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3rd pov
We are in a world, a world of heroes. 80% percent of us have quirks while the rest of us don't. What we didn't know was that there could be monsters in this world, too. Literally and mentally. mentally, meaning were villains, literally meaning we become monsters through a rare diseases. Based on our quirks, characteristics, and personalities a new disease could currupt and start a new catastrophe. Diseases in our world do not get spread out so easily, but only 1/50 people are most likely to get it. But one day a highschooler's life had changed all due to this...

Kirishima's pov
"Okay, class, that's it." Aizawa released the class and we were able to go home. "Bakugo!" I gave him my toothy smile and ran up towards him, "do you wanna hang out again today?"
"Hah?" His blood red eyes met my own, "what are you after, Shitty Hair?"
"I just wanna hang out with my best bro!"
"I got this homework to do, genius"
"C'mon! Just for 30 minutes?" I cocked my head to the side.
"M......fffffffine! At the park around 4, don't be late." He said and headed out the door.
I smiled knowing that he wouldn't be disappointed, "you got it!" I then headed my way out to the park, it was only 3:27 so I figured 'why not just go there right now?' I made it to the park and waited on a bench that was in front of a group of trees. I take out my phone and look at the time: 3:31, I out my phone away and continued waiting as I looked up in the sky to see one single black butterfly. 'huh? But didn't butterfly season just pass?' I shrug off the thought and gaze at the butterfly as it fluttered around in the sky and land on my nose then flying away. I adored it while it lasted, children in the park were playing while parents were either taking a stroll or sitting together, I look at my phone to check the time again: 3:34. I sigh and decided to close my eyes and rest for a bit. I then became hungry. Luckily I had some of my lunch left over, I grab my back and take out my bento and chomp down on my food. "Ah, that was good!" I sigh and put the bento back in my bag- suddenly I was hungry again? It was like as if I had never eaten the food I had just scarfed down. I figured that I could wait until after Bakugo came and we hung out. About 10 minutes went by... I felt like I was going to die, literally. My stomach growled louder and louder as the minutes went on, the more time went on, the more I craved for something to satisfy my stomach... for my mouth... for my taste...
G R O W L. . .
I hold onto my stomach as I hug my tummy, 'c'mon what's wrong with you, Eijiro!?' I then smelled something... Something amazing... Something... Tasty... I lift my head up to see that a person is in front of me, not Bakugo, but another man. "Sir, are you alright?" Everything was starting to get dizzy and my stomach's was pounding, I blinked a couple of times and everything went black.

3rd pov
"Sir, are you alright?" The man asked as he approached Kirishima, Kirishima had blinked a couple of times- suddenly his eyes went completely black. "!?" The man jumped a bit, "s-sir?" Kirishima took hold of the man's wrist using his hardening quirk to grab, he looked at the man with pure black dead eyes, "yes... now I am..." Kirishima pulled the man towards him biting his shoulder and eating the meat off of his arm. Blood splattered everywhere. All over Kirishima and the man's bodies as other people, especially children, screamed. This brought Kirishima's attention and he saw the adults run with their child's in there arms, he took one last meaty bit of the man's forearm and chewed on the raw piece of meat in his mouth swallowing it with one big gulp. 'i-it tastes so... good...!'

Bakugo's pov
It was now 4 and I was at the entrance of the park seeing people scream and run towards the entrance in panic. I shrug heading in because I didn't know what was up, but I just had to explore. Once I was in I saw bodies. Bodies all over the ground and blood coming from them, too. As well as marks as if they were bitten from. I felt my breath get shaky, feeling someone tug on my shoulder I saw Aizawa Sensei. "Bakugo, come with me, right now." He said in a Stern voice
"Sensei? What the hell's going on?" He dragged me into the trees leading me to a gigantic beast eating a women starting from her right side.
"That is what's going on, Bakugo" a loud crunch could be heard from the figure as it continued to eat the person.
"What is it..?" I held my hand over my mouth
"It's Kirishima."
I snapped my head towards him, "no way in hell is that Kirishima"
"Look at it, Bakugo" he whispered, "the red hair, the skin looking hard in certain areas, and the tiny scar on the right of it's eye. It's Eijiro"
I put both of my hands over my mouth, "no..."
"We've tried everything we can to get his attention away from eating, but screaming and yelling won't do any good, he'll just think you're food for him." He put his hand on my back, "which is why it's a good that you came."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked slowly putting my hands down.
"We think if someone special enough reaches out to Eijiro he'll temporarily go back to normal"
"And if he doesn't?" I add
"We'll just hope for the best." Aizawa said, "are you willing to do this task, Bakugo?"
I look back at what was Kirishima and Aizawa Sensei over and over again. 'this mother fucker wants me to do what!?'
I thought about it for a moment, hearing the loud chomps and squishes of human flesh and sharp teeth move together, I had cringed.
"I'll do it." I came to a conclusion, "I'm doing this for him, for Kirishima."
"And if he doesn't return to normal?" Aizawa adjusted his scarf
"Then may God have mercy on us all." I say and slowly make my way to the gigantic monster that was Kirishima.

3rd pov
Bakugo stepped closer and closer to the creature that was devouring a women in their hands. As he got closer he could see the colors of Kirishima. His skin and his hair color, even the tiny little scar. "No..." He griefully thought as he came closer and closer, little by little to the monster. The monster was eating away on the human flesh, 'so good... almost full...
want more...!
I ate all of those people...
I'm a bad person...
How can I become a hero!?
I  W A N T  M O R E '
While Bakugo was approaching the monster e stepped on a twig causing it to make a rather large "snap" sound then he I tended to make. The monster stopped eating and shifted it head straight towards Bakugo, looking him dead in the eye with it's black ones. 'well, shit, YOLO' he quickly got it over with and stepped out of the shadows. "Kirishima, I know it's you."
The monster flinched in a way, 'Oh no... He hates me...
He'll leave me...
I'm a monster...
He smells nice...
I want him...
I need him...
I   W A N T   T O  T A S T E  H I M...!'
The monster slowly out the body down and shifted towards Bakugo, "I know it's you, and it's okay..." He reached out his hand, "...I'm here to help you" Bakugo's hand was trembling out of fear, never had he ever felt this way before, not when... It was with someone he had loved...
'Get away from me!!' the sanity left in Kirishima screamed out, but nothing came out of his mouth, just a simple "grrr...?"
"I'm not leaving you, you Red Head." He came closer, "I'm your bro"
The monster started to cry, as well as Kirishima's sanity, 'Katsuki...' suddenly Kirishima jumped on Bakugo taking a gigantic bite out of his chest.
Kirishima continued to eat out of Bakugo while crying, 'I'm so sorry, Katsuki... I'M SOO SORRY!!!' the sanity in Kirishima mentally screamed as he continued to eat Bakugo's organs. Eating his stomach, kidneys, liver, and much more. 'this taste... I love it...!' a while later Kirishima had started to shrink in size from a 20ft tall monster to his usual self, but naked. He looked at Bakugo sitting on top of him with tired eyes, looking down to see what he had done to the boy. His insides were completely gone, only the skin on the back to his ribs and the front of his spine could be seen. Kirishima had spared the lounges.
Kirishima looked up to see Aizawa Sensei with a blanket and wrapped it around him, "your eyes are back to normal."
Looking at Bakugo a tear plipped from his cheek onto Bakugo's spine, "w-w-what happened?" He asked looking back at Aizawa
"You are him" he said and got up, "you ate him and multiple of more people in the park." Kirishima bit his tongue and hugged the dead corpse of Bakugo, holding him close and tight before passing out with rivers of tears coming out of his eyes. Aizawa looked at both boys, Kirishima's face was absolutely covered in blood- no his whole body was. Aizawa picked up with boys and carried them into his car ((just pretend that Aizawa has a car for now ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ) )).
"not this again..."

Word count: 1674

((Thank you for reading the first chapter of: The Taste of You, just and fyi, YES Bakugo does and will continue to live in the story, just wait until the next chapter~ I'll try to make this Interesting as much as possible! Bye-bye!)) (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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