Chapter 19

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((A picture of Poe Dameron, Alexis Solo, Finn and Rey!!))

Getting into my room I close my door and sip my coffee and put it down on the table. Sitting on my chair I grab one of my books and start reading since I have nothing else to do at the moment. Passing time I put the book away and leave my room returning to the lunchroom so I can return the mug I borrowing. Walking in I hand someone the mug and then leave walking around base. "Hey Mom." I say when I see her. "Hey Honey, how are you?" She asks. "I'm good, just finished reading." I answer. "Glad to hear it." She smiles. I nod and then go back to my room and make my bed since I didn't do that this morning. Putting the pillows back on my bed I sit on the floor crossing my legs and just close my eyes taking some time to think and just clear my mind out of it's crazy estate.

Clearing my mind I lay down on the floor and close my eyes placing my arms over my eyes and just breath. This is nice, no worries about the First Order. Thinking about stuff I hear a knock on my door and I don't move my position. "Come in." I yell. Hearing the door open I still don't bother to move because I'm really comfy on the floor. "You okay?" I hear Poe's voice. Opening my eyes I sit up slightly seeing Poe standing there in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. "Yeah I'm fine. When did you get back?" I ask sitting up completely. "Just five minutes ago. Your mom told me you were in your room." He smiles. Nodding I hold my hand out for him to help me up. He laughs and walks over grabbing my hand and pulls me up and wraps his arms around my waist. "You look very comfy." He says taking in my outfit. "I am really comfy." I smile. He smiles back and presses a gentle kiss to my lips. I hum softly having my arms around his neck. "So what were you getting for my mom?" I ask when we pull away.

"Just some parts for a ship that she's having people fix up." He says. Nodding I let go of him. "I'm free the rest of the day, do you wanna hang? Since we haven't hanged for nine weeks." He smiles. "Plus, I wanna spend time with my girlfriend." He winks at me. I blush slightly covering my face with my hands as I turn around having my back towards him. "Awww you're so adorable." He smiles wider wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me towards him. Having my back against his chest I bend slightly when he says that and continue to hide my blush. He laughs and bends with me kissing my temple gently. "Come on Darling, let's go and hang out." He says letting me go. Uncovering my face my cheeks have lost their blush and I nod. Grabbing my shoes I put them on and we leave my room.

"Where are we hanging out?" I ask as he intertwines his fingers with mine. "Wanna go to the lake?" He asks. "Yeah that sounds perfect." I smile up at him. He smiles down and we leave the base and I lean against him as we walk towards the forest that's near the base. We arrive to the lake and we sit down on the warm grass and I just stare at the lake. He sits next to me and wraps his arms around me pulling me close to his body. Smiling I lay my head against his shoulder and he smiles kissing my head gently. Enjoying the comfortable silence I feel my hair fall against my face. Pushing my light brown hair back I look over at Poe and see him holding my hair tie in his hand with a smirk. "Give it back Dameron." I say trying to take it from him.  "No I don't think I will." He smiles putting it on his wrist. Rolling my eyes I keep my hair behind my shoulder so it doesn't get in my face. Staring at the lake I just feel so relax which has me laying my head against Poe's shoulder again. He lays his head against mine as we stare at the lake together. "I didn't know you wore glasses." He hums kissing my head. "Yeah, I kinda never did, but I don't know I just felt like wearing them." I shrug. "Well I like them Brynn." He looks down at me. Smiling I look up at him and kiss his cheek gently. "Thanks." He nods and kisses my forehead. "It's like a whole new you." He says.

"How?" I ask. "Well, you've had your hair straight for a while now and now you're wearing your glasses." He smiles at me. "Ah, that make sense and my hair is naturally straight I just always have had it curly." I explain. He nods. "I like the straight hair slightly more." He smiles. I smile back and nod laying my head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. He holds me close kissing my head over and over. "This is nice." I whisper. "This?" He asks. "Yeah, we finally get to hangout together after nine weeks I'm glad you suggested this." I smile looking up at him. "Me too it's good to be with you again." He holds me even closer. I hum and kiss his cheek gently and he kisses my forehead. "You're the best Brynn you know that?" He hums. "No, I'm not." I shake my head. "Yes you are, you're amazing in every way, and don't let anyone tell you're not." He says kissing my temple. Humming I smile wrapping my arms around his waist. "Thanks Dameron. That means a lot to me." I smile burying my head into his chest. He chuckles kissing my light brown hair gently.

"You're amazing too Poe." I hum. "Oh? How is that?" He asks rubbing my shoulders gently. "You never fail to put a smile on my face when I'm down, you know what to say to make me feel better and relax my nerves. You go out of your way to make sure I'm okay and that I'm eating. You truly care about me and I can't thank you enough." I explain kissing his chest gently. He smiles and nuzzles his face in my hair. "Well you're worth it Estrella, and like I said before, you see me as a normal person, not just a resistance pilot you see I have dreams and feelings and I love that about you." He smiles lifting my face up gently. I smile staring at his brown eyes. He leans forward and kisses my lips gently. I kiss back and then pull away resting our foreheads together. "I love you Brynn, more than you'll ever know." He smiles flashing his white teeth. "I love you too Poe." I smile back.

"Should we go and get food?" He asks. I think for a moment and nod. "Yeah, I'm getting kinda hungry." I stand up and so does he. "Can I have my hair tie back please?" I say holding my hand out. He chuckles and walks away towards the base. "Awee come on Poe!" I pout walking after him. Jumping on his back which makes him stumbles slightly, but he keeps his balance. He places one of his hands on legs to keep me from falling off. "Can you pretty please give me my hair tie? I only have the one." I say having my arms around his neck. He thinks for a while and doesn't answer. "When we get to the canteen." He says as he places his other hand on my other leg. "Ughhh fine." I sigh placing my head on his shoulder as he walks us to the base.

Arriving to base I jump off his back and walk in front of him and he catches up to me and tries to grab my hand but I don't let him and fold my arms over my chest. "Aww come on Darling, I'll give you hair tie back when we get to the lunchroom." He says. "It's not that Dameron." I laugh slightly holding my arms closer to my body. "Then what is it Estrella?" He asks. "I'm just cold." I shrug pushing my hair back as I keep my arms folding. He nods slowly and wraps his arm around me pulling me close. "You do have a hoodie on too." He hums. I shrug leaning closer to his body feeling the warmth of his body I look at him as he smiles down at me. "Feeling better?" He asks. "Actually yes." I hum as we get to the canteen for lunch. Walking in we leave each other sides and grab our food. He waits for me to grab the rest of my food, but to be honest I don't even know what I want. "You can go sit down I'll catch up with you'll." I hum still looking at what I want. He nods and goes to our friends. Finally grabbing some food I make my way to our friends table. Taking my seat next to Rey, Finn smiles at me and I smile back and he goes back to his conversation with Poe. "How was hanging with Poe?" She winks at me. I shake my head and eat some of my spaghetti. "It was nice, to finally talk with him and just be alone with him." I explain. "That's good, I'm glad to hear that." She smiles. "Yea, how was going back Jakku?" I ask.

"It was fine, a lot people where shock to see me." She explains. "That's good....I guess?" I laugh slightly. She laughs too. "We'll never know." I nod and continue to eat my lunch. Poe and Finn stop talking about whatever they're talking about and give their attention to us. "How was your thing with Chewie?" Rey asks. "Oh it went well." Finn explains what they did. I stare at my now empty plate and drink my water. "Here Brynn." Poe says. Looking up I see Poe handing me my hair tie out for me. I chuckle slightly grabbing my hair tie and tying my hair back up in a messy bun now that Poe gave me my only hair tie back.

Awww Poe and Brynn are too adorable together!! I'm so glad they're dating!! And they're friendship with Finn and Rey is amazing!! Please comment and vote!!

My Shining Star//Poe Dameron Fanfiction ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now