Chapter 19: St Mungo's

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10:18pm. All three Malfoy's burst through the apparition point, where a receptionist was sitting looking at medical files. She suddenly looked up and her face turned into shock, "Doctor Lucas! Docter Lucas! A patient just apparated in with heavy bleeding!" Moments later, a smart looking doctor came rushing into the room with two other doctors following with an emergency bed being wheeled into the room.

Doctor Lucas spoke, "Place him on here quickly, please wait in here and the receptionist will tell you what to do." Lucius nodded and asked where they could clean their hands quickly. The receptionist, Emily, pointed down the hall before getting a piece of parchment out, "Please head over here so you could sign some forms please." They nodded before quickly walking to the bathrooms. 

Nobody was walking down the halls at the time, so no one walked by and saw Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy in Mt Mungo's with blood all over their hands.

Narcissa was the most bloody since she was putting pressure on Harry's neck wound before Draco had taken over putting pressure on the bleeding while she grabbed Harry's t-shirt from the ground and told Draco to quickly remove his hands then carry on immediately after the t-shirt was in position. Narcissa had then carried Harry outside to be apparated. Lucius had also helped put pressure on the wound with the t-shirt when Draco had to step back from the amount of blood, it was making his eyesight blurry with the amount of tears in his eyes. He never wanted to see this in his life again.

As Narcissa separated to the women's bathroom, she looked in the mirror and saw splatters of blood on her face. She could see the blood glistening in the unnatural strength of the many candles and leaned down in front of the sink.

The clear water rushing down the drain became a light pink, to finally a deep bright red. The amount of blood that was being washed off Narcissa's hands, arms and face made a tear fall down her cheek. The drip of the tear was lost in the waterfall of running water expelling from the bronze, shiny tap. She saw her reflection once more in the mirror and splashed water on her face to hide her tear streaks. Taking a deep breath, she exited the bathroom, Draco and Lucius waiting outside.

Draco was being held in Lucius' arms, silent tears running down his cheeks. The gravity of the situation had set in and Draco actually cared a lot about Harry. Just as Draco had treated Harry like a normal human instead of a famous celebrity, Harry had treated Draco like a normal human instead of an arrogant pureblood death eater. At least, he had recently started acting like that towards him. 

Lucius had seen how much his son cared for Harry, but he was also worried for Harry as well. He had not been intimidated or scared of them, just treated them like they were his family. Harry had opened up to them and they were damned if they were going to let the boy who had forgotten the stereotype for their family, just to treat them normally.

Draco dried his tears and they headed off towards the reception again, it was calm and quiet despite it only being 10:33pm. Narcissa had an arm around Draco's waist as he was too tall to wrap her arm around his shoulders. Lucius walked up to Emily and she asked him to sit down in the seats on the left wall and fill in the details as much as he could.

Lucius headed over to the chairs with Draco at his left and his wife at his right. He grabbed a quill he had been given and started writing with it since it required no ink, only pure magic so lies could not be written on it, just in case someone was to fake an emergency. It was all for health and safety of course.

The questions were basic at first: 

Patient's name: Harry James Potter 

Name(s) of person(s) who brought the patient in: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy

Date: 31 July 1995

Reason for visit: Abuse, attempted murder

Details of reason (optional if unable to supply): Abuse caused by uncle, possibly by family (likely possibility of long term abuse), several belt marks in back, stab wounds in various places, stab in throat (possible gash on windpipe and vocal cords), broken and fractured bones

Place picked up from: 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, Britain

Blood status of Patient: Halfblood

Blood status of person(s) who brought the patient in: Pureblood

Only a few more questions needed answering, Lucius' hands were shaking and his eyes were watering as he had to picture Harry's body in his mind to describe the injuries shown to the naked eye.

Once he was finished he quickly and silently gave the parchment back to Emily who thanked him and looked down at the information, immediately freezing as she saw the name. "This-That was H-Harry Potter?" She asked with a look of shock on her face. Lucius nodded sadly. "Oh my- Merlin, I didn't even recognise him." She looked down at the parchment once again and her face saddened drastically, "Abuse" Emily whispered, pain radiating in her timid voice. If Lucius had looked her in the eye, he would see a look of familiarity at the word. "I will tell all the staff who get informed about it to keep quiet unless Mr. Potter tells us otherwise.

Lucius nodded and thanked her timidly, a tone in his voice which could not be heard commonly. "You can sit here waiting for him as long as you would like, we will call you over when he is safe and in his own private room." The eldest Malfoy walked away after nodding, thankful of the information.  

"We can wait here and see Harry when he is stable in his own room." Lucius whispered to his wife and son. Narcissa nodded with a smile and Draco just stared at the door Harry went through with an empty look adorning his pale and slightly blood stained face.

Draco held Ostium in his lap, his right hand running across the pattern of the snake's scales and wings. His left hand was being held by Narcissa's dainty, slim hand. Narcissa had moved right next to Draco, he was slowly breaking down and she knew it, she knew it wouldn't be long until long, thick trails of tears decorated his cheeks, she knew it wouldn't be long until his body shook tremendously like it used to when he was 14, having to look at Voldemort in the eye for the first time. 

Voldemort's own body was pale and snake like, it made Draco feel disgusted to be in Slytherin, he loved it there but it always had a dark and gloomy room at the end. No one could get into it, the carvings of three letters: T.M.R. stared into every Slytherin's soul, no one was comfortable going near it or looking at it. Draco felt disgusted at the similarity of his skin and the dark lord's, it was pale like his, he hated every tedious or small similarity he shared with the dark lord. 

When Voldemort decided that the Malfoy Manor was a suitable place to thrive, the whole building almost shook with fear. The inhabitants were shaky every moment they were near him, the elves, the visitors, the Malfoys. Everyone was shaken to their core when he even glanced at them or when he was mentioned. If only he hadn't he hadn't gone insane.

As Ostium stared with unblinking eyes at the bright white doors at every wall, Draco pushed his hair back and took in the situation fully. Knowing that St. Mungo's was trustworthy and reliable, he couldn't help but worry slightly. 

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