My stomach is already starting to cramp up because I suck at running and can't control my breathing, so I'll just do a quick jog back down and see who the next unsuspecting victim might be.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and see Trace talking to Olivia beside a tree. He has his back to me so this is the perfect opportunity for me to attack.

My jog gets quicker as I try to get to him before he turns around and my plan gets ruined.

Olivia is facing me but as long as she doesn't say anything to Trace I'll be fine. This will be quick and easy.

My high hopes are long lived as Olivia's pretty blue eyes meet mine. She lets out a squeal and giggles before grabbing her big brothers hand and takes off running.

Well, that didn't work.

Trace turns around to see why they're running and he sees me. He stops running and Olivia does the same. She keeps her distance from me, staying safely behind her big brother.

"You were going to sneak up on me?" he shouts to me with an amused look.

"Yep," I say with a sweet smile and he smirks.

"Well I'm right here. If you're going to catch me then do it when I'm aware."

The confidence in his voice sets me off and I take off running. I sprint across the playground and he shoots me a quick wink before running as well.

I chase him around the rocks for a short while before he decides to spice things up a bit by going up the metal steps. I'm following not far behind since he has to dodge a bunch of little people on the way.

He gets to the top and his pace begins to slow.

We get to the bridge and he just stands there looking at it. I stop behind him, confused and he turns around to face me, "No way I'm going across that thing."

His eyes spark with uncertainty and I become very aware of why he's stopped.

Trace: star player of the schools football team, golden boy in all female eyes, has the upper body of a body builder and single handeldly raises two little kids. But is too scared to walk across the ten foot tall swinging bridge of a children's playground.

"Then it looks like you're it." I say with a mischievous smirk.

He's cornered with his only option going across the bridge and if he won't do that then I have him.

He frowns, "How am I it? You haven't even touched me yet."

I take a step forward and he chuckles, "Come on, Em. Stop with the dramatics and just tag me."

Ugh, why does he always have to call me out on things. Everything is so much more fun if you do it dramatically! I understand that all I have to do is reach my arm out and tap his shoulder but where's the fun in that? I want to slowly get closer while he cowers as he realizes his options are limited and there's no way out.

"Fine," I say and extend my arm out before colliding it with the side of his arm, "you're it."

He raises his eyebrows at me in amusement, "Did you just slap me?"

I nod once and he laughs.

"Of course you did," he says simply while rubbing his arm, "that hurt though I'll give you that."

It wasn't my intention to hurt him. He normally doesn't get hurt by my little throw downs but then again that slap could've been heard from below us. I didn't mean to hit him that hard but I'll never turn back now and admit that.

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