Chapter 29-Please Don't Leave Me

Start from the beginning

His heart palpitated at the thought of her leaving and never coming back. He didn't care about consequences as long as she returns alive and well, he'll take the consequences head on.

Wei Xing started for the door but was instantly blocked by the guards. Unfortunately for the guards, his spiritual core had long been unsealed and even if his spiritual energy was sapped by the harem, once he leaves the array within the harem, he would regain his energy again. Even without spiritual energy, those guards were no match for him. He easily brought them down and escaped the harem. An alarm sounded the moment he stepped out of the harem. Several people within the harem, escaped after him and took off in certain directions leaving the guards baffled on who to chase.

The Demon Realm was massive, but Wei Xing didn't worry. Knowing that Xiu Xiang held onto one of the keys, he could easily track her. He pulled out his key and it easily directed him towards the west.

In the west lands of the Demon Realm, Xiu Xiang and Hua Jian were up against an army of at least a thousand demons.

"Well, this makes things quite easy," Xiu Xiang thought as she peered down at the massive army.

"My lord?"

She saw the worried look on Hua Jian so she flashed him an assuring smile.

"What are you so worried about? I'm the new Demon King of the Demon Realm. A spell like this is a cinch for me," she told him.

With so many demons here at once, Xiu Xiang decided to cast that pact spell formation. Any demon that was caught within the formation would be forced to undergo the pact. A seal would be placed within their life crystal. Any who tries to break free of the pact, the seal would shatter the life crystal.

Bringing her hands together, she weaved multiple hand seals together faster than the eye can see. A massive red array flashed under the entire army. Multiple red pillars of light appeared in all directions as it engulfed the army.

Elder Hui, who oversaw the entire army grew alarmed at the sight. He heard about the pact spell formation. It had only been used once during the last Demon King's reign. Many demons had died trying to rid themselves of the pact. It was only after the Demon King's soul was sealed away by Tian Ling Sect that the demons were free from the pact.

His eyes darted everywhere searching for the person who had casted the formation. In the far distance, on top of a mountain cliff, he saw a person surrounded by red dark energy.

"That damned woman! She dares to put a pact seal on all of us?!" Elder Hui turned to his right-hand man and ordered for a bow and arrow. Someone tossed him a large bow and set of arrows. He notched a bow and took aim.

He aimed carefully and let his arrow fly. Many of the archers saw where Elder Hui had aimed and they all quickly notched their arrows.

Xiu Xiang was still finishing the formation when she sensed danger looming above her.

"I just need a few more seconds..." Xiu Xiang thought. The formation required dark energy, but it was too slow. Not knowing if it would work or not, she surged a massive amount of spiritual energy from her own core into the formation. The red pillars of light flashed between red and blue. It mixed rapidly together forming a strange purple light and the array spread faster and further out. It nearly covered the entire west lands.

"My lord, watch out!" Hua Jian shouted as he jumped in front of her. He swung his flute and managed to change the direction of some arrows, but a massive amount was still headed their way. If they didn't jump out of harm's way, the two of them were going to be skewered alive. He turned around to grab Xiu Xiang, but the dense spiritual energy zapped him back.

He was unable to carry Xiu Xiang away to safety nor could Xiu Xiang stop the formation now. They were going to die if she didn't finish the formation.

The second wave of arrows were headed straight for her. She couldn't stop now. If she did the backlash would be severe. Either way, she was done for.

The arrows came closer and closer.

Out of nowhere, a flash of white appeared and a massive energy struck the incoming arrows, deflecting every single one. Xiu Xiang didn't have time to see who had come to her aid. She pressed forward and seconds later, the formation finally spread far enough.

All the pillars of light connected together, forming a large dome over where the formation was. Ever single demon inside was struck with the light and a seal formed inside every single one. To complete the formation, Xiu Xiang needed to give out an order.

"From now on, any demon who tries to hurt a human without my consent, they'll die a miserable death," Xiu Xiang shouted. The formation flashed multiple times and slowly dissipated.

Some of the demons within the army has never heard of the pact spell formation before and tried to remove the seal only for it to shatter their life crystal. One by one, demons either exploded or they bled like crazy until they shriveled up like a prune. The battlefield was quickly covered with blood and guts.

The demons quickly tossed their weapons aside and dropped down to the ground, screaming out their loyalty for Xiu Xiang.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Xiu Xiang staggered in place. She nearly fell over when someone caught her in their arms. She assumed it was Hua Jian and was about to thank him when she remembered that her spiritual energy had blasted him far away.

She looked up and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Wei Xing?"

He looked quite angry as he helped her stand up straight.

"If I didn't arrive in time, were you going to just throw your life away?!" he shouted angrily. His voice shook with each word that came out.

"I... I had things under control," Xiu Xiang lied. If Wei Xing hadn't arrived when he did, she wasn't sure if she would've survived.

"You--!" Wei Xing's lips trembled as he stared down at her. She seemed to be quite annoyed at his nagging but seeing how she almost lost her life again in front of him, he wasn't going to let her off easy this tie. "Every time I take my eyes off you, you go off looking for death."

"That's not true!" Xiu Xiang retorted.

Wei Xing didn't wait for her to explain herself.

"First, there was the hunt where you were pushed off the Cliff of Abyss, then there was the mist forest where you were almost eaten by demon beasts, and now I find you here, nearly skewered by a thousand arrows! What are you trying to do to me? Do you want me to watch you die in front of my eyes before you satisfied?!"

His heart nearly dropped when he saw the thousands of arrows headed in Xiu Xiang's direction. Realizing how close she was to death again, Wei Xing decided then and there that he was never letting her out of his sights ever again, whether she wants it or not.

Xiu Xiang didn't know how to react. She couldn't understand why her enemy was so angry. Why would it matter to him if she died or not? Wasn't it a good thing for him? She was the Demoness of the Demon Realm. Shouldn't he want her dead?

"What are you getting angry for?" Xiu Xiang groaned. She started to push away when he yanked her towards him. Her face slammed first against his chest and then she felt a pair of strong arms wrap tightly around her. With her energy spent, her body was weak and flimsy like a broken doll. Even if she struggled in his arms, it was futile. For the first time, she heard his heartbeat and it was thumping rapidly.

"Please, don't leave me again," he pleaded.

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