Heroes and Monsters

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Leaving Professors Port and Oobleck to deal with the hoard of Grimm, you and the other students made way to the docking area. Once there you all saw Ironwood in a heated battle against an alpha Beowolf, if there was any doubt you had about the Generals fighting ability it was quickly dismissed with how effortlessly he ended the grimm. Snapping out from the awe you and the others ran towards him.

Ruby: What's going on!?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang's invaded Beacon, and to make matters worse, some vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm going to take it back.

As Ironwood turns for his ship he is stopped when asked a question.

Jaune: What should we do?

Ironwood: *turns and faces the students* You have two choices. Defend your Kingdom and your school... or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave.

He turns away to enter his ship, only stopping when you called out to him.

You: Let me come with you.

Ironwood turns back and stared down at you, the other students also stared but more in confusion at your sudden request.

You: We both know who's controlling your ships right now and we both made the mistake of underestimating him, so let me help make this right.

Ironwood: That won't be necessary, despite my feelings on the matter you already have your job. *Glances at Pyrrha* And I suggest you see it through.

At that the General enters his ship as it starts to fly away. You stared after it begrudgingly when a hand wrapped around your shoulder, it was Pyrrha. The look on her face as determined as ever.

Pyrrha: Come on Y/n we have to go.

You: *Nods* Alright then let's go.

The other students had already went ahead and procured a bus but the driver was proving to be hesitant in going to where the danger is.

Sun: Man come on you heard the General, he gave us a choice and we're choosing to fight so take us to Beacon.

Pilot: Are you nuts? You do realize that all hell is breaking loose right. I'd have to be insane to go there, unless your heading to the safe zone in Vale I can't help you.

Pushing past them into the ship you confronted the air bus pilot.

You: Look we can do this the easy way where you take us willingly, or the hard way where I just knock you out and we take the ship, The choice is yours.

The pilot stared at you for a moment, the look on his face saying you wouldn't dare. While the look on your face was daring him to find out, after a few seconds the pilot gave up and agreed to take you all to Beacon.

You: Appreciate it.

Pilot: Whatever I just didn't want you crashing this thing with me in it.

You flashed a snide grin at the pilot as the other huntsmen in training piled in, you then took a seat yourself and tried to gather back your strength, after using Titania's power with your semblance you felt sore all over.

Titania: (mind) Human's tolerance for magic really has dwindled. I would recommend avoiding any strenuous fights until you fully recover.

You: Will how things are looking I can't make any promises.

Titania: *sigh* You humans really never change do you, always pushing yourselves too far.

You were suddenly interrupted by an exaggerated gasp, you followed the gazes of the other students riding on the airbus to see Ironwood's ship slowly losing altitude until in crashes to the ground in a flaming explosion. You were stunned at the sudden event only composing yourself to hear Sun yell out.

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz