Chapter 16

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Going to my room I yawn not realizing how tired I am. Getting to my room I walk in and get into my night clothes and get under the covers and fall asleep.

((Next Day))

Waking up I see the time and I get out of bed and get changed quickly and brush my hair and then just stretch for a bit. Once I'm done stretching I crack my back and I feel the stiffness go away. Humming I walk out of my room and go get breakfast.

((Brynn's outfit))

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((Brynn's outfit))

Grabbing my food I go sit down at the table with Rey and we just start talking waiting for Poe and Finn to come join us. We talk about what happened while we were on the ship and I just sigh shaking my head. "It still doesn't feel real, but it was." I explain. She nods and hugs me. I hug back and the boys join us and we all talk about random stuff. "What are you guys doing today?" Rey asks. "Finn and I are gonna go and get drinks at the place him and Chewie went." Nodding I look at Rey and we share a look. "What about you?" Finn asks. "Hmm I probably finish cleaning my room up." I say. "When you're done, do you wanna hang out?" Rey asks. "Sure." I smile drinking my coffee. She nods and smiles. Finishing my food I go back to my room and start cleaning.

Picking up where I left off yesterday I get down to cleaning. While I'm cleaning I find some of my hair pins and I smile. So that's where they went. Finally I finish up and I go find Rey. Finding Rey she's talking with someone. "Hey Rey ready?" I smile. She nods and we leave going off base and into the woods where there's a lake. We on the rocks and dip our feet in the water. "How's training going with my mom?" I ask. "Oh it's going great, she's really good, but she's defiantly pushes the boundaries." She explains. Nodding we talk about some other stuff. "Wanna take a dip?" I ask. She nods. We remove our clothes and keep our bras and underwear on and jump into the coldish water. Swimming around we enjoy ourselves greatly. "What did Kylo do to you?" I ask. "Well he tried to get into my head and then I pushed him out and got into his." She explains and goes on about what they talked about. "Wow. I wish I was able to do that." I sigh as I push my wet hair back. "Really? Why?" She asks. "Because do you know the pain of it?" I ask. She shakes her head no. "It's horrible! It's having your skull being split into two and the pain is like someone stabbing it over and over and you can't die from it." I say looking at her. "Ouch that does sound painful and why did Kylo want you?" She asks.

"Like I said I'm a Jedi too, well somewhat of a Jedi, I stopped after I saw what happened with Ben, I didn't want the same thing happening to me, but now he wants me on the dark side, but I could never go over there no matter how bad the temptation is and he's gonna want you over on the dark side too Rey. Now that he discovered you're a Jedi, he will do everything in his power to have you on the dark side. So please be careful." I say touching her shoulder gently. She nods and smiles at me. "Thanks for the heads up Brynn." I nod back and give a small smile. "Of course, now lets go back to my room." I say getting out of the lake. She nods and follows me and get our clothes back on and walk back towards base.

"I wonder how Poe and Finn are doing on the other planet." Rey says as we get to my room. "I'm assuming fine. Probably drunk." I say as we walk into my room and sit on my bed. She nods laughing slightly and we just talk about random stuff. Time passes and she gets up stretching. "I'm gonna go and get change before dinner." She explains. Nodding I push my damp hair back and stretch. "Probably should do the same." I chuckle. Once she leaves I go and take my shower and just relax feeling the warm water hit me body. Leaning against the shower wall I take this time to clear my mind of everything. Remembering the conversation with Poe I smile slightly and just feel a warm feeling in my body. Once I get out of the shower I get into comfy clothes after I dry off and brush my damp hair.

 Once I get out of the shower I get into comfy clothes after I dry off and brush my damp hair

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((Brynn's outfit!))

Walking into my room I walk out of the door I go to the canteen for some dinner. Looking at the time I see I'm running late. Oops. Walking in I grab some food and head to the table to see my friends already there. Taking my seat next to Finn, but like normal I'm still across from Poe. Weird how we're always across from each other without even trying. "How was getting drinks?" I ask. "Awesome." Finn says and Poe just laughs nodding. I nod slowly and look at Rey and she winks at me. Shaking my head I continue to eat. "What about you girls what did you guys do?" Poe asks slipping his drink. "Just hanged out." Rey answers. They nod and tell us about the planet and honestly I'm not interested in it.

They all talk about something I don't really know I've kinda just tuned them all out as I focus on my food. Staring at my plate I all of a sudden don't feel hungry and I barely ate. Getting up I throw the rest of the food out and walk out of the canteen and go back to my room. On my way to my room I run into Uncle Chewie and he roars at me and I laugh slightly nodding in agreement. "No I don't." I deny. He rolls his eyes at me and I blush at his comment. "Uncle." I whine. He laughs kinda and I leave after saying goodnight. Arriving to my room I lay down on my bed and do some thinking.

Rey and Brynn seem to be great friends!! And let's only hope Poe and Finn didn't get drunk! But please comment and vote!!

My Shining Star//Poe Dameron Fanfiction ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now