Chapter 12 - Train-Wrecked

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Katya's POV:

I'm sitting at my desk in the lab, staring blankly at the desktop, when the screens start projecting an alert.

I'm sitting at my desk in the lab, staring blankly at the desktop, when the screens start projecting an alert

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I sit there, staring at the alert for an eternity.  They really did it.  Only a few hours ago, I was hoping this would happen, and by some twist of fate, it has.  I'm not sure I truly believe it.  The Right Arm has stolen only one carriage, but that is enough.

Janson storms into the lab, breaking my gaze away from the screen and to the doorway.  His face is red, and he is shaking.  My dad walks up to me and pulls me out of my seat.  I stare at him, wide-eyed, as he leans down towards my face.  "What did you do?!" he spits.

"I-I didn't do anything. What are you talking about?"  He lets go of my jacket and pushes me hard into the desk.  My back hits the corner of the desk, and pain shoots up my spine.

"You told them about the train, didn't you?  You're a traitor!  HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!  You are risking everything that we have worked so hard for!"  He is standing in front of me, his shoulders rising and falling rigidly with every breath.  I have never seen him this angry before.  Not even when the Gladers escaped a few months ago.  Janson starts to pace back and forth, running his hands through his hair and talking to himself.  "I cannot believe this.  I can't trust anyone in this place.  This would not have happened if I were chancellor.  Ava needs to take responsibility for this.  And so do YOU!"  He turns back and charges towards me.  Closing his hands around my throat, he starts to squeeze.

"I did-I didn't talk to any-" I am going light-headed, can hear the blood pumping in my ears and feel it in my face.  He's yelling, but it sounds so distant.  Stars are filling my vision.  They're getting bigger until they are filling my sight, and all I see is an ocean of white.  Eventually, he stops yelling and releases his grip around my neck.  I fall to the floor, with no energy to try and pull myself back up.  Everything is hurting.

"I know you hate what we do with the subjects, but I never expected you to do something like this.  When Ava hears what you did, she's going to throw you in the scorch, and I'm not going to do anything to stop it.  I hope you rot out there for what you have done.  You have betrayed WCKD.  You have betrayed me."  Janson sits at the desk, puts his head in his hands, and sighs heavily.  My eyesight is slowly coming back, and I can see that he has closed the notification on the desktop, so he doesn't have to look at it.

"Dad...I promise you I have no contact with anyone outside of WCKD.  I don't know how The Right Arm found out about the train, but it wasn't from me."  I have needles travelling up my throat with every word, but I try my best to fight through the pain.  Janson looks up at me, his eyes glistening wet.

"How am I supposed to believe you when you have been so willing to leave us for them... for him?"

"I love him. I don't want to keep losing him.  But that doesn't mean I told them about the train.  And I would have never tried to betray WCKD if you had stopped trying to tear us apart."

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