There was no way in hell I could pull that off. And there was no way I would wear a skirt or shorts. I quickly made my way to my closet and rummaged through my clothes. I ended up wearing a black bralette and a pair of high rise, denim, skinny jeans. I threaded my leather belt threw the loop holes then threw on my black, leather jacket; followed by my black, 6 inch, leather boots. I did a somewhat natural makeup look before doing a cat wing with eyeliner and lining my bottom water line. I proceeded to put on fake lashes and a pink tinted lip gloss. I left my hair alone and put on five necklaces; all of different lengths. The first three were chokers and rested a few inches above reach other. The fourth one rest right in the middle of my chest and the fifth one practically rested on the tops of my boobs. As I stared at myself in my body mirror I smiled. I looked good as hell. My leather jacket was a little too big for me so it fell off my shoulders and rested on my lower back; my forearms somewhat holding it up.
My eyes slowly drifted over myself and I quickly stopped as I look at my scars. I didn't like the fact that with this outfit you could see them so clearly. Especially the ones on my abdomen. I quickly tilted my head up and flipped my hair dramatically doing a small pose. There was no way I was going to change outfits just cause of the scars.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket before grabbing my perfume and spraying it all over myself. I soon felt my phone buzz only to see that Charlotte texted me that she was here. I did one last look over before making my way downstairs.

I opened the door only to see Charlotte waiting outside. "Oh damn girl! You look good!" She says.
"I know." I jokingly say and flip my hair making her laugh.

My mother was gone by this point, so I made sure to lock the front door

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My mother was gone by this point, so I made sure to lock the front door. I spotted a red Mini Cooper in my driveway and slightly smiled. I didn't expect a girl like Charlotte to drive a car like this, but it was cute and somewhat suited her. I quickly made my way to her car and jumped into the passenger seat. I was surprised I didn't see anyone else in the car. "None of your other friends are coming?" I question and buckle my seatbelt.
"Nope, they all bailed last minute, so it's just you and me! I have some friends on the res who will be there too, so we won't look like total outcasts." She explains. I nod in understanding as she started to drive toward the reservation. I tried to relax myself the whole ride there. I saw Charlotte side eyeing me every now and then as I took deep breaths.

"You good? Looks like you're kinda freaking out over there." She speaks out causing me to look at her then back at the road.
"Yeah, I just don't have a really good feeling. It's like anxiety." I state causing her to look at me in worry.
"I can take you home if you don't think you can handle it." She simply states making me feel like a child. "Not saying that you can't handle it!"
"No, I mean, I use to party all the time. It's just....I'm probably feeling this way, because the last party I went to didn't turn out well." I tell her and automatically the memory of the blood water flashes my memory. I quickly shake my head and look down.
"Oh, uh- well whatever happened, I promise it won't happen here. Just stick by my side. It's easy to get swooned by the res boys." She states before pulling up to the side of a house. It wasn't very big, but it certainly wasn't small.

Nature's Kiss • Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now