Chapter 9

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Poe's Pov

Why on earth did Brynn take Rey into the woods and why is Kylo Ren after them? "Don't you think we should go and help Brynn and Rey out?" I ask General Leia. "They can take care of themselves. I know they can." She says as she Chewie keeps her safe by blasting troopers away. Soon the blast stops and they start heading back on the ships and I raise an eyebrow confused as to why. General Leia and Han go back inside to see how much damage was done. Looking at Finn he points in the distance and I look over to see Rey and Brynn both being handle by Kylo Ren. "NOOOO!" I scream and start running down to hopefully get to them. Unfortunately for me he gets in the big ship and leaves before I make it down. Oh my god they have Brynn and Rey!

Running back inside I go look for General Leia and Han hoping to find them quickly. After another ten minutes I see them. "General Leia! Han Solo! We have an emergency!" I yell as I finally catch up to them since they stop and turned to look at me. "What's wrong Poe?" General Leia asks. "The First Order! They have Rey!" I start off. Han and Leia give each other a look and nod slowly. "We'll handle it kid." Han says. "No! We need to do something about it now! The didn't just take Rey they took Brynn too!" I say. The colour drained from there faces when I said that and Leia starts crying and I don't know if I should have said that or not. "They took our baby." She cries hugging Han.

"Shh it's okay honey, we'll get her back. Finn, Chewie and I will go and get them both back here." Han rubs her back. "I'm coming too." I say. "No you're not. I need you here Incase they decide to attack us again." General Leia says. "I want to go and save Brynn." I say so I can make sure she's okay. "No! And that's an order Poe." She says. I sigh and nod going back to my room. Walking in I see BB-8 there and I just sit down. He whirls and makes beeping noise and I just sigh. "They took her and Rey. I can't even go to make sure they're okay General Leia wants me to here." BB-8 beeps again and rubs against my leg. "I wish I could have protected her more." I say looking at him. He beeps. "Thanks you're the best." I smile slightly. Oh I hope Rey is okay and most importantly I hope Brynn is okay.

Brynn's Pov

Waking up I see I'm in a dark room and I try to move, but I'm strap down to a table thing and I see nothing but wires and gadgets. Oh god, oh god, oh god this can't be happening!? Soon the door opens and soon comes in Kylo Ren in his darkness. I look away and he stares at me. "Tell me you really think I wouldn't come back for you?" He asks. I just look at anything but him and I stay quiet. "You're pathetic Brynn for staying with them. You could be so much stronger then what you already if you joined the dark side! I mean look how strong I am." He says menacingly. "I never will join the dark side and would you take off the damn helmet!" I growl. He does what I ask and I see him and everything he became instead of what he could have become. "Ben." I whisper missing my brother. He growls and walks over to me. "I'm not Ben! I'm Kylo Ren! I killed your brother a long time ago! He was weak and immature! I made him into the man he is now!" He yells at me. "You mean a cruel unforgiving man? Who kills innocent lives!?" I spit in my brother's face. "Would you kill it Brynn! Ben is not coming back he's gone for good! You're sweet brother is gone! Ben has became Kylo Ren the most feared person in the galaxy!" He roars.

"But you're a still a Solo! You're still Han's and Leia's son! Just like I'm still your little sister and Han's and Leia's daughter! You're my brother Ben! No matter who you are! And I want him back!" I yell having tears run down my face. He stays quiet for a moment and then grabs my face roughly. "He's not coming back." He spits. Before I can respond I feel my head explode and I start yelling in pain. "Stop! Please oh god! Please stop!" I cry from the pain. The pain continues for a couple of more minutes and he pulls away. I look at him through blurry vision and he just grabs his helmet. "Such a same sis, you could have been just like me strong and powerful, but you're weak for staying with the Resistance." He says putting his helmet on and leaves. Sobbing slightly my head is spinning and I can't think straight and I just want to go home to my family I miss them and I miss seeing Finn already and I just need a hug. Oh I hope Rey is okay.

Waking up to a door opening I get scared it's Ben again until I notice it's not it's Rey!? "Oh my god Rey!" I croak. "Brynn! What did he do to you?" She asks worried as she gets me off the table. I shake my head not wanting to talk about it. She nods and hands me a gun. "Let's get off this ship." She says. Nodding we leave and hold our blasters close. While we're we hear noise and get ready to shoot them, but when we turn the corner I see three very familiar faces. "Dad! Uncle Chewie!" I hug them tightly. "Oh I'm so glad You're okay!" Dad hugs me and so Uncle Chewie. Rey hugs Finn and I just smile at him. "What did he do to you?" Dad asks. "Went through my head." I say. He nods and rubs my face gently. "We got to do something and then we'll be off this ship." Dad smiles. I nod and we all go to this certain place until we get separated thanks to stormtroopers. Dad and Uncle Chewie go to blow something while we run to the ship.

While we're running I see Uncle Chewie and dad and we go there and see Kylo Ren. Talking to him. "I've never seen him with his mask off." Finn says. We nod and watch what's happening. Next thing we know he killed dad. "NOOO!" I scream and grab Rey's lightsaber from her and jump down coming face to face with him. "HOW COULD YOU!!? YOU KILLED DAD! OUR OWN FATHER BEN!?" I yell with tears running down my face. "SHUT UP BRYNN!! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO JOIN THE DARK SIDE! YOU'LL DIE!" He yells bringing his lightsaber over his head. Blocking it with Rey's lightsaber him and I have a fight and he's shock to see how well I am. Looking over at my friends I nod at them to go to the ship and wait for me. They leave along with Uncle Chewie.

((A picture of Kylo Ren//Ben Solo!!))

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((A picture of Kylo Ren//Ben Solo!!))

Wow!! Brynn has a brother and is the leader of the First Order!? Who would have guessed that! But he also killed his own father!! Please comment and vote!!

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