Chapter 28 - It's a Fantasy

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I wake up with the sun shining on my face. The sun? I peek through my eyelids, and sure enough, above me is a vast expanse of blue sky, partially obscured by the branches of a pine tree. I don't understand. Surely, I was only asleep for a couple of hours, not long enough to have made it to the safe haven.

"It's bloody beautiful, isn't it?" My blood runs cold in my veins. That isn't possible. Am I dead? I slowly sit up, leaning on my elbows and turn my head to where the voice came from, and my eyes widen.

"N-Newt...?" My voice catches in my throat. I grab the ground under my hands, trying to tell if I'm in a dream. But I feel the grass beneath my fingers. This is real.

"Hello, Love," Newt says, smiling over at me. My jaw drops in shock. I saw him in the courtyard and on the Berg. He wasn't...alive.

"How is this possible?" I ask, my hands shaking as I pull myself into a better position to face him.

Newt watches me intently, fiddling with his fingers awkwardly. "I have the best people around me," he says, reaching over to take my hand. I don't take his hand, but lunge at him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. I can feel him, and he isn't still anymore. Newt hugs me back and chuckles into my neck. "Are you alright, Love?"

I lean back and hit him on the shoulder. "Of course I'm not alright. You were DEAD, Newt. And now you're not? I feel like I'm going crazy!"

Newt chuckles as he pulls me onto his lap. He drapes his arms lazily around my waist and stares deep into my eyes. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure how to explain it. The last thing I remember is fighting Thomas in the courtyard at WCKD, not being able to control myself, and...stabbing myself to make it stop. Then, suddenly, I wake up here, in a shuck paradise, and you're sleeping next to me." Newt tugs his shirt up to look at where the knife had been. All that remains of the wound has been stitched up.

My eyes wander down to Newt's arm, where the worst of his dark veins were. I can't see his veins anymore, only a few under the skin along his wrist, and they are a perfect blue. He's healed?

"Gally vaguely told me what happened to bring me back, but I'm not quite sure I understand all of it. But I know one thing. I'm really grateful to you, Katya. Gally told me that you injected me with some serum. So, I'll be better for a while." Newt smiles down at me, and my gaze softens.

A pang hits my chest. I cup his cheek and tilt my head while looking at him. "No, Newt. You won't be better for a while. It's forever." He furrows his brow, not understanding what I mean.

"I heard that Brenda got bitten when you were all in the Scorch, and Mary from the Right Arm helped her using Thomas' immunity. Brenda hasn't gotten sick again when she should have months ago. That's because Thomas' blood doesn't fight the virus like other immune people's. He kills it completely." I take a breath, watching Newt's gears turning in his head. "My blood is like Thomas'. The serum I injected you with was mine."

Newt's eyes widen, and he pulls me back into a hug. "Thank you, Katya. So much," he sobs into my shoulder. I can't help but cry, too. "You did that even after losing me?" I hear him whisper.

"It helped me feel like I still somehow saved you, even though it was too late. But, I suppose it worked out," I laugh, the tears still flowing down my face, and pinch Newt's cheek lightly. He grasps my hand and places it against the back of his neck.

Newt narrows his eyes before carefully moving me off his lap. He adjusts himself to lie down on the grass and then pats the spot next to him. I shuffle over and lie down next to him, my head resting on his shoulder as he envelops me in his arm.

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