With Me (good ending)

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3rd pov
After being kidnapped my The League of Villains (and eating them). Kirishima and Bakugo were addressed by Aizawa, leading them to the police and telling them what happened. They were at the police department, Bakugo telling Aizawa Sensei everything, "When they were done torturing me the guy pulled out this." Bakugo took out a syringe, "they said that this'll be be cure to Kirishima's disease." Aizawa took a good look at it before putting the fragile item into the bag. "Was that all?" Aizawa asked, Bakugo nodded his head, now it was time for Kirishima to go in and have the talk.
"So, you ate everyone in there?" Aizawa lifted an eyebrow, "why did you eat them?"
"I don't know, actually..." Kirishima held the hem of his shirt, "...I guess it was because of my mood, I could feel my intense anger radiate off of me, I was a monster all while trying to find Bakugo and escape from that place. It was like another version of me that I had never known I had."
'slip personality' Aizawa made a mental note, "was that all?"
Kirishima shook his head, "there was this girl who said that she and her gang have been spying on me and my case, about how I got the disease..." Kirishima grew silent, the sound of her voice slightly echoed through his head.
"Let me tell you this, Eijiro." Aizawa adjusted his chair, "you are not the first one to inherit this disease."
"Eh!?" A shocked Kirishima spring up into the air, "I'm not!?!?"
"No," Aizawa said once again, "how do you think I would've known what to do if we didn't have previous people with your 'experiences'" Kirishima "oh"ed like a little child realizing the answer to a math problem. "The first one was a girl," Aizawa started, "she was in the 3rd grade and she somehow got the disease and she ate everyone in the entire school." the thought of this made Kirishima shudder.
"At 3rd grade?" Kirishima looked up and saw Aizawa nod, "there was also another one, a Highschooler who was in the nature club, she had no idea what had gotten over her and she ate her best friend." Kirishima covered his mouth in shock, 'that's what I do to Bakugo' he shamefully thought
"Although, in out recorded history of this disease, there was only one survivor, an everlasting prey for the person who was illed. And of course, they had a new healing 'quirk'. Scientists studies have shown that this was called a 'mate for life', kind of scenario. So they could only eat off of that one specific person until they both die in age or by force."
That specific word had popped out for Kirishima, "forced?"
"Sometimes, the treatment for the patient doesn't always go as planned." Aizawa sighed, "they either become a gigantic beast and uncontrollably eat anything and everything or they learn how to live in peace and maintain a balanced eating schedule."
Kirishima gulped, he had remembered when he turned into a more of a vicious beast when he had eaten that man. "But," The messy haired man cut the silence, "the desicion is up to you"
Kirishima had thought, 'its my choice to choose if I want to die or live....'

((Okay so this would be the part where I would have a "live" or "die" option, this is gonna be the live option, so continue on reading! Next chapter will be the "die" option!))

"I don't wanna die." He managed to say, "so as long as I don't eat innocent people I'm good, right?"
Aizawa nodded, "it seems so, but you also gotta remember that Villains have a family, too, you'd be surprised by how many of them go back home after being imprisoned"
"Gotcha" Kiri stood up from the chair and left the room, "I'll make good use of this, Sensei"
Bakugo was waiting for Kirishima out in the lobby of the station. Kirishima looking down at his feet approached Bakugo, Bakugo jumped up, "well, what happened?"
"They gave me an option..." Kiri started, "an option to either kill myself for the benefit of others or to live on and maintain my hunger"
"Which one did you pick?" Bakugo's voice quivered
"Dummy, I'm not that much of an idiot" he smirked and playfully punched Bakugo, the blonde boy grinned out of relief.
"C'mon, let's go home."

As time went on Kirishima and Bakugo did live peacefully, or at least as peacefully as they could. Kirishima continued to eat from Bakugo's body and enjoy his flesh, and after a while of eating Bakugo he got used to it.he didn't wanna scream anymore, just little whimpers and what-not. As for everyone at school no one knew. Not a single would besides for those two. One day Kirishima and Bakugo went in a nature hike, nothing and been Soo much more natural for them than this. The leaves on the trees were practically sparkling green in the sunlight as the shade cooled the little critters from underneath. The ground was nice and beautiful, scattered with little flowers that had naturally grown in those places. There layed Bakugo and Kirishima on a little hill that had a cherry blossom tree, the little petals falling down to their faces. "Hey, Bakugo" Kirishima held his hand, "I love you"
Bakugo took this as a surprise and grasped the hard boy's hand avoiding eye contact he sighed, "tch, I love you, too..." He mumbled trying to fight his blush from spreading
"Aw!~ you do care!" Kirishima joked
"Oh, shut up!"
In the end maybe things did go well after all...

((WAH! Thanks for reading the good ending of "The Taste of You"! I mainly like to do "cough* sad *cough* endings, but usually the good endings are always soo short when I make them and I don't really like that. Any-who! Make sure you read the sad ending just for fun, Love you guys!))

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