chapter 22

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Nandini went to Mukti's Room after taking a small nap,saw mukti arranging clothes.Nandu went to her & made her sit & started arranging clothes.

Mu:-choti what is this yar,I will do it.

N:-you have to take rest di,docter said you are weak.

Mu:-uff no one is letting me do any work am getting bored.

N:-am their na I will entertain you,
You know am a good story teller,I will tell you a story now.

Mu:-OK tell me.(exicted).

N:-once upon a time their was a thief,
He has pure heart,but due to his fathers teaching he became thief.
But one day a beautiful pari came into his life & changed it for good,but that thief due to his robbery nature he lost her.
But he realized his mistake soon & wanted to repent his mistake by leaving robbery for pari. But
Pari don't know that is she have to give chance to him to change himself or leave him for his fate.What do you think di is she has give him chance or not.

Mu:-she have to give him chance choti,he was trying to change right,
He may broke her trust once,but he was trying to gain her trust again so he deserves a chance.(in trance).

Nandu smiled hearing her,she came to mukti & settled herself on floor.
She took mukti's hands & looked into her eyes & said.

N:-don't you think abhi bhai also deserves a chance to repent his mistake.Di I know you have gone through lot,but you can't cry on what is happened in past,think about your present & future. You are carrying a kid in your womb,he/she needs a loving parents to care off.Abhi bhai is very guilty for his past mistakes.
Don't you love him di ,just sake of your love give him one chance.
You may get the love what you lost in 15 years of your life. Am not telling you forgive him,punish him for his mistakes but not hurt him,he may hurted you but you don't have to hurt him.remember punish him but don't hurt him,if you stretch the rope so much means it will breakdown at one point of time.relationship is also like rope so don't stretch it so much.
(Wiping mukti's tears).

Mukti hugged nandini & started crying. Abhi who was at door also listened nandu's words & become speechless.

N:-di now stop this crying & tell what you & your baby want to eat,I will cook it for you.

Mu:-my baby wants her chachi hand made pasta(smiling).

N:-OK just give me 15min I will bring it.

Saying nandu came out from room & saw Abhi standing at door.
She got to know he heard everything.
She pulled him to balcony.

N:-Abhi bhai this is last chance for you,if I ever seen my sister shed a tear drop because of you, I didn't see you are my husband's elder brother.

Abhi shivered hearing her.

Abhi:-I promise you muskan,I will never let cry again because of me.

Nandini nodded & went to kitchen.

In kitchen
Aliya & navya are preparing lunch.
Soha is trying to cook something.
Nandini went to her.

N:-what are you doing soha ji can I help you.

Soha:-don't need muskan ji,actually manik is big fan of kheer,so I will only prepare it for him.

Nandu made a face,Navya & aliya also made bad face.Nandu started preparing pasta for mukti.
Soha prepared kheer & started decorating it,she added vinegar as thought it was ghee,she added too much.Nandini saw it.

N:-she will prepare kheer for my manik,now I will see how he will eat it.(smirking).

She took pasta for

Mukabhi's room
Nandini entered room & started feeding mukti,after finishing food nandu gave mukti tablets.
After finishing it,she went to her room.

Manan's room
Nandini entered room & saw a eye catching scene. Manik & soha jumping in room.

M:-soha if you don't know how to prepare kheer why you try it.
Ohho my mouth is burning.

Soha:-if it is not good why you made me eat it,mummy my mouth.

M:-don't you taste your hand made food soha.(sarcastically).

N:-what happen manik ji.

M:-darling please help me,my mouth is burning.

N:-soha ji you go to kitchen & drink buttermilk.

Soha ran to kitchen, Nandini brought a glass of buttermilk for manik.
She made him drink it.
Manik felt some what better.

M:-how you brought buttermilk before only.

Nandu closed her eyes,she opened one eye & saw manik looking at her suspiciously.nandini came to manik slowly & started playing with his shirt buttons.

N:-wo manik ji I saw soha adding vinegar to kheer.

M:-oh my god,you didn't stopped her,
Do you want that poha to kill your one & only husband.(dramatically).

Nandini playfully slapped him.

N:-don't be dramatic baby & ya about vinegar,you deserve it who told you eat that poha hand made kheer.
(Glaring at him).

Manik smiled at her possessiveness but hided it & made puppy face.

M:-aah nandu its burning.

Nandini panicked seeing him yelling in pain.

N:-manik ji is it burning more.

Manik nodded his head.

N:-let me bring butter,you will feel better.

Nandini was about to go,but manik pulled her

M:-I have best medicine for it baby.

N:-what is it manik ji.

M:-let me show you.

Saying this he kept his lips on her's & kissed her passionately.

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