Knowing he's on his phone, he responds back immediately.

Ross: Of course baby

Once I finish packing a few pairs of clothes, I grab my bag and head out to the living room. Liv is quick to come out with pair of jeans and a cute shirt. Her hair is up in a perfect bun.

I look like George Washington with my hair in a bun.

"Ready?" I ask her, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

She nods. "Yes!"

We walk down to his car, talking about her shifts at the hospital. As we approach the car, Ross gets out.

"Hey, Liv," he says, reaching out to give her a hug.

Liv is quick to hug him back. "How've you been?" She asks.

"Good, good. You?"

Ross pulls back and walks over to me, grabbing my bag out of my hand so he can put it in the trunk. Liv smiles as she watches his movements. "I've been great."

"How's my brother?" He asks her, closing the trunk.

She laughs. "He's great."

"Good. Anywhere you want to go to eat?" Ross asks, opening my door and the one behind me.

I shrug. "I'm not really craving anywhere specific. Anyone else? Anything you want that you can't get in Cali?" I ask him before thanking him for opening the door and sliding into the passenger seat.

Once we are all inside, he leans back against the seat, his lips puckered as he thinks of places.

"What about the tavern that's like fifteen minutes away?" Liv suggests.

Ross nods. "Yeah, that sounds good! I kept thinking Cheesecake Factory, but that's boring."

"Ooh, pasta though?"

After a five minute debate on whether we wanted burgers and beers or pasta and wine, we finally decided to go to the tavern since Ross can't go there any other time.

Once we arrived to the restaurant, Ross and I made sure to keep our distance. With that being said, we approached the booth and I slid all the way in so Liv can sit beside me. Ross sat in the middle across from us.

I decided to go with a turkey burger and the other two got cheeseburgers. I ordered a Long Island iced tea and they ordered beers.

I know Ross will limit himself at one beer since he's driving. He never pushes his limits and I'm glad he's not an aggressive or stubborn drunk. He never becomes an idiot. Usually.

As Ross and Liv are in deep conversation about something she experienced at work, I focus on my drink. I only need one and a half of these and I'm pretty drunk. It basically has almost every liquor under the sun in it.

As I'm finishing up the first glass while picking on nachos, I glance around the customers. There's two girls at one of the tables who keep looking over at us. I'm assuming they recognize Ross.

Liv knew the hostess here so she asked for us to be seated in one of the back corners so Ross was facing the wall essentially which gave the two of us a perfect view of everything happening.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon