chapter 6

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Guys am not perfect in hindi so am getting difficult in writing Hindi words so am going to write in only English so please consider it as Hindi dialogues.

Thank u

Manan's room
As Nandini entered room ,manik came out from washroom & smiled at her.she royally ignored it,manik frowned at her.she took some blankets & started making bed on floor.Manik saw it & got confused.

M:-muskan why are you making bed on floor,you can sleep on bed,yesterday you slept on bed only right.

Nandini turned to him & looked directly into his & said.

N:-am trying to be in my limits manik ji.(hurt).

Hurt look in her eyes hit him like arrow.Morning incident flashed in front of his eyes.He immediately regretted for his words.
He went to her & took her into his arms.

M:-am really sorry darling ,I know am stupid,idiot to say those words to you.

N:-leave me manik who am to you to interfere in your family matters, don't worry I will be in my limits.(trying to get out from his arms).

But manik held her tightly.

M:-shut up you are my wife, please am sorry.Till now even I didn't back answer bhai.please muskan understand they are my family I respect them most,I want you to do it also.

N:-manik ji ,mukti di is not well I didn't liked the way abhi bhaiyya shouted on her,even she is human manik ji,is abhi bhaiyya  care for her once.

M:-muskan do you really think they will change their way of thinking,
I don't think so, so stop trying to change them,I will be not good for my family, I don't want to loose them at any cost, so stop interfering in their matters,as a husband I will give you full freedom inside our room but never except it outside, outside you are not only my wife but also malhotra's Daughter in law who have to respect them & their thoughts.

Nandu sighed in defeat,manik removed blanket from floor & made her sleep on bed & led beside her.
Nandu tried to sleep but her hands & legs are paining due to heavy work.
Nandu got up,manik looked at her & saw pain in face.

M:-what happen muskan.

N:-wo I washed cloths in morning so my hands are paining,mukti di is not well na so I did her work even my legs are paining,don't worry you sleep manik ji I will put balm.

Saying this she tried to get up but manik stopped her & tooked balm from side table & started Applying on her hands & legs.

N:-manik ji stop what are you doing I will do it myself.

M:-ssh you lie down I will apply it.

He made her lie down & started applying balm,he started massaging her hands & legs.
Nandu looked at him lovingly,they shared a romantic eyelock.

N:-its enough manik ji come sleep.

She pulled manik & slept on his chest manik helded her closely & pecked her forehead.slowly they drifted into peaceful slumber.

Mukabhi's Room
Mukti is waiting for abhi in their room,till know abhi didn't talked with she was having smile on face ,the thought of baby inside her giving her smile.
Abhi entered room & saw her smiling which brought small smile to his face.
Mukti saw him.

Mu:-where are you abhi ji am waiting for you from 2 hours.

Ab:-i was having bad headache so I went to terrace for fresh air.

Hearing headache immediately mukti become concerned, she made him lie down on bed & took his head in her lap & started massaging his head.
Abhi just looked at face,her moist eyes worry look made him more guilt.
Out of no where he asked.

Abhi:-why you don't want girl child mukti.

Mukti looked at him with pain.

Mu:-you listen to our talks abhi ji.

Ab:-answer my question mukti ,I want to hear truth.

Mukti smiled sarcastically

Mu:-don't you know answer abhi ji,
Let me tell you a story, once their was a girl who had loving family,her wish is her parents wish,she lived like a true princess,her dream was to become a best fashion designer.
Everything was going ok until her 5th std suddenly her parents died in car accident & made her orphan.she was admitted to orphanage.she used to cry every night for her parents, her studies stopped as orphanage can't afford her studies, she become lonely as her dream can never be fulfilled.
One day seeing her state a mother in orphanage told her

Mother:-baby don't cry you are not alone,one day your prince charming will come to take you with him,he will give you a loving & caring family & he will fulfill your every dream.

She is small girl she believed everything mother said will become true, so from that day she started waiting for her prince charm.
Finally the day had come,her prince charming came took her with him.
He gave her his family, which was everything except loving & caring.
She thought he will fulfill her dream, but what she thought is just a dream.
Her reality is wrost,she never got love or care.her husband never asked her 'did you have your food',he never cared ,all he did is hurting her to no extent. After bearing everything also that girl never left him,you know why abhi ji because she loved him so much to sacrifice her freedom,her dreams.
Do you know who is that girl abhi ji its me,your wife mukti abhimanyu malhotra & I don't want my baby girl to become another mukti,your family will kill my child , I don't want that to happen.

Saying this she went outside, this is first time mukti talked about her with abhi.
Abhi, he was just sitting like statute.

Dhruvlya's room
Dhruv is working in laptop & aliya is arranging cloths in cupboard.

Al:-dhruv could you please think about my dream once again, you promise me that you will fulfill my every dream.

Dh:-aliya not now, I have work.

Al:-to hell with your work Mr dhruv malhotra, I trusted you enough to leave my family for you,but you don't have time for your damn wife.

Dh:-just shut up Aliya ,you know I cannot go against my family for you.

Al:-your family,then who am I to you,
Am also your family your wife.I do have my own dreams &  thoughts, I respect & love  your family.but I can't compramise on my self respect.(crying).

Dhruv stood helpless, he can't oppose his family,he can't deny his love.
He stormed out of room leaving crying aliya behind.

Cavya's room
Navya entered room & didn't found cabir.she went to balcony & saw him sleeping on floor.

Nav:-cabir ji why are you sleeping here come inside, its very cold here.

C:-navya shut your mouth, I will sleep here you go inside,if you talk more means I will give you big punishment.

Navya feard hearing his tone.
Without leaving she also slept on floor beside him.

C:-now why are you sleeping here go inside & sleep.

Nav:-cabir ji, if my husband is sleeping here in cold means how can I sleep in room peacefully, let me also sleep here I won't disturb you.

Saying this navya closed her eyes.
But cabir he can't sleep anymore.
He is just looking at navya with love unknown to him.

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