After the Fall

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A few days passed since the attack on Beacon, since then huntsmen have been coming in droves to help clear out the grimm, both from the city and the school campus. Many people died and even more were heavily injured, including Yang who lost her arm and Ty who may never be able to walk again. Though your own injuries weren't as serious, only a few fractures and pulled muscles, your staff had been destroyed and the pendant dad gifted you was gone.

At the remains of Beacon tower, Y/n strode through the destroyed office of the now deceased Headmaster, walking towards the balcony he looks down at the landscape below, the once active grounds of Beacon that the students walked were now littered with debris and a few straggler Grimm. A strong gust of wind blew towards Y/n but he didn't sway a bit.

???: Still breaking the rules as always I see.

Y/n turned slowly to the sound of the voice, his eyes then met Glynda Goodwitch. Her face was unreadable, she didn't look angry or upset or even surprised to see him there, she only went and stood next to Y/n on the Balcony.

Glynda: You are aware that no one is allowed up here?

Y/n didn't reply to that, only went back to staring down at the ruined streets of Beacon. Still Glynda didn't seem angry. After a few minutes of silence Y/n finally spoke.

You: Why haven't you fixed this place yet?

Glynda: I plan to restore this room last. This tower stands as a beacon of hope, where people can look to it to feel safe.

You: I see...

Glynda: What do you plan to do now?

You: I.... don't know, beacon's in ruins, I failed to protect the people I care about, there's nothing left for me here, maybe I should just quit.

Glynda: About your grandfather- er the headmaster...

You: So you knew about that too.

Glynda: Truth be told, I only learned about your relations recently, it was certainly a surprise but it did clear up many questions I had.

You: Well good for you I guess, now I'm here stuck with dozens.

Glynda: I'd be be more surprised if you weren't, Ozpin held many secrets in his life, many even I don't know, but if he choose to hide this from you it must've been for a good reason.

You: You know one of the first lessons Ozpin ever taught me was that every decision I make affects not only myself but everyone around me. But look how that turned out, I tried to do the right thing, did everything he asked and still it came to this. So what was the fucking point!?

Glynda: For those that we've lost and for the ones that we can still save. That's the ideal every true huntsman lives by or at least that's what Ozpin thought.

The memories of you waking up in the hospital after being taking from Beacon tower came flooding back, Yang missing her arm, and Pyrrha turning to ash all came rushing to your mind. You felt your body start to shake in frustration, when you suddenly felt arms wrap around you, to your surprise Glynda was actually hugging you.

Glynda: You did everything you could, Y/n.

You were momentarily stunned and your mind went blank, the wall that you had built up against the anger, grief, sadness cracked. It could've been the warmth of her embrace or the kindness of her words but, All the emotions poured out as you pressed your face into Glynda's shoulder and let the tears run loose.

After awhile you started to calm yourself down and stepped away from Professor Goodwitch.

Glynda: You won't have the privilege of hearing Professor Ozpin deliver his graduation speech, but there's one thing he tells every student that I want to share with you. Beacon Academy is not a place. It is an idea, which has taken root in each and every one of you. YOU are Beacon, and you must now go forth and serve as a hopeful light for others. It is our privilege and our burden as Huntsmen and Huntresses to protect not only those who cannot defend themselves, but to watch out for each other, always.

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 3)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu