Chapter 9 - Captured

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I look at my father in shock and disbelief. I never imagined him capable of shooting someone in cold blood. It was different when he shot my mother. She was suffering from the Flare. This woman dying in front of me right now wasn't. She was fine.

I guess people are never quite who you believe they are. I never thought that my father would turn out to be like this. A monster. He was always so kind before WCKD. I may not have been very close to him until recent years, but I know he wasn't like this. He was once a kind and good man. The person standing before me now, holding that gun and showing no sign of remorse, is a stranger to me. I should have noticed the signs years ago. I started to see changes in my dad's behaviour a few months after we first arrived at WCKD. But I just shrugged them off. I just thought that it was stress from working too hard.

"Wh- How could you do that?! She wasn't hurting anyone!"

My father lowers his gun and slides it back into the waistband of his pants. "Katya, come on. We're going." He goes to grab my arm, but I step back out of his reach.

"No. I am not going anywhere with you. You're a monster!" His face turns stone-cold, but I don't stand down.

"Katya! I am your father, and you will listen to me! Come with me. NOW!" I take another few steps back, and Thomas follows suit until we're standing on either side of Newt.

"You are NOT my father. My father would not have just shot and killed an innocent woman."

"Katya," He says, his tone threatening.

"Don't come near me." My breathing becomes ragged, and I know I'm going to blow my top soon. Newt grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. I look up at him and try to muster a smile.

Newt then turns to Thomas. "Tommy. If you've got a plan, I suggest you start to put it into bloody action soon," he whispers, quietly and subtly enough that neither Doctor Paige nor Janson notice.

"Come on, Janson," Ava says, turning away and walking back to the Berg. "Load them up. Let's go." Teresa obediently follows Ava to the Berg. The guards start grabbing subjects and pulling them away.

"Sonya! Aris!" Harriet shouts as Aris and a blonde girl get taken. Harriet then turns to me, probably going to demand that I do something, but she gets cut off by Thomas. He elbows a guard in the stomach and pulls a rectangular box out of his pocket. He pulls a little button out of his other pocket and starts shouting.

"Get back!" All the surrounding guards aim their launchers at him, ready to fire. Janson runs over and tells them all to hold their fire.

Thomas turns to him. "Let them go."

"Thomas put it down." Janson looks at him pityingly.

"Let them all go!"

Ava walks down and stands next to Janson. "We can't do that."

Teresa joins in as well. "Thomas, please stop. I made a deal with them. They promised we'd all be safe."

I turn to Newt and whisper into his ear. "WCKD is known for breaking their deals and promises." He looks down at me, and I can see his Adams-apple bob.

"Well, that's bloody fantastic," he mutters back to me.

"And I'm supposed to trust you now?" We turn back to the scene in front of us.

"It's true. It was her only condition," Ava steps in front of Teresa protectively.

"Shut up!" Thomas' face has gone red, and he's starting to shake.  Newt wraps his arms around me, and my breathing quickens. This is going to end very badly.

"Everything can go back to the way it was. Thomas... do you really want all of them to die?" Thomas looks over at all of his friends. He looks at each of their faces, then at me. I nod at him reassuringly and smile, silently informing him that I'm on his side. No matter what. He turns back to Doctor Paige.

"Listen to her, Thomas. Think about what you're doing." I look over at Janson, who is staring at me desperately, and I scowl. He has no right to act as if he cares about me. I know he doesn't. He only cares about himself and WCKD. All of the Gladers start to walk over to Thomas, and I go with them.

"We're with you, Thomas," Newt says, looking from the hand grenade Thomas is holding to me. I look up at Newt and smile as well as I possibly can in a situation like this.

"Thomas, please. Don't do this. Katya, I'm sorry. Please, just come here," Janson begs, his eyes showing absolute desperation. But I'm not going to fall for that. I stay in my place, standing tall and glaring at him. I shake my head and look over at Thomas.

"No," Teresa whispers, tears flowing down her pale face.

"Do it, Thomas," Minho mutters.

"We're ready." I can see a single tear slide down Frypan's face, and he gulps uncertainly. Thomas looks at the hand grenade and then back up to Ava and Janson.

"We're not going back there. Katya doesn't deserve to be there either. If she doesn't want to work for you, she shouldn't have to." He looks down at me and smiles. "It's the only way." Thomas holds the button up in front of his face, and we all close our eyes, waiting for the fatal blow.

"Thomas!" Ava shouts in complete and utter desperation. Before he can press the deadly button, a car horn starts sounding. I open my eyes and turn around to see a jeep speeding around the edge of the camp. The guards start shooting at it, but it's no use. The jeep powers ahead, slamming into one of the helicopters and pushing it into the middle of the camp. The helicopter blades spin as they push against the ground, breaking apart. Shards fly everywhere, causing us to fall to the ground in cover. When the shards finish flying, we jump back up and run in different directions. I lose sight of Newt and start to panic. Before I even have a chance to look around for him, a hand clasps tightly onto my shoulder.

"Katya, you are coming back with me," my father shouts over the chaos. I try to pull away from him without success. He drags me up the ramp and into the Berg. "I can't lose you, too."

Janson tugs me towards the back of the storage area in the Berg, the furthest part from the exit. He sets me down in a chair between Teresa and Ava and races back out of the Berg and into the camp. I try to run after him, but Doctor Paige and Teresa both grab me and keep me seated. "I'm sorry, Katya. But we can't risk losing you," Ava states and looks at me.

"Why does it matter if you lose me?" She ignores me, grabbing the attention of a guard. I look away, focusing on the faces of the subjects. I see Aris and the blonde girl he boarded with. I go to stand up again but am pulled back down. "I just want to see Aris," I mutter and turn to Ava.

"I understand that, but we can't risk losing you." I roll my eyes and slump against the wall. I cross my arms in front of my chest, pouting like a child.

After a few minutes, Janson returns, holding his shoulder in pain. He sits down on the other side of Ava and tells her he was shot. I look at the camp and see two guards pulling another subject in. As they get closer, I realise they're holding Minho. My stomach drops, and I pray that the others got away unharmed.

When all the WCKD guards are onboard, the hatch door starts to close, and I make eye contact with Newt. I try to run out to him but am held back by Ava and Teresa... again. Tears stream down my face, and I start to shake. When the doors finally close, they let go of me. I slide off the seat and crumble to the ground in agony. I've lost him for the third time. And I think this is the last time I'll see him.

With my head in my hands, I cry until I can't breathe. I know all the subjects are staring at me, but I couldn't care less. Someone rubs my back comfortingly, but I don't bother looking to see who it is. WCKD is full of traitors. The guards are carefully watching the subjects to make sure none of them attempts anything.

"Everything will be okay, Katya. Just remember, WCKD is good." I know it's Ava talking to me, but I ignore her. WCKD is the reason I'm in so much pain. They are never going to be anything close to 'good'. No matter how hard they try.

WCKD Love | A Newt Fan-FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora