Chapter 13

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Rolling my eyes I eat my food and just mind my own business. "Brynn." I hear a familiar voice. Looking over my shoulder I see my mom. Smiling I get up and we hug each other tighter and she kisses my head. "You're okay, I'm so glad you're out of your room." She kisses my head over and over again. "Thank you Mom, and thank Dameron, he's the reason why I came out." I say with a small smile. She nods and looks over at Poe talking to Rey and Finn. She nods with a small smile. "You feeling better?" Ah asks. "Yes I am....well a little." I smile pushing my hair back. "Glad to hear that." She smiles. Nodding she goes back to talking with someone and I go back to my friends and take my seat. Eating my food I finish up and Rey leaves to go get train some more and Finn is helping people out with something.

"So I was thinking, I teach you how to fly. As long as your up for it." Poe offers. I look up at Poe and give a small smile. "Yeah I'd like that a lot." He nods. "Awesome let's get going then." Nodding I get up and we walk out the canteen going to the hangar to go to his ship. Arriving we walk over to his ship he gets in and holds his hand out for me to take. Grabbing onto his hand he pulls me up with ease and I sit in the small space he gave me between his legs like last time. "Alright it's been awhile since we've done this, do you remember what everything is?" He asks. I look down at all the control and start naming what each button does. "I'm glad you remember." He says. I nod and take a deep breath. "Alright, turn on the engine." He instructs. Nodding I do what he told me to do and it comes to life. He shows me what to do and I place my hands on the steer. "Alright get the ship to fly up and then we'll take it from there." He explains.

Nodding I fly the plane up into the air and my hands start to shake a little which causes Poe to place his hands on top of mine. "It's okay Brynn, take a deep breath and feel it in your gut. I know you know what to do. And remember it's okay to be afraid of something you've never done before." He says giving my hands a tight squeeze. Looking back at him I give a nod and take a deep breath. Calming myself down I slowly start moving I around the air and we start making progress. Poe lets go of my hands letting me fly the plane all by myself. "There you go Brynn! Your flying." He smiles. I continue to fly the ship and he tells me fly around base just doing circles.

Some time passes and we bring the ship back to the hangar and we get out of the ship. "You did it Brynn! You flew your first ship!" He smiles picking me up and swinging me in circles when we're on the ground. I laugh and hold onto him as he swings me in circles. Once he's done he puts me down and I just hug him tightly. "Thank you so much Dameron!" I smile pulling away from the hug. He chuckles pushing my hair back since it fell in front of my face. "No problem thanks for letting me teach you." Smiling I push my long light brown hair back gently. "You know you're hair is very beautiful when it's straight, you should do it more often." He smiles running my hair through two of his fingers. "Thanks Dameron." I smile slightly.

He nods and let's my hair drop. "You're not as bad I thought you were." I say. "Is that so?" He raises an eyebrow. "Yeah you may be full of yourself, but you truly care about you're friends." I say looking into his brown eyes. He smiles looking down at me. "Thanks Solo." He hums. Nodding we go back inside and he goes find Finn and Rey while I go looking for my mom. Walking around I look for my mom wondering where she could be. Once I find her doing some work she looks up at me as I walk in. "So how was it hanging with Poe?" She asks. "How did you know I was with him?" I raise an eyebrow. "Because I saw you two walking out of canteen together and into the hangar." She smiles. "Oh." Is all I say. "He seems very fond of you Brynn." She says standing up. "What do you mean?" I ask looking at her.

"He truly cares about you Lexie." She says. "Really?" I ask surprise. Nodding she hums. "When you got captured by the First Order Poe was the first one to tell us you were captured and the first one who offered to go to and get you." She tells me. I think about that and smile slightly. "That's very sweet of him." She nods. "Indeed it is." She touches my face gently. "I'm gonna go get lunch, I'll see you around." I say. She nods gently and kisses my head. Leaving her room I go to the canteen and grab my food and take a seat next to Rey. "Your mom really pushes the training." She says rubbing her arms. I nod and continue eating. "Are you alright?" She asks softly. "Yea, I'm fine just getting use to being back around and not slumped into my room." I explain. "Yeah I bet." She says. Soon Finn and Poe come over laughing about something and Rey and I just look at each other. "What are you guys laughing about?" Rey asks. They tell us and I just shake my head and eat my food and mind my own business and just listen to everyone talk. "So I heard Poe taught you to fly how was it?" Finn asks smiling at me. Looking up at him chewing my food I swallow. "Great it was great." I say.

"Glad to hear it." He smiles. I nod and drink some of my water. Once I'm done I take my food to the trash can and go back sitting at the table. They're all talking and I tie my hair up and just listen to everyone. While I'm minding my own business I continue to drink water and just think about some stuff. Letting my mom's word replay in my mind I can't get over the fact that Poe wanted to save me. Once everyone's done we say goodbye and I leave and walk out of the base and go through the forest to take some time to myself and just to clear my mind. Walking around I come To the lake and I pick up some rocks and toss them into then water watching them do skips. I do this for a half hour and head back inside as it starts getting colder.

Walking back into base I see mom and Poe talking to each other and I walk pass them minding my own business and go to my room and just sit down on my bed running my fingers through my hair.

Brynn finally learned how to fly!! How kind of Poe to teach her!! And I smell a sweet friendship blooming between her and Poe? Maybe even more might be blooming!! Please comment and vote!!

My Shining Star//Poe Dameron Fanfiction ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now