Chapter 19 - The Kids

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"Okay, we'll head down this corridor, find the rest of the kids, and look for...uh. What's her name?" Gally asks through his mask, waiting for me to answer.


Gally nods slightly. "Right, Katya. We'll find her, the kids, and Minho. Are you guys ready?"

Teresa steps forward and nudges me with her shoulder. "Hang on. Why do you want to find Katya?" My eyebrows rise slightly, and I look toward Thomas.

Thomas clears his throat quickly and smiles at Teresa. "For me! I want Katya to come with us."

Teresa nods slowly, and a smile gathers on her lips. She seems content with that answer. She looks back at Gally, and he's staring at her as if asking 'Are you done yet?'. He turns around and heads toward the entrance to WCKD. Teresa follows with her key card ready.

I look over my shoulder as Thomas sidles up beside me. "Teresa has gone loony. If you let her know there's another girl, this whole plan could go south fast," he whispers. I nod, and we both fit our masks on our heads and follow Gally and Teresa through the entrance, gripping our launchers.

One of Lawrence's men is with us. His name is Alex. Gally had to find another security uniform for him. Alex's job is to find a place in the WCKD complex to attach a device allowing Lawrence full access to WCKD's security mainframe. He can deactivate the cameras, which will help us move around and get these kids out.

From the outside, the WCKD building is tall, silver and shiny. Lights illuminate the whole thing from inside and out. But walking in is incredible. The walls, ceilings, and floors are pristine, shining white. All of the furniture is white to match. Apart from the people bustling around, there is almost no colour.

I take a deep breath and focus on our mission to save the kids, Minho, and Katya. It's taking everything in me not to run around the whole building in search of Katya. But I have to remain under the radar.

Teresa takes the lead and guides us down corridors toward the area where all the subjects are kept. We follow close behind her, not daring to look around, fearing we'll make ourselves obvious and be caught. After some time, Alex breaks off from us, saying he thinks he has an idea where an electricity box would be. We keep walking without him, and I hope he doesn't get caught and ruin everything for us. Teresa stops at a secured door, unlocks it with her key card, and ushers us through.

Before I can walk through, I am overcome with a sudden and uncontrollable need to cough. I have a fit and struggle to breathe. Pulling my helmet off, I try to calm the coughs down and take in a lungful of air. Teresa stops walking and looks at me. Her eyes go wide. She seems scared but quickly covers it up by walking over to Thomas. I can see her shaking. She whispers something in his ear, and he turns to look at me.

She knows. And she told Thomas. My heart starts beating hard in my chest. Thomas can't know. He'll send me away so I don't hurt him. No. Thomas wouldn't do that. We're friends. But I should have been the one to tell him. I have the Flare. I try to settle my shaking my breaths. That can't be what I worry about right now. We need to save these kids first. I need to save Katya.

After I regain my breathing, and the coughing has ceased, Teresa takes us down a short corridor that opens into a circular room. There are locked doors around the wall and a rounded desk in the middle. A man sits at the desk, looking at multiple screens. He peers over the tops of them and raises an eyebrow at us.

WCKD Love | A Newt Fan-FictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя