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Hi uh- I suddenly felt motivate and now here I am :D

I'm surprised that people are actually reading this- actually not really lmao; I too search the ends of the earth for transmigration novels.

Anyways, on to the story I suppose? I'm surprised y'all enjoy this smh

Im dying my friend called me right as I was about to start smh this is gonna take longer sorry guys lmao

Also beware of cursing! Just in case u don't like it.


"Nothing will go wrong he said. Everything is fine, he said." Jiwon grumbled to himself, pouting in a corner of the same, small room from before.

[Host.... ;w; Earless is so sorry...]

"Oh no, no, its fine. It's toootally fine." Jiwon said through gritted teeth. "Its not like dying twice is a terrible experience, Earless!"

[Earless is so sorry hyung... (இ﹏இ'。)]

Jiwon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Fine. Just explain what happened, please?"

[Yes host!]

~~ Earlier ~~

After getting coffee and running a couple errands for the others, Jiwon was back in his cozy little office space. With nothing to do. So you could say he was bored out od him mind.

'Earlesssss.... is there anything to do?" He sighed, leaning on one hand, slumped over.

[Unfortunately not, host. Former Jiwon kept up very well on his work! ⊙0⊙ As a result, you have nothing you need to do!]

"Urgh. Great." Jiwon was actually wishing for paperwork to do now. It was better than sitting here like an idiot, twiddling his thumbs.

After about a half hour of trying to fall asleep, failing, and then swallowing some more Energy Revive pills (doing nothing was surprisingly draining), he got an alert from his system.

[Uwah! Hyung! Park Sojoon has arrived on this floor! I think he is coming for your office!; ̄ロ ̄)( ̄□ ̄;]

'Ack- thanks for the alert Earless.' Jiwon rushed to make himself look presentable and like he was totally doing work just a minute ago.

Right on cue, Park Sojoon burst into his office. "Chae Jiwon!"

He sweatdropped. "Y-yes?"

Sojoon suddenly leaned over the desk and grabbed his hands, intertwining their fingers.

Jiwon: ????

"Chae Jiwon! I know all about your feelings for Soyeon!"

"A-ah... look, I'm not trying to steal her away or anything-"

"I admire you very much! It is so sweet how you simply try to help her and leave our relationship alone! You're such a saint! In fact, I think I even love you now!" Sojoon was spitting out nonsense after nonsense.

"Wait what-"

"Please marry me Jiwon! We'll have a great life and lots of sex!"


"Not so fast, asshole!" Again, someone else burst into his office. This time it was Park Soyeon!


"Soyeon! Perfect timing! Will you come to our wedding?" Sojoon smiled brightly.

Soyeon scoffed. "You're not marrying him! You're marrying me!"

"What? Who said! You need consent to marry someone!" Said Sojoon, who had already decided to marry Jiwon without his say in the matter.

"Oi, you hypocrite, listen up-"

"But we were destined to be together Park Sojoon!" Soyeon cut Jiwon off. "It's in the very wiring of this world! In its code! It's our fate!"

"Nah, Imma marry this guy right here. You seem like a bitch tbh."

"YOU'RE MINE! AND THAT'S FINAL!" Seeming to have had enough, Soyeon pulled out a gun from seemingly nowhere.


"Wait, Soyeon, are you going to shoot me so that no one can have me??" Sojoon wrinkled his nose at such a cliche end.

"No." She moved the gun. "I'm killing him."


Chae Jiwon's Status: Very confused and dead once again.


(Jiwon sighed and ran a hand through his hand. "Fine. Just explain what happened, please?"

[Yes host!])

[You see host, that world had a slight.... malfunction. Imagine that world as a computer game. Games have coding, as you know. That "coding" in this world got messed up, and viruses and jumbled coding ran rampant. Earless apologizes to host a thousand times over!!! Orz Orz Orz Orz]

Jiwon sighed again and pouted. "That wasn't fun Earless! I was barely in that world for 24 hours! And everything was so confusing! No wonder everything was so... unordinary!"

[Earless is sorry... ╥﹏╥]

He shuffled around for a bit before deciding to sit criss cross applesauce. "So... do I get any compensation?"

[Ah!! Yes you do host! (ノ^o^)ノ(≧∇≦*)(๑✧∀✧๑)(*≧∀≦*)(★^O^★)]

Too- many- emoticons-

[Hyung gets a new, free tutorial world! Without any repercussions of course.]


[Usually when hosts fail, they are punished with loss of points, harder worlds, death, etc. But because of this event which was not your fault, we are giving you a new, no repercussion world!]


[And uh... (;´∀`) ah! Hyung gets the new world with the same "code" as the last one! Sans the malfunctions, of course. So, it will be easier for host to understand the characters and storyline! Though, the storyline will change slightly.]

"So... you guys are copy and pasting the old code - minus the mistakes - into a new world?"

[Precisely, host!]


This sounded like a bad idea. But whatever. What did Jiwon have to lose? They wouldn't even blame him!

Well.... what did have to lose but his life.... but besides that! Everything was probably going to be fine now. They wouldn't make the same mistake twice.


Ayyyy.... first worlds over lol. I told you it'd be real short :P

Anyways, hope ya enjoyed or whatever. It was kinda shitty.


- TaterBitch

Why Is It Always Me!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat