"-does not make you 'effeminate'. Hell you're not even a man, so it doesn't even make sense. What did you do? Leech on Jess' scraps, while she read out some words. Did you hear it in one-"

"-Pfftt, don't try to make me sound stupid." Said Lexi. She then changed her voice into a ridiculing voice.
"Carol. I saw a cloaked figure and it chased me. Boo hoo." Bit Lexi, while she mimicked crying, using hand gestures.

Scorning me even further, she started cackling, malevolently. Each cackle bringing me more fury.

I slanted my head right in front of Lexi's face. I was a little taller than her.

"You know what Lexi. I think you're just jealous that Carol actually listens to me."
I then went right next to her ear and changed my tone into a whisper.

"I think you act out because you know that Carol is secretly disappointed in you. Disappointed at the fact that you don't reach any standards.

Disappointed at the fact that Kai is responsible, I'm respectful, Jess is a genius and Stiles is Stiles.
Yet you're literally nothing. What are you good at?

Disappointed at the fact that you claim to be this 'Queen', however a Queen is strong and can actually lead. You, on the other hand. How can you lead—when nobody wants to follow you?" I specifically stretched out the pause between the last phrase, just so it would hurt more and it did. Lexi was completely silent. She was completely aghast, her mouth slightly agape.

I turned backwards and started walking up stairs, while Lexi stood, wordlessly.
But as I reached the top of the stairs.


causing me to stop in my tracks. ooh that one hurt.

Carol called me all those things. Lexi was right. It was hypocritical for me to say that, when Carol failed to even accept any alternative or possibility that my dream could be real.

I continued walking up the stairs to my room. During which, I walked past Jess, who had just opened the door amidst the ruckus. She was about to open her mouth, yet closed it, as I blanked her.

Carol really thought that huh.

Meanwhile downstairs, Stiles strolled into the living room, from the kitchen.

"Boys right?" He said to Lexi, while nodding his head, vehemently. Lexi gave him the finger and then sat down, replaying the argument in her head.

Sunday morning was the exact same. I had a quarrel with Carol, as she tried forcing me to eat downstairs like a family.
I hated Sundays. Carol didn't go to work on Sundays.

I had too much pride to recall to her, the things that Lexi had told me. What Carol said about me. So I just persistently ignored her and didn't mutter a single word to her, causing her to slam the door as she trudged back downstairs.

Sunday night, however was different. Everyone was sleeping in bed, dreaming normal things. I had just passed out, awaiting a dreamless sleep.
Everyone, except Stiles, who was unaware that  he would soon dream something that would change everything.


Stiles normally dreamt about stuff like football and animals, yet today he would dream something that he would never expect.

In his slumber, he was currently sprinting down plains, smelling the whiff of freshly cut grass. A wide smile was painted on his face as he ran like a child. The sun was shining upon him like a beacon of light, warming him.
Stiles had gone from running to skipping, when he came across a small hill, bedazzled with a variety of flowers.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon