves and humans was getting louder, accentuated by howling. Then, all sound ceased.

[Hyung, the ML is here.]


OwO you've made it to the end! I was actually planning to write this different, like completely different, but it ended up like this ahah. That's how most of my writing goes, though, so I'm not surprised. I was planning to reveal ML's name, but I didn't think it was time and I didn't have a good one yet. Any ideas y'all?

Also, more on GDC, I've read it since the 2nd translating group was retranslating and was on like chapter... 10 or so, and I've watched it become more and more popular and loved (outside of Asia) and I'm :'))) they even got a donghua (anime) and I'm so proud :')) there's a live action and audio drama too!!! Like its grown so much and it's such a great story and deserves all the love it has gotten here.

The author in general is just amazing at writing, and you should check out the other works (Heaven's Official Blessing and uhh I'm having a brainfart rn but I'll put it in the comments when I remember)

Y'all probably already know GDC/MDZ but yknow, spreading the word just in case.

Enough of me rambling though!!! Onto the gift!

A very messy sketch of bby Adriel :') I changed his hair because I hated the first hairstyle- it was ew and my art style was ew

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A very messy sketch of bby Adriel :') I changed his hair because I hated the first hairstyle- it was ew and my art style was ew

He's so cute I can't- all protags gotta be cute/good looking ;))) jk but yknow I love cliches slekakskek also I just like drawing good looking things ngl- although like 93% of it turns out bad

Again, enough of me rambling again oof- its like 2 am and my eyes are tired but I was determined to finish this ahah

Bye y'all! See you soon in the next chapter, and sorry for the long wait!

- potato uwu

Why Is It Always Me!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ