I turned back, ready to run because I knew what he was trying to do. The only way in front of me was the woods. I couldn't find any other possible escape. I tilted my head towards Alex and pleaded him to stop what he was about to do. But he was just walking towards me like a monster.

"Don't even try to run towards the woods. I will catch you even then, and won't stop till you are in my hands." Now he even sounded like a monster. I started shivering. I am living my worst nightmare - going into the woods. But I don't think I had a choice. It's either the woods or that monster who is coming towards me. 

Neither of them is safe options, but I have to think fast.

I ran as fast as my legs could move, towards the darkness. Thin and long barks of trees kept coming my way and I kept dodging them. Even though this was the last place I wanted to be, I had no choice but to keep going wherever the path would lead me. 

A chilly breeze crashed onto my face. My legs were not covered fully and were open to the cold air. I could hear footsteps and leaves crushing behind me. and All I thought was to run till he has given up. Thuk!

And there I go crashing to the ground face first. Ouch! This fall hurts my whole body, but I have to keep running. I can't stop. As I got up to steady myself, I saw that one of my heels was broken. Damn it. I removed my other shoe too because it was useless now. Suddenly I realized that there was no noise. He must have stopped. Yes!... Ouch!

I saw that my knee was also bleeding, as was my elbow. Great! Today is such an amazing day. I am in the woods, injured, barefoot, and alone. My emotions are just flying everywhere. I should start listening to my instincts. Guys in my school are not good. But I still thought that Alex was good, and because of my stupid trust in him, I am here. I decided to call someone for help on my phone. Even if it means I have to call Dad to get me out from the middle of the woods. OH MY GOD.

I did not bring my phone with me. I forgot it in my purse, which is in Susan's car. I am lost. I am so stupid. Now, what will I do? I can't even scream for help. I sat down with my back to one of the million huge trees in the woods. Blank. 

That was me right now. I just could not think of anything. It was as if I had given up. This place is the only thing I would be scared of, and nothing else. Literally. I have to calm down first. I concentrated on my breaths. I closed my eyes. I heard the leaves wooshing around me. The silence of the woods was not just uncomfortable, but also scary. 

My heart started beating fast again. I miss my home. I want to go back home. I have to face my fear. I have to go through this darkness. And find the road. Yes, I have to find a road which can lead to someplace. Any place. I am really good with street directions. I started to walk straight. Somewhere, these woods have to end. I had never noticed the woods as closely as I did right now. The tall trees were hundreds of years old. The small bushes below me had leaves through which you couldn't see anything below. 


What was that noise? Goosebumps started forming on my arms. "Who is that?" I asked in the direction of the noise; there was only darkness around me. I am such an idiot because that noise had definitely not come from a human. 

There was someone... something out here with me. My heart started beating loud enough that I could it all the way in my ears. I will start to cry at any moment. But I have got to be brave. I can't show my weakness to anyone, not even a stranger, because that's what my Dad taught me. This is my time to apply it.


"Stop hiding. If you have the guts, come out to the front," I said confidently, and secretly smiled. I surely felt better than before. I started searching around to see where that creature may come out from. There was something moving in the distance. This person was too tall to be an animal. A few others were following it. It was too dark around me to see anything clearly. I could hardly see that thing coming towards me... No, it's a human because it is walking on two legs. 

Behind him were some more people walking. Yes! It must be the people who are coming to rescue me. I got so excited that I started walking towards them. I took a deep sigh of relief. Then I suddenly thought - who would know that I was lost in the woods? Alex has definitely not called for help, nor has Susan because she herself is lost. Maybe her Mom must have called. Maybe Susan reached home without me and her Mom was worried. Yeah. That's it. I stopped walking. But they did not. As they came closer, I could clearly see their faces. 


"Hey, little Annabeth... Oh well, now you are not as little as you were five years ago. You have grown up into such a beautiful girl," said the man whose voice I had never wanted to hear again. He sounded so calm, so confident - as if he owned me. Now as he stood a few meters away, I could see his face very clearly. His eyes were not normal - they were red and glowing and had a thick circle in the cornea. His blonde hair was perfectly combed back - smooth as silk. 

His jawline was so perfect that if he had been a student at my school, he would have been called the perfect Mr. popular. He smiled with perfect white teeth. I wondered if he was real. He was too perfect to be, anyway. He wore ripped jeans and a t-shirt that was too tight; his biceps clung on to his shirt sleeves.

"Are you done admiring me, darling?" he smirked knowing that he had already won me over. I immediately looked down, and then awkwardly around. I tried to avoid his gaze.

"Who are you?" I asked as I had to get back to reality – the people standing in front of me were strangers, and I needed to know who they were and why they were here.

"Oh darling, even after five years you have no other question to ask me?" I looked at him again and it felt like déjà vu. I have seen him before.

"Well, if you answer this question, only then can I go any further." I gestured, expressing myself clearly - could he be any more stupid?

"Okay, darling, whatever you say."

"Could you stop with the quirkiness because it is bothering me like hell. Just answer as a normal human please?" I sounded rude, but I had no other choice.

"Twothings. First, my name is JAMES. And second, I am not a human. I am a werewolf." 


P.S The pic above is of my character inspiration for James - Alex Pettyfer

So.... what do you guys think about James?

Do vote for my story if you like it and your feedback is always welcome!

Chapter 2.3 coming tomorrow

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