Chapter 6 - Escape Plans

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After what happened yesterday, I am not in the mood to talk to Doctor Paige or my father. I'm so nervous that if I see Newt or Aris, I'll spill everything I was told yesterday. But, the moment I walk into the Mess Hall, I realise that for the sake of my friends, I need to keep it to myself. I make my way over to my usual seat and am greeted by a warm smile from Aris. "Hey, Air. Did you have a nice sleep?" I ask as I sit down with my tray of food.

"Yeah." He suddenly leans forward like he's going to tell me a secret. "I went through the air vents last night and dragged Thomas along.  We got to a vent in the ceiling." I look at him with an eyebrow raised. This isn't the first time he's crawled through the air vents. I've told him he shouldn't, but he refuses to listen.

"Let me guess, you showed him the room where they take the bodies?" I know exactly what vent he's talking about and what they have in the room that it's situated above. But, I can't tell Aris. It would kill him. He thinks that the girl he loves- Rachel- is happy and safe at the 'Safe Haven'. When she's actually in that room, her immunity being harvested from her body.

"Yep. I'm going to meet Thomas tonight in his room. He's going to steal a pass card, and we're going to get in there and find out what you guys- I mean, the other guys are hiding from us."

I stare at him and smile. "How are you going to get it?" He looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Thomas has a plan." I think about it and raise an eyebrow.

"Well, good luck.  Because whatever plan Thomas has in store, it's going to be a big risk." He smiles at me again and nods in agreement.  I look at the Gladers' table and see Newt staring at me. When he realises I'm looking back at him, he quickly turns back to his friends. I look to the floor and smile. 'Even though he's only been here for a day and we've only spoken once, it's going to be weird not having him here.'

"Okay. So, when will Thomas get it?" I ask, turning back to Aris.

"I think he might be now," he says and turns around. I look at the far end of the room where Thomas is following the selected kids to go to the 'Safe Haven' towards the door. But, just before he can go through, one of the guards steps in front of him. A few words are exchanged before the guard pushes him away from the door. Thomas walks back to him and says something else, but the guard won't let him pass. Thomas appears to give up and starts heading back to his seat.

"He isn't giving up that easily, is he?" Aris puts a finger to his lips and tells me to keep watching.

Only a quarter way back to the table, Thomas turns around and charges at the guard. But, by now, a second guard has arrived. Both guards hold him back as the other Gladers race over to pull him away. Since they are all shouting, everyone in the Mess Hall notices what is happening. Janson marches in from the hallway to see what all the commotion is about. I look to Aris, then to the group. Aris can tell what I'm thinking, but he doesn't try to stop me. I stand up and calmly make my way over to my father.

Everyone has started to calm down, but Thomas and my dad are in each other's faces. I stand next to them, leaning my weight on one leg with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"Katya, what are you doing here? Go back to your table," my dad says, never breaking eye contact with Thomas.

"I've come to see what all the fuss is about." Thomas turns to me and eyes me suspiciously.

"Katya, I won't tell you again. Go back to your table. Now."

"No." My dad hates me challenging him, especially in front of other people.

He looks at me and cocks an eyebrow. "What did you say?"

"I said no. You can't make me. I am not leaving this spot."

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