chapter 11

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Manan completed washing dishes.
At the neyo came to kitchen saw their lovely movements. She was happy that her son is happy.she cleared her throat & made a angry face. Manan trance was broken.
Nandu saw neyo & started to feel nervous & scared. Manik was just care free he went to neyo & kissed her cheeks.

M:-don't look at like that mother india see my darling is getting scared.

Neyo smiled & held his ear

Ny:-badmash this is kitchen not your room,if other than me anybody see you like this means it would be problem, not bad cleaning dishes with wife,but you never helped me in cleaning dishes,oh yes yes I can understand wo wife hai aur mei maa hu.

Manik blushed

N:-wo maaji ,I denied him but he not listened to me,I will never let clean dishes again.

Neyo went to nandu & kissed her forehead.

Neyo:-its ok beta,let him do it, not everyone is lucky as you,to get husband like my manu(smiling sadly)
At first I didn't liked your marriage.
As your are not educated & my manu is well educated but now I got to know having education will not only make anyone  perfect ,having beautiful heart will make them perfect & you have beautiful heart
God bless you beta be happy like this.
(Patting her head lovingly).

Nandu smiled at her,manan said good night to neyo & retired themselves to their room.

Next morning
Cavya's room
Both are sleeping peacefully in each others arms, navya's alaram started ringing. Navya slowly opened her eyes & saw strong arm around her.
She looked at face of that person & smiled dreamingly.

Nav:-hey Mata Rani what a nice dream am having in early morning.
Mera rajkumar ki baho mei soo rahi hu.(am sleeping in my prince arms)
I wish this dream come true soon.

She tried to free herself but cabir tightened his hold.

Nav:-haww mera rajkumar its enough dream for today let me wake up.

Cabir as always he was in tight sleep.

Nav:-let me pinch him may be I will get out my dreamland.

Navya pinched him with all her force.
Cabir hitted where navya pinched him & mumered in sleep.

C:-this bloody mosquitoes.

He again slept turned other leaving his hold on navya.

Nav:-this man is impossible I pinched him with all my force, but I was like mosquitoe bite for him.let me think some idea to wake myself from my dreamland.

Started thinking ,suddenly got an idea.she jumped put from bed & started counting, 123...
& kicked him hard on his back.
In turn cabir fell on floor with thud sound.

C:-oww mummy ,what happened how I landed myself on floor,I felt like someone kicked me,wait let me check.

He got up from floor & saw navya in kicking position.

C:-what the hell navya,why you kicked me like this.(angrily)

Navya started jumping with clapping hands.

Nav:-finally I come out my dream
Yeh yeh.(started dancing like crazy).

Cabir looked at her with shock.

C:-(in mind)hey bagwan what sin I did to get crazy wife like navya,first she kicked me & now she was dancing crazily.she may be crazy but she is my life.

C:-navya stop it what happened.

Nav:-cabir ji morning I got dream that I was sleeping in your arms,I wanted to get up from that dream so I pinched you,but I didn't come out from dream,so I kicked you see now I come out my dream,you are Angry at me means am in reality.

Last sentence made his pain.
But he smiled because he can't change past but he can rectify it in future.

C:-navya if you want to come out from your dream means you have pinch yourself not me.(fake cry)

Navya smiled with fear & said.

Nav:-sorry cabir ji ,I will bring bed coffee for you wait.

Navya ran outside

C:-Mata rani what unique piece you have made for me,which wife will wake up her husband like this.
(Crying dramatically).

Dhruvlya's room
Aliya woke up to her alarm & saw dhruv sleeping on couch.she smiled sadly

Al:-what is happening between us dhruv,by marriage our love should grow right but it was decreasing day by day.for this did I left my family,
My luxury,dhruv.
In my life I never did my work,
I was always treated as princess
My brother didn't let any tear drop my eyes.My parents gave me everything what I wanted in just a blink.But I left all of them for you.
But you can't raise your voice for your wife,you can't fight for her rights
You cant fight for her identity,
You can't fight for her self respect.
Why dhruv,why women shouldn't have her own identity. In parents house girl was identified as their daughter, in laws she was identified as someone's wife.but what is she without father's & husband's surname I wanted to create a own identity for myself is that wrong, I gave up everything for you but you can't even let me make my own identity. But still my love for you is same.
It was nearly a month we shared a lovely movement between us.
To get your love again is I have to sacrifice my last precious thing my dream for you,OK I will sacrifice it for you dhruv,tonight I will make everything alright.

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