•21• Suffocated

Start from the beginning

"Morning sunshine." Zac says, gently kissing my lips.

"Morning." I reply back, the smile on my face mirroring his.

"How does it feel to be old?" Steven continues joking, punching his shoulder.

"Give it a rest, I may be getting old and fragile but I can still do this." Blake pulls Steven into a headlock, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

"Happy birthday Blake!" I say over all of the chaos.

"Thank you Lola." He smiles back.

Sophie stands next to him looking proud. She's carrying multiple gift bags because like always, she's spoilt him to pieces. Happiness is radiating from her skin, something I haven't seen from her in a while.

"I still can't believe you're not having a party. You're 18 Blake. Chicks in the UK go crazy about 18th birthdays, isn't that right Lola." Kieran says.

"Oh yeah. When my cousin turned 18, she got so drunk that she ended up being carried home by the rugby team from her school." I laugh, it's one of the only good drunk stories I have from back home.

"That's my dream." Zara jokes.

"If Blake was having a party then I could be the one to carry you home and that'd be like all of your dreams come true." George says arrogantly.

"Keep telling yourself that." Zara replies, rolling her eyes before hugging into his side.

"Come on Blake, you and Sophie are the King and Queen of parties here." Kieran says, my mind turns back to Amelia telling me the same thing on Monday.

"You only turn 18 once." George pleads.

"I'd love to but you all know that Amelia's throwing her party tonight and the whole school are going. All because she didn't invite any of us doesn't mean that we can't still have a good night together." Blake replies.

"She did invite one of us..." Steven says carefully.

My eyes widen as I turn to look at him, shooting him a glare. Zac puts his arm around me because he knows just as well as I do that the truth is about to come out and it more than likely won't go down well.

"Who?" George demands.

"She invited me on Monday." I reply, staring at my feet, I can't bear to look them in the eyes.

"She what?" Sophie says in disbelief, more than anything she sounds hurt.

"She told me you guys weren't invited and I knew straight away I wouldn't go. You guys are my best friends, I couldn't do that to you. Besides, it's Blake's birthday, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I look up and face all of the eyes staring back at me.

He shoots me a smile and I shyly smile back.

"I can't believe this. Why is she trying so hard to befriend you?" George says.

"Erm hello? Isn't it obvious? Lola is one of the most popular girls at this school and didn't know Amelia when it all went wrong last year. Of course she'll use that to climb her way back to the top." Steven answers.

George huffs, he lacked the energy to get angry over Amelia anymore. Zac kisses the top of my head, making sure I feel his comfort. Sophie stares at me, a scared look in her eye.

"Look it doesn't matter, I'm not going anyway." I shrug.

"Exactly. Today let's just forget about her. Everyone come to my pool house tonight, 8pm. Pizza, beer, games. Let's celebrate the best way we can."

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