𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿: 𝟴 - 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮

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Naruto and Kurama went towards the festival .....

There was lights shops and people everywhere, the atmosphere was cheerful.

"WOW! I never thought it would be this much beautiful..." Naruto was startled...

"Hurry up Naruto-kun...." Requester Kurama with a childish tone .....

"Hold on, Wait for me" Said Naruto......

"Can i really eat anything here"Asked Kurama .......

"yes, you can eat anything (except other humans) just don't run. And can we walk together?"

Requested Naruto with a flushed face..............................................................

"okie-dokie" Saying that Kurama clings tightly to Naruto's arm......

Naruto blushed badly seeing that Kurama ginned.................

"Are you blushing Naruto-kun?" Asked Kurama while grinning.............

-----------Peoples all around started staring Naruto and Kurama------------

"Do you see that girl",......"she is so beautiful",..........."what is she doind with that guy",......

"I wish she would be my girlfriend i am so jelous"........................................................

"don't cling (i don't mind but) can we h- hold hands"-------

------Requested Naruto in a embarrassing tone....................

---Suddenly Kurama tripped and fell.....

"Are you okay Kurama??" Asked Naruto in a worrying voice.............

"Yes i am fine it just hurts a little" Replied Kurama .........

"don't worry i will take to anywhere you want" Said Naruto while picking up Kurama...

.........After that Naruto took Kurama to the apple candy shop he promised........

"WOW! delicious. I want more" Said Kurama with sparkling eyes............

"You know, you haven't tasted any main dishes yet which are more tastier than that"

-----Naruto said to Kurama with a smile......................

"What! really?...yay--yay" Kurama's eyes sparkled even more..............

-----After that one by one they went to all food stalls-----

"Thank god i brought 5 million RYO.Oh yes i forgot that i am the god"..........

"Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun" A voice called Naruto from behind..........

"OH oji-san so you have a stall too in here" Said Naruto.........

"Come on and have some ramen " Requested the store owner of Ichiraku ramen...

"Come here Kurama i will show you my favorite dish" Invited Naruto

"Really. Let's go fast" Said Kurama desperately........................

Naruto and Kurama went towards Ichiraku ramen store..........

----------INSIDE THE STORE---------

"Oji-san give me that i always order and yes make it two" Ordered Naruto........

Naruto looked around and found Hiruzen and his classmate who was Choji

Naruto Otsutsuki "The Immoral Legend"Where stories live. Discover now