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Bakugo's pov
I was at home on my bed thinking to myself, 'why did I ever decide to do this?' I cover my eyes with my forearm wondering all of the questions I have to ask in life.
I turn my head to the side of the bed where my nightstand was, my phone had vibrated. I checked my phone to see who it was from, the message said to meet them at the same park where Kirishima had his accident. 'its 9:53pn, who the hell would want to meet up this late?' but I went anyways. As soon as I arrived at the park entrance there was Aizawa Sensei standing next to his car. "I'm glad you came, Bakugo" little clouds formed as he spoke
"Why the hell did you make me come here?"
"I didn't, I just sent you a message on your phone and you came" he said cockily
I tched, "why am I here?"
"I would like to inform you that we think Kirishima has come to a somewhat stable state in his condition, which is why you're here right now."
"That's it?" I slouch, "just to tell me that? Couldn't you just text that or something?"
"No," he pointed his finger at the car and motioned his finger in a 'come here' way, "I brought him"
Out of the car came Kirishima, not wearing the shackles anymore, he still wore the big white shirt, this time with his skin cleaned from all of the blood. "H-hey, Bakubro"
"Kirishima!" I hug him with a great embrace that could possibly squeeze him to death. I let go, still holding his arms, "what are you doing here?"
"They said that you'll be my guardian, so as long as I don't go hungry I'll be fine" Kirishima itched his head and smiled
"He's now you responsibility with our protection" Aizawa said, "you must be with him at all times in order to protect him and everyone in Japan"
I nodded, "wait- does this mean he has to live with me?"
"I'm afraid so"
I mentally cussed at myself, but delt with it, "what am I supposed to tell my folks?"
"Don't worry about that, we'll take care of that"
"Bakugo" Kirishima spoke up and I looked back at him to see his eyes sparkling in the moonlight, "t-thank you"
I huffed, trying to cover up my blush, "Don't mention it"
"Alright," Aizawa butt in, "I leave the rest to you, Bakugo, good luck" Aizawa then left in his car driving off to who knows where.
"Wait! Couldn't you at least give us a ride home!?!?" I scream, but nothing changed, I sighed in annoyance.
"Don't worry, we'll make it to your place!" Kirishima gave me a smile, that same smile that I had alwaysd admired whenever I was with him.
"I didn't say that we couldn't, Shitty Hair" i could feel a tiny of red on my cheeks grow a bit, "let's go." I grab his hand and drag him to my house.
We finally arrived at my house, of course my parents were home. "KATSUKI, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?" the damn old hag yelled at me as soon as I got home.
"SHUT UP! I HAD TO GO PICK UP A FRIEND!!" I pull Kirishima in the house and slam the door behind us, "the place is loud and crazy, so get used to it." He only giggled a bit and looked around the living area. The hag decided to come in and saw Kirishima in his big baggy shirt, "Katsuki did you find him on the streets or something?"
"Hell no! I signed up for something to take care of him" I glared at her
"Oh well," she shrugged, "you just make yourself at home, don't let us give you any trouble!" She smiled at Kirishima, that damn women.
"C'mon, we're going upstairs." I get a hold of him again and dragged him into my room, I closed the door behind me having him do on my bed I sigh and stretch out my neck. "So, how was it like to be in that place?" I tried starting up a conversation just to get out of the awkward silence.
"It was very quiet" Kirishima late on my bed, "everything was white and I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was very lonely."
"How was it like to be... Y'know... Hungry?"
He chuckled a bit "It doesn't feel good I can tell you that! You just feel like you haven't eaten in three days and then, when you see a ton of food, you feel so relieved, so you start to Chow down on everything until you're full" Kirishima sat up enthusiastically while doing hand motions to explain.
"Sounds like hell" I sit down next to him
"It is" he said looking down at the floor, "and the worst part is... Is that I can only eat people..." He hugged himself, me remembering his face from a couple of days ago from eating me, I put my arm over him and held him close. "You can eat me and me alone, don't even sweat it." Kirishima started to cry in my arms, I could tell that he was holding back his tears because crying wasn't manly at all, but it was nessessary at points.
I pull him closer to me, "just cry dammit. It's not good for you to just hold it in" I say as he then bawled his eyes out in my chest. It wasn't his fault for having this disease, why would this happen to us? To him? Especially him. I never asked for this. None of us did. A rew minutes or so went by and he slowly stopped crying. "Ya feel better?" He sniffed and nodded wiping a tear off if his cheek, "much better, thank you"
"You don't always have to thank me all the time, Shitty Hair, that's what I'm here for."
"...right..." He backed up away from me and layed down on my bed.
"Go to sleep, you must be tired after all of that" I say getting up to change my wet teared shirt.
"B-but what about-"
I flick his head, "Go. To. Sleep." I stared at him
Kirishima had no words to say, just a simple nod was all. He fell asleep on my bed as I sat on the floor next to him while played on my phone. A creak was heard and I lifted my head up to see the old hag's face peering through my door. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" I mouthed, she only smiled and winked leaving us be and shutting the door. I tched before focusing ack in my phone, 'damn parents...'

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