Chapter III - Farmer Refuted

Start from the beginning

-Is he in Jersey?- the crowd laughed with the young woman braveness.

- FOR SHAME!- shouted Seabury, irritated.

- For the Revolution!- the Hamiltons replied.

- For shame!

-For the Revolution!- now the crowd had joined them.

-Heed...- the man would repeat his speech once more.

If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna...- Louise stubbornness continued.


- Honestly, look at me, please don't read.- Hamilton took his sheet.

-Not your interest.- he angrily glared at Louise, that didn't step back

-Don't modulate the key then not debate with me!- looking at the crowd she declared.- Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?

- Alexander, please, control her.- Aaron screamed from the back, trying to drag them from there.

- Burr, I rather be divisive, than indecisive.- Alexander glared at him.- Drop the niceties.

- Hey there!

The unexpected appearance of British cops in the square installed the chaos, as the crowd tried to disperse. They were advancing towards the Hamiltons and Burr, but the movement of a mass of people offered them some time.

-Take her away from here, Alexander!- Aaron shouted while heading to them.- I will try to solve this!

Louise, however, was not the afraid woman she was on the night at the bar. She was ready to fight for her ideals, in spite of her gender, influence or age. As she tried to reach for Burr, another arm evolved her with a coat and dragged her.

-Louise, ne sois pas fou!

Lafayette picked her up before she had the change to fight him, and the five man ran through the streets of New York. As they passed through small alleys, and less crowded street, heading to John's house, Louise tried to claim her independence again.

-Lafayette!- she screamed while the man was running.- I can run myself!

- Not with those vêtements de fantaisie !

The French man laughed, as the small sulk woman trapped in a tall man's arms tried to fight for her independence. He couldn't help himself to find that stubbornness of hers very cute. Soon, they all reached Lauren's residence, and locked themselves inside, recovering from the run.

-Have... you gone... mad.... Louise!?- Laurens was lying on the floor still trying to catch his breath.

- I am not defenseless!- the young woman refuted, getting up.

- They could have caught you!- Laurens shouted and pointed at Alexander.- And you... Why did you join her, being fully aware it was dangerous for her?!

- I am sure I know my sister way better than you do, Laurens!- Hamilton shouted back.

- Jesus, it was dangerous but that doesn't mean she was not right! If you think so Laurens, you should have stopped her. - Lafayette got up, and walked towards the two other men.

The chaos was installed in the living room, as the four men discussed the situation, blaming it on each other. Actually they were reminding her of how "fragile" she was supposed to be, how a woman had to resign to her own mind and couldn't fight out loud for her own legacy. How women's behaviors were meant to be discussed by men.

And soon as her mind proceeded to over think, anger tears streamed down her face. Her decisions and actions belonged only to her, and only she would discuss them. And that simple move agaisnt Seabury was the beginning of her own revolution. That moment she was sure: She would not resign to her house. She would fight alongside them.

But at that moment, she needed to be alone with her thoughts. So she ran away and locked herself in the library, among the books: the knowledge she needed.

The living room silenced up, as the men looked at each other confused, and soon realized what they were doing. They were treating her as an object. As a ball that ran away, with the kids turning the faults to each other.


-Louise, I beg you...

Alexander had been standing on the other side of the door for about an hour, trying to persuade Louise to come out of the room. Laurens, Lafayette, and even Mulligan, had failed previously at this task, and the older Hamilton was hoping that his beloved sister would allow him to come in the room.

-Just allow me to give you something to eat...

She had been barricaded in the library for about a day, without anything to eat. But her hunger was being full field: her hunger for knowledge. Her time there was spent reading historical, philosophical and law books, that she always craved and where denied to her due to her sex.

The only thing that caught her attention was a knock on the door. She posed her book, and a nervous feeling invaded her for the first time since the incident. What if it were British cops, waiting to escort her to prison? Or worse... escort any of the men downstairs?

She felt Alexander get up from the floor, and go downstairs. The young woman tied her hair into a ponytail, and grabbed a cardigan that would hide the mess her dress was. After that, Louise quietly opened the door, and walked towards the staircase, trying to understand who had knocked at the door, while fighting her tremble hands.

A sense of calm invaded her, as she heard a single, familiar voice coming from the living room

.- Me and my colleagues were able to free her from any charges.- Aaron Burr explained, as she was ready to enter the room.- Without the George Washington's influence, however, it would have been impossible. She was limited to paying a fee, for moral damage and alliance with the revolution.

- That I shall pay from my own pockets. Louise finally revealed herself to the five men conferring in the living room.

She was a lot paler from the lack of food and sleep, but she still light up the room as soon as she entered, catching everyone's eyes. She looked at Laurens, who looked, just like her, deprived from sleep.

- Louise...- he whispered.

-Louise.- her brother soon embraced her strongly.- I am so sorry!

- Burr about the fee...- she overheard Lafayette's conversation with Aaron Burr.- I will cover it fully.

She quickly unraveled from Alexander's hug and responded

.-And I will not accept it. The error was mine!

-Actually...- Burr stopped an imminent fight.- George Washington has already paid it. Louise, you own this man your life. Lafayette, Mulligan, it is safe now to return to your houses.

While Alexander thanked and escorted Aaron Burr to the door, Mulligan and Lafayette said their goodbyes to the young woman.

- To be honest...- Hercules whispered.- You totally tore that dude apart!

Louise smiled to him. It was true that they did not have a really close relationship, but she had to acknowledge, Mulligan was the one that never saw her as "weak".

- Try to keep yourself from problems, petite dame rebelled!- Lafayette laughed.

He kissed and caressed her hand like earlier, resulting on the same shivers, as she opened her smile even more, looking at that Frenchman.

They left and she was left alone with Laurens. His tired eyes gained shine as soon they saw the sea blue eyes, constantly on his mind. He walked towards the young woman and marveled when she didn't back off, which he expected was her first movement.

-Louise...- he whispered, as his irrational self led him to place his hand on the pale face in front of him and kiss her forehead.

- Not now, please...

She took his hand slowly off her face. Her eyes were not angry, or confused from his spontaneous gesture. They showed how hurt she had been by Laurens, the man who always praised equality, act the way he did, seeing as a "fragile maiden".

She left the room, leaving behind Laurens, trapped in a million thoughts.


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