Chapter 20

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"Why does Poe have your hair tie?" Finn asks. "Because he stole it from me when we were by the lake." I explain rubbing my arms. "Ooh that's cute." Finn laughs slapping Poe on his shoulder. I roll my eyes at Finn and drink the rest of my water and look up to see Poe staring at me. "Take a picture of me Dameron, it'll last longer." I hum. "You know what Solo, maybe you're right." He chuckles. "You guys are too cute." Rey and Finn smile at us. "Thanks guys." Poe smiles giving me a wink. I blush slightly and stand up. "See you guys." I say. "Where are you going?" Finn asks. "Going to see my mom." I say. "Have fun." Rey smiles. I nod and start leaving. "You're gonna leave without giving me a hug?" Poe asks. I roll my eyes and turn around looking at him. "Really Dameron?" I ask. "Yes really." He stands up holding his arms out for me. Shaking my head I walk over to him and hug him gently. He hugs back kissing my head gently. "I'll see you later." He smiles. "I'm sure you will." I laugh pulling away.

"Haha, you're so funny Estrella." He laughs too kissing my forehead gently. "I know I am." I say leaving him to go to my mom.

Poe's Pov

"You and Brynn are really sweet together." Finn smiles. "Thanks Finn." I smile. "I agree, you and Brynn really love each other." Rey says as we walk out of canteen. "Yeah." I smile. Just thinking about her makes me smile. "When did you know that you liked Brynn?" Finn and Rey asks. "I don't really know I guess when I first talked to her." I say rubbing my neck. "And when was that?" Rey asks. "When we all came back with Han Solo and Chewbacca." I answer. "Really?" Finn asks. "Yeah, I went to the room where droids get fix and she had fixed BB-8 up and we talked and I don't know I felt something." I smile remembering that day. "That's sweet Poe that's very sweet." Rey and Finn smile. We go our separate ways and I go to my room. Walking into my room I see it's time to clean it up.

Wow, I didn't realize how messy my room is. Seeing BB-8 in the corner taking a rest I smile at him and just start cleaning my room. While cleaning my room I make my bed and put the pillows back on and then fix the rest of my room. Working on my room I put all my clothes away and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I should probably do my laundry soon. Finishing up with my cleaning I sit on my bed and relax. Wow I feel so much better about myself now that I cleaned my room up.

Closing my eyes I fall asleep taking a nap which I didn't plan on doing. Rolling on my side I feel an electric shock go through my body and sit up screaming. "OW!" Looking over I see BB-8 who electrocuted me. "Really BB-8 why did you have to do that to me?" I groan rubbing my leg gently. He whirls and beeps gently. "Alright, alright, thanks for telling me I'll check it out." Getting out of bed I stretch slightly and go to the hangar to see what's going on over there. Walking in I see a group of people talking and I walk over there. "Dude she's soo damn I'd do her hard and long." One guy says. Clearing my throat I walk over to them. "Who are we talking about, might I ask?" Crossing my arms I look at them. "We're talking about Brynn.......and how she's so hot." He explains. "Brynn is damn sexy we'd bang her hard. Her whole body is a fucking goddess." They say. They talk more about what they'd do to her and it's honestly disgusting, having my fill I start arguing with them and next thing we know it we're fighting and throwing punches and kicks.

Brynn's Pov

In my room reading a book I push my hair back and fix my glasses and continue reading my book just enjoying the peace and quiet. Hearing a knock on my door I put my book down and get off my bed making my way over to my door. Opening my door I see Poe with a bruised face, busted lip, black eye, and blood running down his nose. "Heyyy Darling." He smiles but immediately groans from it. "Why do you look like you got ran over by a speeder?" I raise an eyebrow as I let him in my room. He sits on my bed and I stand there looking at me. "I got into a fight." My eyes widen slightly and I shake my head. "Really Dameron? Why did you get into a fight?" I ask as I grab a medical kit from my bathroom. "Because of you." He answers. Walking out with everything I need I sit next to him. "Because of me? What made me get you into a fight?" I ask cleaning the cuts on his face. "Well, these guys were talking about how they wanted bang you and do some stuff with you and just talked to you in vulgar ways and it wasn't right so I got into a fight with them." He explains.

Shaking my head I place the ice pack on his eye and he groans. "You're ridiculous, really? Taking on two guys Poe?" I ask as I clean his lips as he holds the ice pack for me. "What? I was defending girlfriend." He says. I smile slightly and press my lips against his gently. "And I thank you for that." I say pulling away. He smiles back nodding. "You're welcome." Unbuttoning his shirt I see the bruises all over his abdomen. "They really did you dirty." I say as I tape some ice packs to the bruises. "Yeah.......but I did them way worse." He chuckles. "You're dumbass know that Dameron?" I ask looking at him. "Yeah.....but I'm you're dumbass." He chuckles sitting up and buttoning his shirt back up. "Mhmm." I hum and put everything away in my bathroom. Coming back I take my seat next to him and take the ice pack in my hand and pull it away slightly looking at his eye. "Well, you're swelling is going down. So you won't be have any black eye tomorrow, which is good." I smile at him placing it back on his eye. "I agree, and thank you." He says pushing my light brown hair back. "For what?" I ask looking at him. "Taking care of me." He says placing his hand on my shoulder and rubbing it gently. "You're welcome." I smile and push my hair back. "You can remove the ice packs from your abdomen." I say. He nods and removes them and sighs. "Now I feel better." He chuckles. I roll my eyes and take them putting them away and sit back down.

When I do Poe wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek gently and smiles. "I see you changed your nose piercing." He hums. "You notice?" I ask slightly shock. "Of course I notice, the ring is really pretty and defiantly you." He smiles moving my face so he can kiss my lips gently. "You know, my parents really would have loved you." He says pulling away from the kiss. "Really?" I smile slightly. "Yeah, you remind me of them a little." He says holding me close. "Is that good or bad?" I ask. "Good, defiantly good." He chuckles. "How do I remind you of them?" I ask. "Well, you're kind and sweet just like my mom always wanting to do the right thing, and you have my dad's determination and bravery." He kisses my cheek. I smile and nod placing my head on his shoulder. "What happened to your Dad?" I ask. "He died before I joined the Resistance." He answers. "Old age or?" I ask. "Got killed by stormtroopers." He answers. Nodding I hug him tightly. "Like I said Brynn, my parents would have loved you." He says holding me close.

((Brynn's new nose ring, but remember her nose piercing is on the right!!))

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((Brynn's new nose ring, but remember her nose piercing is on the right!!))

Awwwww Poe stood up for his girlfriend that's sooo adorable what an AMAZING boyfriend!! And we love a man who takes notice when his girlfriend does something slightly different!! Please comment and vote!!

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