chapter 30

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Malhotra manshion
Soha came to malhotra manshion as she left after Ram is admitted to hospital as she went to meet her dadu.
Soha got news of Muskan is dead(😂😂😂😂😂).she was in could nine dancing like crazy(as she already crazy). Suddenly her phone started ringing showing dadu.

Soha:-dadu dadu that Muskan is dead,
Now nothing can separate me from my manik.How is that old lady do you went to hospital where she admitted just stop her before she tell something to Ram Malhotra.

Arjun:-don't worry princess,I will finish her now am on way to her hospital.Concentrate on Manik,make him fall in your trap.
I want whole malhotra's property.

Soha:-yes dadu don't worry,Now my obstacle to reach manik is dead.I will make him mine soon.

Saying this soha finished call & turned around, but as soon she turned she saw nandini standing. Seeing nandu her face turned to horror.

Soha:-bhoot bhoot dadu save me.
(Shouting & jumping here & their).

Nandu sat on chair & started seeing soha's drama.A mischievous smile is playing on her lips.

N:-hello poha stop your drama yaar,
Am already tired of today's drama.
& stop shouting like donkey.

Soha stopped shouting & saw nandini talking normally.

Soha:-are you not dead.(making sad face).

Nandini stood up & came to soha & started making rounds around her.

N:-why are you so disappointed poha.

Soha:-me no am happy yes(nervously smiling fakely).

Nandini held her neck tightly.

N:-do you think I didn't heard your talks with your sweet dadu.Are you really a women,for your own benefits you are ready to kill your own dadi.
That old man raised you like this what to do.But don't worry you both are getting punished for your deeds.
That old man is going to hospital right, let him go police are waiting for him their,they will caught him red handed.

Soha:-police but you heard now only right.

N:-After knowing your dadu tried to kill saraswati ji only I arranged police security around her.I already submitted evidence's about your dadu's deeds.Now you.

Soha:-what me no I didn't do anything, please leave me I will not come here again please.

N:-ok I will leave you but not to roam freely outside, you need treatment,
Am joining you to rehab center.

Soha tried to run away hearing her,
But some men held her & took her away. Nandini went to her room to take rest.

At Night
Manan entered room.Nandini didn't talked to manik properly. Manik was trying to talk to her but everything went in vain.

M:-Nandu please talk to me.(smiling)

N:-sleep now manik I have some office work, I will sleep afterwards.

Manik smile disappeared hearing, he closed his eyes,After sometime he drifted into sleep.Nandini started working. Suddenly manik started shouting in sleep.

M:-Nandu Nandu please dont leave me.(crying in sleep).

Nandini panicked seeing him shouting her name.she came to him & started wake him up,Manik opened his eyes & saw nandini.he saw his surrounding's & hugged nandini tightly.

M:-you are fine right, nothing happened to you right, please I may be idiot sometimes but never leave me alone.(hugging her tightly & crying ).

N:-Manik calm down see nothing happened to me & am not going to leave you baby,calm down.

She made him lie on her lap & started caressing his hairs.

N:-its must be nightmare, am here only na sleep now.(patting his head).

M:-you will never leave me alone right, If I do wrong fight with me but never leave,today when doctor said you are dead,my whole world stopped. Please never do any stupid things.

N:-mani am never going to leave you,
Am tied to you forever. Don't worry I will torture life long.Now sleep on floor, do you forgot about your punishment.

M:-you remembered now also.(making bad face).

N:-now sleep on floor.(pushing him down).

Manik made a puppy face.Nandu started smiling inwardly.

N:-(in mind)nandu don't you think he still need more punishment. (Smiling evily).

Nandini went to washroom & came out wearing manik's shirt which is upto her mid thigh.she saw manik is making bed on floor cursing nandini.


Manik turned & saw nandini only in his shirt,his voice didn't came out.
He gulped & took water from table & drank full bottle.

M:-what are you wearing nandu & go & change.

N:-am comfortable in this do you have any problem.(glaring).

M:-No no wear what you are comfortable in.

Lying on bed & cursing nandini.
Nandini smiled inwardly. Nandini came & sat on bed.

N:-uff its too hot today.

saying this she removed shirt. Now she was in only lingerie. Manik face was worth to watch.

Manik:-Aiyappa save your innocent child from his wife.(murmuring)
(In mind) she knows how to torture me,control manik don't see her close your eyes.(closed his eyes for sometime but got up) to hell with her punishment she was gone today.

Manik came to her & pushed her on bed & started doing his work.
Nandini started laughing seeing him desperate.
Nandini pinned him to bed.

N:-If you do anything wrong this time means I will marry another handsome boy,who will refuse to marry nandini murthy.

M:-I will never give you a chance to go away from me,you are mine forever.You are unique piece only reserved for me & tied to me forever.
I love you my jaan.I really mean it.
From today,I will fulfill the real meaning of I love you.Till know you done so much for me,you fulfilled your duty as Meri Biwi now its my turn to become good husband.

N:-I love you forever manik.(kissing him on lips).

Hello My dear readers Meri biwi is completed its first season Don't worry soon am going to bring season 2 of meri biwi With unique & different story.

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