Chapter 10

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Ben and I keep fighting until I hit him I'm his face and arm and he falls. I look at him with teary eyes and leave quickly before he can process anything. Seeing the Millennium Falcon I run to it and climb in and as soon as I do Uncle Chewie closes the door and hyper speeds out of here. Sitting down I hand Rey her light saber and hold back some sobs. "Brynn, were so sorry for the lost of your dad." Finn and Rey say hugging me. I nod slowly not wanting to talk because if I do I'm gonna cry. I hug back and Uncle Chewie comes over and gives me a big hug. I hug back and feel like a lost a piece of myself. "Wait, so Kylo Ren is your brother?" Finn asks. "Yeah, we use to be close before the dark side took him away from me and he's not the same, but I sense he still has some light in him I don't know how much but I think he has some.....I know Ben is still there." I whisper. They nod. "Wait you're a Jedi too?" Rey asks. "Yup, but I stopped after I saw what happened to Ben I didn't want that to happen to me so I stopped training." I explain. They nod. "I have feeling you're force sensitive." I say looking at Rey. "What do you mean?" She asks. "I heard you explaining how you got out of your restraints and made a stormtrooper ignore you. That's a mind trick of a Jedi. That's what my mom sensed in you when you came to the base." I explain. She nods. "Tell me more." She says.

Poe's Pov

"Any word?" I ask General Leia. She shakes her head no. We sit in silence wondering what happen to them. Oh I hope they're all okay. "MILLENIUM FALCON IS BACK!" Someone shouts. We run out to see the Millenium Falcon and soon Rey, Finn, and Chewie come out. Where's Brynn? They walk over to us and soon Brynn walks out of the ship. She looks at me and then her mom and runs into the base and Leia looks confused. "What happened to
Brynn? Where's Han?" She asks looking at them. "Kylo killed him." Rey says her voice cracking. I look over to see Brynn still running in the base most likely going to her room. "Kylo Ren is your son?" Finn asks. "Yes he is....Ben Solo, he was sweet, very caring towards his sister Brynn and when the dark side took over him he hated us especially his Dad." Leia sighs. Kylo Ren is Leia's son so Brynn is related to the leader of the First Order. Sighing I feel so bad for her she lost her dad to her brother. Leia is hugging Chewie tightly as she cries. "General Leia I'm sorry about the lost of your husband." I say. "Thank you Poe, now I need to go talk to my daughter and see how she's holding up." She leaves going to Brynn's room. I walk over to Rey and Finn and hug them tightly. "I'm so glad you guys are okay." I smile slightly. "So are we Poe so are we." Finn chuckles. I laugh too and we go and get some food. "What happened to Brynn while she was there besides her brother killing her father." I say. "Well, Kylo and her talked about something and she said he went through her mind and she said the pain was horrible." Rey explains. "Yeah getting your mind looked through is very painful that's what he did to me when I was there." I explain. They nod.

Brynn's Pov

Hearing a knock on my door it opens and closes. Looking up I see mom standing there with tear streaks down her face. "Oh my sweet little girl, I'm so sorry you had to witness your father dying." She says hugging me. I hug back and just cry not able to speak. She calms me down and rubs my back. "I took Rey's lightsaber and battle Ben." I whisper. "How did you do?" She asks. "Great, gave him some scars for the rest of his life." I say. She chuckles and kisses my head. "That's my girl." I smile slightly. We talk a bit and I still have tears down my face. "You're Dad is so proud of you Brynn." She smiles pushing my light brown hair back. "How do you know that?" I ask softly. "I just do...he was always proud of you." She smiles. I nod and lean into her embrace. "Where's Topanga?" I ask. "A storm trooper shot her." She explains. "What!? Why?" I ask. "Because Topanga saved my life. She's a hero dog." Mom smiles. I smile. "I'm glad you're alive still." I hug her. She hugs back. "Me too."

She leaves and when she does I get up and shut my door locking it so no one can come in and bother me. I can't believe he killed dad just like that with no regret or hurt in his eyes. He truly is a monster and he's my brother. Sighing I lay in bed and wipe my tears away as fresh tears come down. Letting a small sob pass through my lips I cry and cry hoping for some comforts to come to me. After some time I wake up slowly and see it's six at night and it's time for dinner. I'm not in the mood to eat. Going to my bathroom I see my eyes are bloodshot and puffy. Sighing I lean against the door of my bathroom and just replay the events in my head over and over again. Letting couple of tears pass I get changed into my comfy clothes and I go back to bed and stare at my ceiling. Oh Ben, I know you're still in there why are being like this. This isn't you. You're not Kylo Ren you're Ben Solo.

Hearing a knock on my door I stay quiet and hear my mom's voice on the other side. "Brynn, it's times for dinner." I take a deep breath. "I'm not eating. I'm not really hungry right now." I answer. "Okay Brynn." She says leaving. Taking a deep breath I lay down on my bed and let some more tear go. Dad I wish you were here. I miss you so much already.

**Time Skip To A Few Weeks Later**

It's been a few weeks since dad died and I can't handle it. I haven't been out of my room since dad died and everyone is so worried about me I haven't been eating too. Going to my bathroom I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes are so puffy and very red and I'm losing weight. I'm a mess, I hate myself now I don't even look like my normal self. Sitting down on my bed I just stare out the window and try to think of happier moments and I can't. It's too hard for me.

Poe's Pov

It's been weeks since Brynn been out of her room and we're worried about her. Sitting down next to Finn. Rey looks at us and just takes a deep breath. "Still nothing on Brynn?" Finn asks. I nod and sigh. "General Leia hasn't been able to get her out of her room since Han died. She hasn't eat since the death too." I explain. "I mean she lost her dad to her brother her own family member killed her dad that's horrible." Finn sighs. Nodding I hope she's okay. "I just hope she's okay....I'm very worried for her." I say. They look at me with a raise an eyebrow.

"What?" I ask. They point behind me and I see  General Leia standing behind me. "Come with me Poe." She says. Nodding I get up and walk over with her.

Aweee Brynn isn't taking her father's death to well! She's a mess!! This poor girl is going through so much!! But Poe is being such a big sweetheart and being worried for Brynn!! Please comment and vote!!

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