"Thank you for helping with the twins "  i said as I was performing my nightly routine.

He laughed  briefly " it's nothing. How was your day by the way".

"Just the usual. You"

" i dropped by Mami's house. The date of the wedding has been set. On the 15th of April. " he informed.

"Really that's nice less than five  months from now" he smiled.

"I wish I could just redo our wedding once again . I feel like getting married but of course with you " we started laughed together.

His phone starts to ring. He checked it, suddenly  frown before cutting the call. The phone rang again and he did the same . I sighed, i know who that is already .  The phone  calls didnt  stop ,he kept doing the same.

"Probably  she has something  to tell you "

"Babe  you know how she is "

" just answer to see whats up " he sighed and finally picked the call

"What is it" he asked in a dry tone.he sat up in a panic mood.

"Calm down and explain your self. The baby is not due yet right "

"I'm  on my way,  just calm down " he got out of the bed. I stood up also.

"What's wrong "

"It's like she's in Labour she just  called crying. I couldn't make out all she said . I need to go" he seeked permission  with his eyes.

"Of  course. Do you want  me to come with you "

"No just stay  here.. I'll  keep you informed " he went into the closet to
Change clothes. He returned, kissed my forehead before leaving .

Lots of thoughts  are running through  my mind right now. I can't even think straight. She might  be having her baby even though it's still early.  Am I mentally ready for this. Can I still watch khalifa play daddy to another woman's  child not just another woman, Doyin's child.

Doyin was the reason he left me. She took him  away from me once , what if she takes him again.  I might try  to stay tough on  the outside but I'm breaking inside.  Khalifa and i talked about this,  we sat and talked about all this  but I'm still not rest assured.  What if he has no other choice but to marry her. This  time for real.  What would i do.  I know i shoudnt be thinking about all this now but i can't help it . I swear I can't.  I can't cope in a polygamous home. I do not have that strength 

I tried sleeping hoping, it would take my mind  off everything  that has happened but i can't help it. I got out of bed and headed to the kids room. I watched  as they slept soundly.

Couldn't help  but smile as I watched my children. They are the only real thing i have.  They are my reason  for living. They are my whole existence.  I can't stand to imagine my life without them. They look so cute  sleeping  Iman was snoring slightly,  his mouth partly opened.  He looked just like Khalifa.   It's incredible how two human  can be alike in so many ways.  The twins and Khalifs has so many traits in common. For instance , they both have this frown while sleeping just like their  father does.  They got some physical  features from me also  but not as much as they got from Khalifa. They are both light skinned   just like me and their dad.  They have this curly hair just like their dad  and it goes on and on.

I checked the wall clock above their bed and the time is past 11 already. Ahmad is still  not back . I said a silent prayer for him to be safe wherever he is  .  I closed the door to the twins room quietly not to wake them up.  I still wasn't feeling sleepy.  I headed downstairs.  All the lights was turned off. I went into the kitchen and  made myself  some hot chocolate. 

IMPERFECTION (AN INTERCULTURAL  LOVE STORY )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora