Chapter 13.5 - It's Wrong

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Katya's POV:

Gazing through the gorilla-glass window, I stare at Minho as he's strapped down to an operating table, fighting against his restraints. He cries out repeatedly until the doctors finally knock him out. When they double-check that he is unconscious, they rotate the table ninety degrees, giving the illusion that he is standing up. I walk over to a panel covered in buttons and firmly grasp and pull the only lever. When the lever is completely pulled down, Minho's unconscious body starts spasming uncontrollably.

Since the subjects aren't in the Maze anymore, the scientists have had to find different ways of making their heart rates pick up. Fear causes the immunity coursing through their blood to go crazy. So, while Minho is in simulations that are spiking fear within his subconscious, the scientists are draining blood from him to extract his immunity. I don't fully understand how they do it, and I don't want to know either.

I can't stand watching this happen to anyone, let alone one of my friends. Over the last few months since the incident with The Right Arm, I've gotten really close with Minho and Sonya. The three of us and Aris would sit together in the cafeteria and just talk about nonsense. But now, since I'm in The Last City, we can't do that. I'm working, Minho is constantly under simulations, and Aris and Sonya were part of the group who were rescued.

I'm really happy for them, and praying that they're safe and okay. I expect at some point, Sonya will tell Newt about them being related, and I hope that it goes well.

I walk away from the observation window towards a table and chair in the corner. I sit down and eat my lunch, trying to ignore the sounds coming from Minho. After a few minutes, Teresa walks in. She sees me and makes her way over, sitting opposite. "Hey," she says casually.

I don't say anything, and I barely look at her. She knows why I don't like her anymore, even without all the stuff about Newt. She happily chose to ruin these kids' lives. To ruin Minho's life. She was friends with him. "I don't understand how you can sit there and act like everything is fine," I state, keeping eye contact with my sandwich.

"I said I was sorry, Katya. How many more times do I have to say it?"

Now, I'm looking at her. "It's not about the apology, Teresa. It's about the actions you've taken. These were your friends, and you're choosing to torture them." I gesture to Minho, who is screaming in agony.

"It's temporary torture for the betterment of civilisation. I thought you understood that." I widen my eyes at her before throwing the last of my sandwich on the plate. I stand up from the table and walk towards the exit. I grasp the door handle and pull it open. Pausing in the doorway, I look back at Teresa.

"I will never understand hurting and killing the only people that can survive this disease. There is nothing to understand there." I walk out the door and am about to pull the door shut when I hear her say one last thing.

"WCKD is good, Katya."

I continue walking.

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